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Fred Kadiddlehopper

04/18/18 11:45 AM

#107233 RE: CollinsIR #107232

Nice try. Until you get an independent BOD that can control the anti-shareholder self-dealing proclivities of the current management, all I can say is: thanks, but no thanks.
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spec machine

04/19/18 12:08 PM

#107235 RE: CollinsIR #107232

sometimes a new leader is required to take the difficult steps in cost reductions

Are you (and the IR team) saying this will happen??

If, by some miracle or divine intervention, possibly even regulatory or judicial intervention, that ever happens ...

... then DDI might have a chance of surviving

But the harsh truth is ..

They lost big money on big contracts before

They lost money on small contracts before

They lost money when the sector was HOT

They lost money when the sector was down

Now the GOM is HOT and they can't compete and hold onto the TINY sliver of the market that they had for years in their own back yard

So now you expect shareholders to believe they landed a high-margin order in a frontier area where infrastructure is minimal?

Little scraps of work that the big companies didn't bother with? Group them together and $4M sounds big, but it's not.

My predictions

- massive dilution within 6 months, probably sooner

- no change in the actual "leadership" of the company or control of the BOD

- repeated delays and a loss on the latest group of orders

- continued drop in "backlog" as revenues continue to lag indicating a lack of new orders coming in

Any challengers wanna make a bet?

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05/04/18 12:35 AM

#107237 RE: CollinsIR #107232

Management and IR can begin on the road to salvation by giving the company back to the shareholders, you know, get rid of those By-laws and Articles that gave absolute control of the company to management so many years back.

Those onerous votes allowed management to give itself huge bonuses year after year, good years and bad, and it gave them the ability to venture into anything they wanted to without regard to shareholder value or to core business.

They voted it in, now they can vote it out.


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05/19/18 3:32 PM

#107243 RE: CollinsIR #107232

It seems like all of the oil service companies have been increasing revenues. Companies such as WFT and SSOF have been growing revenues the past six months or more. But then DPDW has been struggling to grow and maintain revenues for quite a while now. Hopefully DPDW can start growing again as soon as possible even if that means an acquisition or two.