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04/11/18 12:13 PM

#41846 RE: Cheds #41845

bro, do you understand anything about the FED's role?

Ben Bernanke "0 interest rates to boost asset prices" not of direct quote, but this is very close.

Yellen, how long did it take for her to get the US off of EMERGENCY MONETARY POLICY plus QE1 2 and 3? first rate hike was when? late 2016, some 7 years after being at 0% interest rates, and that is why this market is so overvalued even with interest rates even at 1.50-1.75% if we were at 3% where we should be or even 3.5%, the stock market would be so much lower.

tell me, where would the market be without Trumps tax reform?

if Hillary won, this market would never haven broken 20,000 on dow or 2200 on SP 500.

but its okay, believe what you want, I am 33 years old and I have been following markets since I was 14, investing since 18 and doin just fine. I have only one regret, not holding DPZ long enough ;)

there are so many more headwinds for equities now than ever before, much more so than 2007