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04/17/18 6:48 PM

#224720 RE: TheDane #224716

P the unknown is what's impacted buying, once P data is printed we will either swing up or down but I do believe buyers are waiting P news before buying more.


04/17/18 8:03 PM

#224731 RE: TheDane #224716


Well said.


04/17/18 8:07 PM

#224733 RE: TheDane #224716

“Hoping for the best but wondering about what the heck is going on.”

This is easy. New buyers have no confidence in Leo and will make him prove that he can deliver very good P results with no funny business or a B deal. Now factor into the nil buying pressure the Aspire selling that must take place to keep the lights on. This is no mystery.


04/17/18 10:28 PM

#224746 RE: TheDane #224716

I am not attacking you but this line of argument in general:

"Where have all the buyers gone?"

For those calling for the above, who do they see as "the market of buyers" at this point in time?

We know that institutional buyers of any type would not touch this investment, or any other biotech at the current stage of development, at this point in time.

We know that BPs do not invest in start ups, that is not their business.

We know that IPIX, for all its powerful drug pipeline, is but one of a slew of start up biotechs and there are probably no more than a number of hundreds of investors following it closely.

We know that early stage biotech investing is a very small investing group due to the large failure rate in the sector.

We know that those that do elect to invest in this sector have finite personal funds available for such investment and from what I have heard over the years those of us already in are pretty much all in by this time. Thus, further investment by this sector is decreasing all the time.

Now that I have listed those that won't invest in IPIX at the current time, who will invest? I wish I could list a whole slew of sectors but I can't name any.
Thus, we are at the mercy of those that play trading games with low volume start ups. There is no genius involved in being able to manipulate the share price, in fact it is quite easy at this point in time.

Thus, longs suffer in silence and wait for the worm to turn and it will only turn thru the continued successes of our trials and the infusion of large amounts of capital from partners. Those same partners won't become available, per our CEO (Leo), until after P2s are completed and we haven't reached that time yet but it is on the very near horizon w/ Prurisol top line results due out any day now. That is when we hear how Leo will take the company in the future and shortly thereafter we should hear something about a deal being signed. Just as you can't have a winner until a horse race is actually run, you can't label IPIX a winner or a loser prior to when deals could be announced and that cannot happen (per Leo) prior to the P top line results getting PRd.

Until that time, we must rely on mgt and to date they have done us proud bringing all 3 drugs to advanced stages of clinical trials with no failures on IMO minimal finances and dilution of stock. Our drugs will be targeting revenue streams in the many, many tens of Billions of dollars per year. BPs currently are running on nearly bare pipelines and have tons of cash for investment. Besides handling the clinical trials and financial sectors admirably as evidenced by official results and filings, they keep stockholders informed via PRs. I find it incongruous that they would handle the first sectors so efficiently and then handle the PRs in a careless and deceptive manner as is voiced daily by those harking for the demise of the company. If Leo says he has 20+ CDAs, I believe him. I believe in the science of the drugs so I also feel he is dealing in negotiations from a position of strength. When it is time for him to show his cards, I expect to see a winning hand.

Am I positive about all the above, no, but all evidence to date leads me to believe in mgt and that they are dealing in a manner as straightforward and competent as possible.

IMO mgt has earned the right for support from their stockholders and I will believe in them until proven facts show otherwise. I will not be swayed by ludicrous opinions and obvious lies from a contingent with an obvious bias against them.


04/18/18 12:28 AM

#224757 RE: TheDane #224716

Pedal faster....the share price of a easily manipulated OTC stock and the state of potential ongoing negotiations subject to non disclosure agreements are not mutually dependent upon each other


04/18/18 7:43 AM

#224776 RE: TheDane #224716

Just waiting on prurisol data and to see if they land a partnership. Many are still buying. And many are waiting to see what does come through. Brilacidin is a go. Waiting to see how it's financed, either with a partner, or without. With is very likely. For some to say the ability to buy has been exhausted is just a load of crap. If/when a partnership does come through do you think the PPS won't react? Not targeting this at you TD but a few other around here just seem to not know how the game is played. Low was .45 just last month. I'm ready to pick up another chunk. My average is under the $ on 2 accounts now and not giving up any shares, full accumulation mode. If this does work out, fantastic. Very close to finding that out.
Sure is a lot of noise.
Let's see one of the CDA's come to light. Get up listed so institutions can start buying.

Let the chase begin!