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Dragon Lady

04/13/18 1:47 PM

#24201 RE: 1611 #24194

GIFA Transforms $2.9 Mil Building to $12 Mil Headquarters...

WHAT OTC-VILLE company has the CASH and ability to DO THAT ???? Most OTC-ville vaporware crap is lucky to lease some tiny facility while issuing TOXIC DEBT to finance their games and shananigans....but these dudes are not even fully "public traded" yet and could apparently PLUNK DOWN $12 MILLION OR MORE EUROS and take a former Nissan Dealership, well advertised as "FOR SALE" on several Cyprus/Turkish commercial real estate sites...and "transform" it in a RAPID CONSTRUCTION PROJECT from a one story building to a newly minted 4 STORY WORLD CLASS LOOKING GIFA Inc "HEADQUARTERS"....looks real as hell to me...

1) GIFA Inc states they purchased the former "Nissan Dealership" building which is on the "traffic circle" in Hamitkoy region of Nicosia, Northern Cyprus, the TRNC. That dealership appears "FOR SALE" for approx $2.9 MILLION Euro on several commercial real estate sites for Turkey and Cyprus. It no longer appears on any site I can find as "FOR SALE", thus IMO, GIFA Inc did indeed purchase it.

2) One can see major construction begin- and even see just the edge of the former "NISSAN" sign logo on the ground, along with scrap metal "attachment anchors" that held the prior "facade panels" as they begin to gut the building to its concrete core, in order to do major structural construction of steel reinforced concrete to add floors 2, 3 and 4 to the building, and a total gutting of the interior for a "make over" to modern office building standard:

3) THEN, major construction begins to pour the new vertical support pillars and concrete floors and change a one story facility to a 4 story facility, using very modern, very common industrial/commercial building techniques, techniques one would recognize for example on almost any new Vegas Hotel built or any NY "high rise" built in the modern era.

4) THEN, they begin final construction via the facade glass panels being attached and once the structure is "dried in" (sealed from the weather) one can see they begin the rapid construction of the interior- all new A/C, drop ceilings, floor finishing, bathrooms and plumbing, electrical and computer wiring, drywall and add partition walls for offices and conference rooms, etc

5) THEN....SHA-BANG...SHA-BOOM they pretty much have it wrapped up..AND added a security gate and guard booth at the parking entrance, put the final touches on the exterior, showed office furniture and cubicles and all the rest being moved-in and now looks OPEN FOR awaiting a FINRA APPROVAL and then STOCK SYMBOL CHANGE TO COMPLETE THEIR REVERSE MERGER OF THE FORMER SHELL OF WHAT "WAS", PAST TENSE "FIRE FISH" aka FRFS to now "GIFA Inc" a duly filed and registered new NV Corporation based in the United States and likely begin to release their first SEC filings etc...and the rest as they say...will be EPIC HISTORY..if this turns out to be even 1/10th of what it appears to be...

Just DO THE MATH….IF GIFA “brokers” loans (essentially acts as an investement banker) in their region, and they do it in the $BILLIONS OF EUROS according to their own website and press releases, then what would be their potential annual revenues stream from JUST THAT BIZ SEGMENT ALONE ? Standard in the States/North America is around 7% typically on large financial brokered deals. So, suppose GIFA even nets 5% on a single $BILLION EURO loan, that would be $50 MILLION in annual revenue, and they stated they’ve been on-target already for “brokering approx $20 BILLION” in such loans. That’d put GIFA top-line revenues at potentially a $BILLION large….this is like many overseas companies who use the OTC to gain a “U.S. based market presence” and then possibly up-list to the NASDAQ or similar.

ROCHE pharma, BASF, Deutsche Telecom….etc…..

GIFA has already made it clear their "end game" is to go for the NASDAQ "uplist" as soon as possible...and if they're capitalized to any degree as it appears in their business dealing(s) PR and ability to rapidly transform a major construction project like a $12 MILLION plus building...then I'd take a "WILD AZZ GUESS" and say it's 100% potentially feasible IMO....very realistic to me.....

This to me... could be beyond Huuuuuuuge......just a matter of "WHEN" now to me...NOT "IF"...just too many things would have to be a ruse or faked or whatever...involving too many people and firms...that it doesn't seem possible it's not "real" and really going to happen....just a question of HOW BIG IS GIFA REALLY in terms of financial assets and revenues etc...that's the big ole question I want to know now.....and the sooner the better....