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04/15/18 8:03 PM

#278550 RE: fuagf #278514

Part 184, some of Russian meddling, and related, material from F6 big ones. These from a post Saturday, 04/14/18,
covering March 17, 2018, and headed, [no, umm, 'presidential' Weakly Address on March 17, 2018]

The first five

Trump lawyer: Shutter Mueller Russia probe

AM Joy
Donald Trump attorney John Dowd has called for the Russia probe to be brought to a close according to a breaking news report from The Daily
Beast. Joy Reid and her panel discuss this unprecedented statement, plus Dowd seeking to clarify that he did not call for Robert Mueller’s firing.
©2018 , [with comments]

My add here
Trump Launched Campaign to Discredit Potential FBI Witnesses
The president targeted three bureau officials who could provide key testimony in the Mueller probe.
By Murray Waas | January 26, 2018, 5:08 PM
The FBI officials Trump has targeted are Andrew McCabe, the current deputy FBI director and who was briefly acting FBI director after Comey’s firing; Jim Rybicki, Comey’s chief of staff and senior counselor; and James Baker, formerly the FBI’s general counsel. Those same three officials were first identified as possible corroborating witnesses for Comey in a June 7 article in Vox. Comey confirmed in congressional testimony the following day that he confided in the three men.
In the past, presidents have attacked special counsels and prosecutors who have investigated them, calling them partisan and unfair. But no previous president has attacked a long-standing American institution such as the FBI — or specific FBI agents and law enforcement officials.

Witness tampering? Whatever, it sure looks like further fodder for a possible case of obstruction of justice against the president. Then there's the possible money laundering stuff, too.


More: Donald Trump lawyer: Shutter Mueller Russia probe

AM Joy
Donald Trump’s lawyer John Dowd has called for the Robert Mueller probe to be brought to a close according to a breaking news report from The Daily Beast by reporter
Betsy Woodruff, who tells Joy Reid that Dowd is an unusual figure in the field of law who has been ‘sending emails in purple Comic Sans font’ for many years.
©2018 , [with comments]


Stormy Daniels’ attorney on Trump and 60 Minutes interview

AM Joy
Stormy Daniels’ attorney Michael Avenatti discusses his client, Donald Trump, and Daniels’ coming 60 Minutes
interview, which Avenatti says will lead the American people to ‘conclude that she is absolutely credible.’
©2018 , [with comments]


Trump legal team demands $20 million from Stormy Daniels

AM Joy
Donald Trump’s legal team is demanding $20 million from Stormy Daniels claiming she violated a nondisclosure agreement. Joy Reid
and her panel discuss her attorney’s response to statements by the president’s lawyers, the firing of deputy FBI director Andrew
McCabe, and Trump’s personal attorney John Dowd calling for Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to end the Mueller probe.
©2018 , [with comments]


Russian Roulette Book: Putin, Trump and the 2016 election
AM Joy
Why did Putin want to influence the 2016 election in order to help Donald Trump become president? Reporters David Corn and Michael Isikoff join Joy Reid
on their new book, which offers possible answers, ‘Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump.’

All those are well worth watching.

Leave five, then because it's short, and because the lead actor (yeah, he himself has said his histrionics are just an act) stands in stark contrast to
the responsible attitudes and positions of those in the videos above. Clearly Jones has more serious physical and mental problems than just his cough.

Trump Preparing To Indict Clinton Crime Network

Published on Mar 17, 2018 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]
Alex Jones reports on how McCabe altered 302 reports to frame Trump. [with comments]

To "stashed March 17, 2018:"

The ‘chaos president’ threatens severe damage to the GOP — and the country

McCabe wrote memos detailing his interactions with Trump: report

Andrew McCabe Gave Memos On Trump Conversations To Robert Mueller
Former FBI Director James Comey wrote similar memos on his interactions with Trump.

Read Andrew McCabe’s Response To Being Fired Two Days Before His Retirement
Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired the former deputy director of the FBI on Friday.

Ex-CIA Boss John Brennan Tears Into Donald Trump Over Andrew McCabe Firing
“America will triumph over you.”

Trump's attorney John Dowd calls for end to Mueller probe, cites firing of McCabe

Trump’s Lawyer: It’s Time to End the Mueller Probe
The president’s personal attorney hopes Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein follows ‘the brilliant and courageous example’ of Sessions, who just fired Andrew McCabe.

Trump lawyer’s call to end the Russia probe is all about the investigation’s aftermath — or firing Mueller

McCabe’s Firing Chips Away at the Justice Department’s Independence
Shortly after he was dismissed Friday by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the former FBI deputy director pinned the blame directly on President Trump.

Trump Lauds Firing Of Ex-Top FBI Official As ‘Great Day’
"Andrew McCabe FIRED, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI - A great day for Democracy. Sanctimonious James Comey was his boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy. He knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI!"
[ ]

Trump defenders’ efforts to cast Mueller as tainted are gaining urgency


Here are the New York Times [ ] and Observer [ ] stories that pushed Facebook to suspend Trump’s data analytics company
Cambridge Analytica had profile information for some 50 million Facebook users, according to reports.

Suspending Cambridge Analytica and SCL Group from Facebook


Trump's Economy Is Still Waiting for the Tax-Cut Boost
Goldman, JPMorgan cut quarter’s GDP forecasts to 2% or less
Culprits include delays in tax refunds, big finish to 2017

Stormy Daniels’ Attorney: Something Among Our Accusations About Trump Has Occurred During His Presidency
But he won’t say what.

ICE Is Distorting The Truth To Keep Up With Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Agenda

The Oversight Storm That Could Paralyze The Trump Presidency
By Kurt Bardella
Robert Mueller’s ongoing investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election may be the greatest imminent threat to Donald Trump’s presidency, but there’s another storm coming for President Trump that he likely hasn’t even considered.
This storm will touch every person who works in the West Wing, every member of the Trump cabinet, every department and agency within the federal government. It could effectively paralyze the entire Trump administration.
And we don’t have to go back to Watergate for historical precedent.
During the Obama administration, the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform took center stage as Republican Chairman Darrell Issa (Calif.) wielded the committee’s unique oversight authority to relentlessly investigate the Obama White House. I spent four years working as a spokesperson and advisor for the committee, working to create an environment that made our weekly hearings must-see TV.
This committee is one of the only bodies in all of government that has the legal authority to induce cooperation from the executive branch. Whether it’s a deposition from a White House official, testimony from a cabinet secretary or production of documents and emails, the chair of the Oversight committee has unilateral subpoena authority to compel cooperation.
During Issa’s four years as chairman, the Oversight committee subpoenaed the Obama administration more than 100 times for wide-ranging investigations into the State Department, the IRS, the General Services Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Justice Department, to name a few. Issa’s use of subpoenas was on par with his predecessors ? for the two years Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) chaired it while President George W. Bush was in office, the committee issued 46 subpoenas.
When Donald Trump became president, the Republicans’ appetite for vigorous and visible oversight seemingly disappeared overnight. They have deliberately abandoned their responsibility to serve as the people’s check on the executive branch. By ignoring the avalanche of waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement occurring daily in the Trump administration, Oversight Republicans have betrayed the American taxpayers whom they are sworn to protect. In the wake of their silence, a litany of questions about government operations have gone unanswered.
Now, in the wake of Conor Lamb’s upset victory in Pennsylvania’s 18th Congressional District, it seems almost inevitable that House Republicans will lose their majority to Democrats in November. Should Democrats claim control of the House, and with it the Oversight committee’s gavel, the American people may finally get the answers they deserve.
While the Republican majority has been content to turn a blind eye to the Trump administration’s flagrant conduct, the panel’s Democrats, led by ranking member Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), have been keeping track.
Recently, Cummings sent Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) a list of 13 motions of subpoenas he’d like the majority to act on. The list, which Oversight Republicans predictably ignored, is a blueprint for the type of investigations we can expect should Cummings and his Democratic colleagues take control of the committee. In totality, these investigations could have a crippling effect on the functionality of the Trump administration.
Oversight Democrats are targeting documents that touch every part of the Trump presidency, including: the Trump Organization’s foreign payments, Trump’s Muslim ban, Jared Kushner’s emails, the White House and FBI’s security clearance process, Michael Flynn’s business dealings in the Middle East, the Justice Department’s role in opposing the AT&T-Time Warner merger, joint business deals between the Trump Organization and Kushner Companies, the use of private email accounts, private travel by administration officials like White House counselor Kellyanne Conway, HUD Secretary Ben Carson’s $31,000 dining set, the Custom and Border Protection’s response to sexual assault allegations and attempts to discredit the FBI.
To this point, the Trump administration has been protected by House Republicans willing to look the other way in the face of unethical conduct that under President Obama they would have investigated relentlessly.
What will happen to Donald Trump if he loses that protection this November? He may be preoccupied with defending himself against the Mueller probe, but make no mistake about it: A Democratic House majority, and specifically the Oversight committee, will be capable of generating a storm that threatens the future of the Trump presidency.
Kurt Bardella is a HuffPost columnist. He is a former spokesperson for and senior adviser to the Chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.).

Democrats ask Apple and Whatsapp for a helping hand in Trump-Russia investigation


Cambridge Analytica: links to Moscow oil firm and St Petersburg university
Data company gave briefing to Moscow firm Lukoil, and the lecturer who developed the crucial algorithm worked for St Petersburg university

The Cambridge Analytica Files

When the full extent of your venality, moral turpitude, and political corruption becomes known, you will take your rightful place as a disgraced demagogue in the dustbin of history. You may scapegoat Andy McCabe, but you will not destroy America...America will triumph over you.
replying to:
Andrew McCabe FIRED, a great day for the hard working men and women of the FBI - A great day for Democracy. Sanctimonious James Comey was his boss and made McCabe look like a choirboy. He knew all about the lies and corruption going on at the highest levels of the FBI!

There is much more on the chaos of the Trump administration and on Cambridge Analytica in the stashed of this one .. repeat top link ..
[no, umm, 'presidential' Weakly Address on March 17, 2018]