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04/09/18 3:11 PM

#223667 RE: frrol #223662

Where are you guys seeing these weekly data sets for the types of Chemo? I don’t see any data sets in this PR?


04/09/18 3:12 PM

#223668 RE: frrol #223662

Sorry but this is classic data cherry picking. BTW there was nothing in the trial design mentioning high concentration vs. low concentration cisplatin.

To infinity and beyond!

04/10/18 12:46 PM

#223789 RE: frrol #223662

required reading: very helpful honest

the company seems to be too reliant on small unreliable trial samples, B OM and P2a, though they present such data as success


04/10/18 2:44 PM

#223802 RE: frrol #223662

We still don’t know how some drugs work, but they were approved despite making little to no scientific or physiological sense. Our body is too complex to be understood for everything.

If B-OM is proven to safe and efficacious in certain pateint population, the FDA will approve it. The physician will prescirbe B-OM for the same population if it’s the best treatment available.

The q-3wk seems to have strong signal, but the flip side of that coin is that the q-1wk is no signal at all, and together make little physiological sense.


12/31/18 6:31 PM

#253080 RE: frrol #223662

Great post and likely why btd wasn’t granted and why ipix can’t partner b-om.