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04/18/18 7:56 PM

#31685 RE: Luckyus #31684

Any change to the patent policy and/or legislation now will not help or will not be relevant to the current Worlds v. Activision lawsuit.

The recent USPTO talks about 101 may have impact on new patent applications or new IPRs, but it does NOT change Mayer's (and perhaps other judges too) thought on patentability via Alice/101. The only way to stop Mayer's patent killing doctrine on Alice/101 is thru act of congress, or the SCOTUS's more clarity or new decree on 101.


04/18/18 7:56 PM

#31686 RE: Luckyus #31684

Any change to the patent policy and/or legislation now will not help or will not be relevant to the current Worlds v. Activision lawsuit.

The recent USPTO talks about 101 may have impact on new patent applications or new IPRs, but it does NOT change Mayer's (and perhaps other judges too) thought on patentability via Alice/101. The only way to stop Mayer's patent killing doctrine on Alice/101 is thru act of congress, or the SCOTUS's more clarity or new decree on 101.


04/18/18 7:59 PM

#31687 RE: Luckyus #31684

Added and will continue to add as quiet to long with WDDD loaded for bear and maybe just maybe Mr. Thom Kidrin - CEO has suprises in store for his loyal shareholder base and new investor's that are starting to take notice of the solid due diligence just on this forums merits in the way about going after other patent infringers in the very near term will heighten and achieve a very fruitful pps on another level of investing outside the current Bungie box..
...anticipation grows everyday as WDDD moves forward! .....Remember:» You gotta be in it to win it !.....faithfully patient and imho,tryz