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04/14/18 11:02 PM

#714 RE: Masta SkillZ #713

I read the same thing you read, when it says 'little to nothing left for

shareholders' it cant be good. My guess is SOSi will be taking STGG

private, and that the stock will continue to do a death spiral on the pink

sheets. I'm sure Lee and Lacombe don't give a damn, since they probably

have a cushy arrangement with the new 'merger.'

If the PR told the truth (you never know these days), best case scenario

is approximately $2.9m or so for shareholders, so I would say around

cents. STG had $80,100,000 in debt, and SOSi paid $83,000,000.

They get a $50 billion contract plus all the other open contracts for

practically nothing, and shareholders get the shaft once again. Total

corrupt BS IMO.