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04/24/18 1:07 PM

#20707 RE: titan11 #20702

Ha! I'm sure poor GC must be living at the YMCA with his very sad $5.4M he was awarded in compensation this year.
I'm pretty sure that with the amount of stock he has awarded himself, he has to have one last big pump to be able to cash it.
And sorry longs, but your advice cannot be trusted. Not because you are not trustworthy individuals, but because you are in a precarious position having lost over 95% of your investment. It is just the nature of these boards, longs are stuck in a bad place and have to do anything they can to recoup.
The worst part of that 10K is when they mention that GC and his son can go start their own company and compete with Coates. That was ludicrous.
In terms of loss, how many of you can say this is the worst investment you've ever made.