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04/12/18 9:01 AM

#58901 RE: brojazzy #58900

so we guess if 3 weeks is old news in the OTC, when was the last time kb rp ml reported verifiable news, earnings, and filing ?

THAT must be ancient ancient old, old old , EH ?

when do you think ml the Gatekeeper on new share issuance will start the presses ?

He and his attorney's have a $650,000.00 Court Ordered Judgement against these companies... and the printing presses WILL start , just a question of when and how many billions ?

SO even thought the Court Documents are 3 weeks OLD, which is really old to you , bro, I guess all the Court Docs & Filings are what is verifiable on this and g, EH ?


04/12/18 10:44 AM

#58906 RE: brojazzy #58900

One more tick down to .0001 then the bottom is in. After that nothing but darkness. It's over for this scam.