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04/18/18 2:55 PM

#42455 RE: JBGoode #42453

What “multiple robots that failed during the contract period” are you even talking about?


04/18/18 4:46 PM

#42457 RE: JBGoode #42453

So you need to keep in mind that end of November we JUST started rolling out deployments. Each month they’ve likely grown exponentially. Meaning revenue has grown exponentially. Now we also have SCOT, which only a week after ISC/becoming available to clients, we have orders coming in and deployments happening. Also unlike the bot, SCOT is 100% rad (no cut to SMP).

There were no “failed” robots lol they had several POCs that were completed. Successfully. Just because they didn’t go and say “hey guys they all bought one” doesn’t mean that didn’t happen. They likely ordered bots.

We also will see just how many bots have been deployed when the annual comes out.

Lastly, the debt. Yes, they took on quite a bit of it. HOWEVER. It is not toxic. A company like this (tech startup) almost always needs to take on significant debt in order to begin production and keep up. The debt is structured in such a way that the revenue we have each month will pay for the debt so that it does NOT convert into shares. The company has already displayed responsibility with debt as they have paid off debt early so that it does not convert. SR also hasn’t taken money out of the company. He keeps putting money INTO the company. Again, very responsible.

Loans (aka debt) is not a problem when the company uses it how it’s intended. Much like the lay person and credit cards. The idea isn’t to default. It’s to pay it off each month.

They’re setting themselves up in an amazing way to be the leader of the industry.

They’ve been winning awards and getting recognition from industry publications and organizations alike.

Amazing things are happening. We unfortunately don’t know it all (yet). But we will have a better idea each and every quarter.


04/18/18 7:03 PM

#42462 RE: JBGoode #42453

Yes, exactly