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04/11/18 9:10 AM

#278333 RE: nwsun #278332

Nope, your first sentence looks pure projection, as evidenced by your laughable Daily Caller and The Blaze sources. For one-sided articles they are near the
top of the heap. More evidence of your projection is your "where's the indictment?" It's a question you should know the answer to long before now. See

conix, Donald Trump and Criminal Conspiracy Law

This is the bottom item.

DOJ Lawyer who wrote Special Counsel rules: Mueller can ask to indict Trump

The Beat with Ari Melber
Legal experts have debated whether special counsel can indict a sitting president from the time of Nixon’s presidency. The man who wrote the
rules on how a Special Counsel should operate Neal Katyal, explains Mueller’s indictment power and limitations within the Justice Department.
©2018 , ]with comments]
.. first reposted as the first in, Part 160, some of Russian meddling, and related...

I agree with you on Bolton, but on Mueller and Trump you are way off beam.


04/11/18 9:10 AM

#278334 RE: nwsun #278332

nwsun:"that whore is trying to capitalize on her affair with Trump as she's over the hill now and earning power is dropping. Anybody can put that equation together."

The same can be said about The Money Whore called Trump.


04/11/18 3:52 PM

#278371 RE: nwsun #278332

nwsun , Another good post.