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04/16/18 9:54 PM

#22839 RE: darkinvestor #22834

well lets give him the benefit of the doubt. He is just getting off the ground with all these products. But at least he is selling a tangible item. So lets see start up costs, engineering, quality assurance testing etc.... Honestly how many people on this board own the socks right now? (i'm typing as I am wearing them)

1) I'm sick of the new neysayers who suddenly appear here on this board causing strife and fighting among us core posters who have been here a long time, yes more people here longer than I. are they up to a scheme to either drive it down to trips, pick it up cheap, then flip?

2) there will be some serious flipping at this low price when it doubles or more. So be prepared for the red days.

3) if you don't like the stock, sell and exit. take the loss write it off on next tax year.

4) I myself have done some serious digging in and around. I have found "illegal" IP being sold online. Gordo talked to alex about it and maybe other posters as well. As far as virtual offices, yeah it is a good idea in the beginning. but as he progresses he should have a solid base of operations. (he probably has a solid office in a business park) I know of people whom rented mini garage based office space with a cheesy office in the beginning to keep over head costs down. And when the time came they moved to an office building with manufacturing capabilities.

5) From numerous interviews, articles. Alex does not follow the stock boards. How ever I agree a online townhall meeting be it facebook, skype or something would be great. Now keep that in mind that he will not answer specific questions to to SEC legal insider trading laws. If he lets one thing slip and we all buy or sell we all can be prosecuted for insider trading.

6) I believe in this company, has more going than most OTC companies. Yes at times his rhetoric has been copied over and over in his company statements. But how many products have come forwards and how many were just dropped, abandoned or shelved because of technical difficulties or just proved a loss of time and money.

7) I'm not as smart as a lot of you traders on here, I give a try and study, read and learn. but i'm not perfect. I do learn things from you all here. but I'm also learning to filter out the trouble makers that have their own agenda.

8) Press releases are not going to happen every week, maybe once a month, but at least once a quarter. now remember all only time will tell, time will tell my friends.
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04/16/18 10:03 PM

#22842 RE: darkinvestor #22834

I have been saying the same thing but for a different reason. The price being low helps the company with the merger conversion of shares. This is what they re focused on: Building business and merging into a higher pps company to uplist. Its not like they havnt told us what their intentions are for almost 2 years now. Everything they have done points to a merger. We will see