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04/19/18 1:29 PM

#114547 RE: kanola #114545

Blackburn could be pushing up daisies by now and mulshine probably lives under a bridge.
The fascination with Blackburn as a de facto officer of a company is another big problem for Judge
Most people who are de facto officers say they are but they have nothing to do with company.
The SEC reinvented the term to mean the opposite.
So that along with the hard drive that should be public property is hidden in some vault or may have been bleach bit.
Now this is really hilarious


04/19/18 1:33 PM

#114548 RE: kanola #114545

I'm gonna be as surprised as shorty when the stock gaps up .


04/19/18 3:32 PM

#114553 RE: kanola #114545

More tears and Kleenex exchanged hands than money regarding fake BK
How desperate do clowns get when they file a suit pro se then hire a Rastafarian to represent them?