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04/16/18 3:26 PM

#2095 RE: Werbe #2094

My family has worked in the insurance industry for over 60 years. Policies are written everyday for construction-in-process. You think if someone is 90% finished on a billion dollar building and it burns down they company is just out $900m? How much money had been put into construction directly by Tiger Reef on the resort restaurant? I believe it was nearly zero and I don’t actually think they ever began even plans at construction. It took this same management team several years to begin construction on BWBG and took a couple years to get it even 20% completed. Why would we believe that the company signed a lease, had construction plans completed and were working on construction in a matter of weeks or even months of signing the deal?

They announced the rum bottling operations and said they were beginning US distribution over a year ago. When I contacted them last week I was told they never even contracted to have the rum bottled and were not even pursing that actively in the past. So why would they make announcements of a product line they never actually intended on pursuing...because management had to offer something to shareholders to make them believe in the scam.

We have seen this all before and it ends with the stock at .0001.