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04/13/18 4:51 AM

#278435 RE: fuagf #278433

It reveals no one really knows who did it, just like the poisoning of that low level Russian spy in the UK. False flag much fuagf? Its called propaganda.

Why on earth would Assad use gas and encourage the Americans to stay when Trump recently stated the USA would be leaving Syria's mess....duh

It amazes me how the left holds themselves to be so righteous at the expense of reason. You're all so consumed by hatred that objectivity is just an 11 letter word.


04/13/18 8:54 PM

#278477 RE: fuagf #278433

all: Trump address re Syria at top of hour

i.e., scheduled to begin in a bit over 5 minutes


04/15/18 4:14 PM

#278528 RE: fuagf #278433

Syria chemical attack: weapons inspectors to investigate site

"nwsun, The latest chemical attack in Syria reveals the bankruptcy of Trump’s policies toward Assad"

OPCW experts to take samples from victims and site of alleged attack in Douma

Ian Sample and Martin Chulov

Fri 13 Apr 2018 13.27 EDT


With their work facing intense scrutiny, the team must confirm that people who claim to be victims were at the site at the time of the alleged attack, and oversee directly the collection of samples. Along with others from the environment, these samples will be flown with a courier to the OPCW lab in the Hague. From there, the samples will be split and sent to OPCW-affiliated labs around the world for analysis.

Last year, chemical weapons inspectors released a report that used signature impurities to trace the trail of sarin used in an April attack in Khan Sheikhun back to stockpiles held by the Syrian regime. In Douma, the inspectors have no mandate to trace the origins of any chemical weapons to their source.