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04/12/18 6:47 PM

#22446 RE: DD-214 #22441

Not true. My information has come from my banker, attorney and my broker on the Alpine issue as well as its widely known whats happened in the past 24 hours. All the brokers dealing in sub penny are frantic.

As for the history of UATG I have a lot of money and the way I was brought into the company had nothing to do with Mr. Umbra initially. It was with the lying crooks that had the company before and he took over and cleaned house after he realized how bad it was.

How do I know this? As many on this board are aware, my partners and I were not happy with previous management and brought our lawyer and accountant in to see what could be done. This has been a 5 year nightmare but Mr. Umbra did everything he could to take care of us even though he had no legal obligation to do so. He also did the same thing for folks out in Kansas even though he didnt have to. The man flew out to kansas and met with folks that had been taken by previous management. Once he merged with the new company he took over and found out how crooked they were.

I have a long history and a lot of money tied up in DD and I am here to tell you that your simple assertions are just that, simple and without any meat. You need to do your DD before you jump to conclusions.

My sources are many and they have come with a hefty price tag. I am confident in what I know because we actually looked into the company and the management. That includes Mr. Umbra. The man has no criminal background, is a military officer and worked in intelligence for years. Guys like this dont plan schemes to steal from people through stock scams and his reputation supports it. I am not completely happy with him, some of his decisions or how darn long this has taken but that doesnt mean the man is a conman. Just means he and I dont see eye to eye on a few things.

I am here to tell you that this company is in a whole lot of better shape than it was 5 years ago and if he didnt come in we would have lost everything!