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04/09/18 8:02 PM

#44163 RE: mr_sano #44160

COMPLETE NONSENSE. More "INSIDER BUYING". Below is a recap of all the RECENT "INSIDER BUYING" by QS directors.

(1) On 8/5/2016 Don Dickson invests $70,000 in a Private Placement offering of convertible notes and warrants.

(2) On 10/13/2016 Don Dickson converts his note into common stock.

(3) On 4/17/2017 Dr. Eric Bunting invests $50,000 in a Private Placement offering of convertible notes and warrants.

(4) On 5/15/17 Richard Munn invests $10,000 in a Private Placement offering of convertible notes and warrants. He immediately converts the notes to common stock.

(5) On 5/15/2017 Richard Munn buys 42,000 shares of common stock in the open market at $0.24 per share.

(6) On 5/31/2017 Thomas Bundros invests $100,000 in a private Placement of convertible notes and warrants. He immediately converts the notes to common stock.

(7) On 7/19/2017 Dr. Eric Bunting invests an additional $40,000 to convert his warrants and stock options into common stock well before their expiration dates.

(8) On 7/30/2017 Don Dickson invests an additional $38,500 to convert warrants into common stock.

(9) On 8/2/2017 Gary Buchler invests $50,000 to buy common stock at market prices and convert all of his vested stock options.

(10) On 10/2/2017 Dr. Eric Bunting invests an additional $33,875 to buy 125,000 shares of common stock in the open market at $.271 per share. He also converts 178,002 of his newly vested stock options into common stock at an out of pocket cost of $12,460. This brings his total common stock holdings to 6,735,430 shares worth approx. $1.8 million at today's price.

(11) On 2/6/2018 Dr. Eric Bunting converts 179,710 of his newly vested stock options into common stock, well before their expiration date, at an out of pocket cost of $12,580.

(12) On 3/30/2018 Dr. Eric Bunting invests another $40,000 in a private Placement of convertible notes and warrants. He immediately converts the notes to common stock.

(13) On 3/30/2018 Dr. Eric Bunting invests an additional $18,000 to convert warrants into common stock, well before their expiration date.

All of the individuals named above are part of QSEP's Board of Directors. All of them are investing their own money in QSEP. While NDA's may prevent them from talking about the specifics of any particular corporate relationships, this is a powerful alternative way to express just how confident they are in QSEP's immediate future.

I've emphasized the word immediate because I think the motivation for early conversion of 10 year stock options is based on a strong belief that the stock will be going substantially higher in the near term. This early conversion will reduce the future tax burden substantially if that were to occur (long term capital gain instead of ordinary income).

The "bargain element" of a stock option is taxed as ordinary income while the remaining gain is taxed at the lower capital gains rate. Exercise of a stock option while the underlying security price is low insures that the "bargain element" will also be low allowing for the best tax outcome (the bargain element is the difference between the price at the time of exercise and the grant price). For the owner of a QSEP stock option it requires a very powerful incentive to give up a 10 year "free look". A savvy investor would hold onto a stock option as long as possible, exercising and putting up money only at a time when the outlook was so positive that it is likely to move the stock substantially higher. Anybody exercising their stock options today must feel now is that time.

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04/09/18 8:10 PM

#44165 RE: mr_sano #44160

NOT TRUE according to all the GEMS & FACTS from the latest 10k filing. This is more ACCURATE & FACTUAL about the PROVEN AOT & KINDER MORGAN. NEXT

In February 2016, the modified AOT equipment was installed at Kinder Morgan’s facility. Pre-acceptance testing was performed in April 2016, culminating in more than 24 hours of continuous operations. In-field viscosity measurements and pipeline data collected during this test indicated the AOT equipment operated as expected, resulting in viscosity reductions equivalent to those measured under laboratory conditions. Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (“SCADA”) pipeline operating data collected by Kinder Morgan during this test indicated a pipeline pressure drop reduction consistent with expectations. Kinder Morgan provided the Company with a number of additional crude oil samples which were tested in the laboratory for future test correlation and operational planning purposes. Based on final analysis of in-field test results, SCADA operating data and subsequent analysis of crude oil samples at Temple University, Kinder Morgan and QS Energy are considering moving the AOT test facility to a different, higher-volume pipeline location.

North America continues to be a market of major focus. After operating AOT on a condensate (ultralight) pipeline in Texas, we continue to work with this midstream operator to locate a new test site on a pipeline transporting heavier crude to demonstrate greater benefit from AOT viscosity reduction.
We are also in discussions with several other U.S. and Canadian midstream companies regarding a pilot project allowing for data transparency. We are working closely with one midstream operator with an expressed interest in using AOT to alleviate pipeline bottlenecks in the Southern United States.

In March 2018, the Company received preliminary approval from a prospective customer and has moved from concept to planning phase, targeting pilot installation in July 2018. Discussions are now underway to finalize project details and definitive documents. The overseas pipeline site under consideration transports very heavy crudes and is highly dependent on diluents to meet viscosity requirements. This project presents an excellent opportunity to determine AOT efficacy and demonstrate both financial and operational benefits of AOT. The pipeline operator is well positioned to benefit from system-wide adoption of AOT and could have high demand for our technology.

In November, the Company’s CEO and VP of Engineering traveled to South America, meeting with eight companies in Ecuador, Colombia, and Peru. After communicating remotely with engineers and executives of these companies over the past few months, this trip provided an opportunity to meet face-to-face, tour facilities and operations, and see first-hand how and where AOT would likely provide benefit to their operations. Each of these companies expressed both interest and need for our AOT technology and discussions are continuing at a variety of levels.

One of the Company’s most interesting South American prospects has a defined need to increase capacity on pipelines transporting a very heavy crude typical throughout South America. This operator is weighing the benefits of AOT against the option of installing more pump stations while adding more diluent to its blend to meet its needs. A heavy crude oil sample provided by this operator was tested at Temple University in March 2018, demonstrating viscosity reductions of 50% and above at variety of temperatures from room temperature up to 160 degrees Fahrenheit. Duration testing indicated this crude oil maintains AOT-induced viscosity reduction well beyond 24 hours, retaining 85% of its AOT viscosity reduction 24 hours post-treatment. Preliminary analysis of laboratory results applied to this operator’s pipeline infrastructure indicates AOT could decrease reliance on diluent and increase flow rates, resulting in increased pipeline capacity of more than 20%. We are now working with this operator to detail the scope and terms of a potential pilot project.

The Company recently reopened discussions with an Asian crude oil company with prior experience testing AOT equipment in the field. Although these discussions are early stage, we hope to move quickly based on their experience and familiarity with QS Energy and our technology.

Our efforts are tightly focused on executing our pilot program strategy and conversations continue with prospective customers in the Gulf Coast, Canada, Europe, and the Middle East.

We believe QS Energy’s technologies will enable the petroleum industry to gain key value advantages boosting profit, while satisfying the needs of regulatory bodies at the same time. In 2014 and 2016, we installed and operated AOT equipment on two North American pipelines, demonstrating our ability to build, deliver and operate our AOT equipment on a high-volume commercial pipeline. Key players in the pipeline industry continue to demonstrate interest in our technologies.

During the third quarter 2017, the Company built a dedicated laboratory space at its Tomball Texas facility, and now has the capability to perform onsite testing utilizing our laboratory-scale AOT device, among other equipment. Development of an AOT unit for use in crude oil upstream and gathering operations was restarted in September 2017 utilizing resources at the Tomball facility, and the Company plans to resume Joule Heat development in the future depending on the availability of sufficient capital and other resources. Also during the third quarter 2017, the Company built an outdoor facility at its Tomball Texas facility for onsite storage of AOT inventory and other large equipment.

In 2017, the Company shifted its business development efforts to the development of one or more pilot projects intended to demonstrate and document AOT efficacy, operational benefits, and financial impact. The Company is working with prospective customers on potential pilot project sites in three primary markets: U.S., South America, and Asia. Each of these prospects operates heavy crude oil pipelines. The Company’s short-term goal is to have at least one pilot project operational in 2018 with the intention of converting from pilot operations to revenue-generating commercial operations and future commercial AOT deployment. Company’s efforts are tightly focused on executing its pilot program strategy and conversations continue with prospective customers in the Gulf Coast, Canada, and the Middle East.

During the third quarter 2016, the Company developed a new onsite testing program to demonstrate AOT viscosity reduction at prospective customer sites. This program utilized a fully functional laboratory-scale AOT device designed and developed by the Company and tested at the Southern Research Institute. Under this program, Company engineers set up a temporary lab at the customer’s site to test a full range of crude oils. Fees charged for providing this service were dependent on scope of services, crude oil sample to be tested, and onsite time requirements. In the fourth quarter 2016, the Company entered a contract to provide these onsite testing services to a North American oil producer and pipeline operator over a one-week period in early 2017 at a fixed price of $50,000. This test was performed in January 2017; data analysis and final report was completed in March 2017. Test results demonstrated viscosity reduction under limited laboratory conditions.

The Company is actively seeking new deployments of its AOT technology. In August 2015, QS Energy was invited to an offshore oil transfer platform in the Gulf of Mexico. This offshore platform was assessed by QS Energy personnel for a potential deployment of the AOT viscosity reduction technology as a solution for super-heavy crude oil flow assurance issues. Following the site visit, subject to non-disclosure agreements executed by all parties, laboratory testing was performed on crude oil samples provided by the operator, which demonstrated significant AOT viscosity reductions. Detailed hydraulic analysis based on laboratory results and pipeline operating parameters was presented to the operator demonstrating potential benefits of AOT technology within the operator’s specified infrastructure. Based on this analysis, the Company prepared a preliminary configuration for AOT units optimized for the operator’s high-volume, space-constrained operations. Company engineers and supply chain partners presented an optimized configuration and production budget. Discussions continue with this operator regarding an onsite pilot test deployment of the proposed AOT configuration, targeting project planning in in 2018 and potential deployment in 2019.

In July 2017, the Company filed for trademark protection for the word “eDiluent” in advance of rolling out a new marketing and revenue strategy based on the concept of using AOT to reduce pipeline dependence upon diluent to reduce viscosity of crude oils. A primary function of AOT is to reduce viscosity by means of its solid-state electronics technology; in essence providing an electronic form of diluent, or “eDiluent”. The Company plans to market and sell a value-added service under the name eDiluent, designed to be upsold by the Company’s midstream pipeline customers in an effort to provide the Company with long-term recurring revenues.

Our primary goal is to provide the oil industry with a cost-effective method by which to increase the number of barrels of oil able to be transported per day through the industry’s existing and newly built pipelines. The greatest impact on oil transport volume may be realized through reductions in pipeline operator reliance on diluent for viscosity reduction utilizing AOT technology; a process the Company refers to as electronic diluent, or “eDiluent”. The Company filed for trademark protection of the term eDiluent in 2017. We also seek to provide the oil industry with a way to reduce emissions from operating equipment. We believe our goals are realizable via viscosity reduction using our AOT product line.

QS Energy, Inc. (“QS Energy” or “Company” or “we” or “us” or “our”) develops and commercializes energy efficiency technologies that assist in meeting increasing global energy demands, improving the economics of oil extraction and transport, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The Company's intellectual properties include a portfolio of domestic and international patents and patents pending, a substantial portion of which have been developed in conjunction with and exclusively licensed from Temple University of Philadelphia, PA (“Temple”). QS Energy's primary technology is called Applied Oil Technology (AOT), a commercial-grade crude oil pipeline transportation flow-assurance product. Engineered specifically to reduce pipeline pressure loss, increase pipeline flow rate and capacity, and reduce shippers’ reliance on diluents and drag reducing agents to meet pipeline maximum viscosity requirements, AOT is a 100% solid-state system that reduces crude oil viscosity by applying a high intensity electrical field to crude oil feedstock while in transit. AOT technology delivers reductions in crude oil viscosity and pipeline pressure loss as demonstrated in independent third-party tests performed by the U.S. Department of Energy, the PetroChina Pipeline R&D Center, and ATS RheoSystems, a division of CANNON™, at full-scale test facilities in the U.S. and China, and under commercial operating conditions on one of North America’s largest high-volume crude oil pipelines. Recent testing on a commercial crude oil condensate pipeline demonstrated high correlation between laboratory analysis and full-scale AOT operations under commercial operating conditions with onsite measurements and data collected by the pipeline operator on its supervisory control and data acquisition (“SCADA”) system. The AOT product has transitioned from laboratory testing and ongoing research and development to initial production and continued testing in advance of our goal of seeking acceptance and adoption by the midstream pipeline marketplace. We continue to devote the bulk of our efforts to the promotion, design, testing and the commercial manufacturing and operations of our crude oil pipeline products in the upstream and midstream energy sector. We anticipate that these efforts will continue during 2018.

QS Energy’s AOT technology is strategically aligned with the major requirements and challenges facing the petroleum pipeline economy.

In 2014, the Company began development of a new suite of products based around the new electrical heat system which reduces oil viscosity through a process known as joule heat (“Joule Heat”). The Company is designing and optimizing the Joule Heat technology for the upstream oil transportation market. The Company filed two provisional patents related to the technology’s method and apparatus in the second quarter and fourth quarter of 2013, respectively. The first of the two provisional patents was finalized and submitted to non-provisional status on April 29, 2014. The second of the two provisional patents was finalized and submitted to non-provisional status at the end of the third quarter 2014.

In October 2014, QS Energy entered into a Joint Development Agreement with Newfield Exploration Company (“Newfield”) to test a prototype of QS Energy Joule Heat equipment, and combined Joule Heat and AOT technology, on a crude oil pipeline serving the Greater Monument Butte oilfield located in the Uintah Basin of Utah. This test of the Joule Heat technology provides ideal conditions to demonstrate efficiency and efficacy. The Uintah Basin is 5,000 to 10,000 feet above sea level with average low winter temperatures of 16ºF. Crude oil pumped from the region is highly paraffinic with the consistency of shoe polish at room temperature. Uintah's black wax crude must remain at a minimum of 95ºF and yellow wax above 115ºF and therefore requires a substantial amount of heat to keep it above its high pour point. Operators in the upstream market often run at temperatures of 140ºF to 160ºF. Newfield, like many other companies in the region, incurs significant operating expense in the form of fuel and power used to heat the waxy crude and counter the cold climate conditions characteristic of Utah. The Company’s first Joule Heat prototype was installed for testing purposes at the Newfield facility in June 2015 and the system is operational; however, changes to the prototype configuration will be required to determine commercial effectiveness of this unit. During the third and fourth quarters of 2015, we worked with Newfield and Dr. Carl Meinhart to modify the prototype configuration based on observed pipeline and Joule Heat operating factors. In addition, QS Energy provided a scaled-down version of the Joule Heat unit for static and flow-through testing at SRI. Testing performed by SRI in September 2015 on a laboratory-scale Joule Heat unit demonstrated the ability of the Joule Heat technology to deliver temperature increases in the laboratory setting.

Our manufacturing strategy is to contract with third-party vendors and suppliers, each with a strong reputation and proven track record in the pipeline industry. These vendors are broken up by product component subcategory, enabling multiple manufacturing capacity redundancies and safeguards to be utilized. In addition, this strategy allows the Company to eliminate the prohibitively high capital expenditures such as costs of building, operating and maintaining its own manufacturing facilities, ratings, personnel and licenses, thereby eliminating unnecessary capital intensity and risk.

The Company has developed a well-established supply chain for fabrication of the commercial AOT. The supply chain consists of multiple component suppliers and manufacturing companies engaged under Independent Contractor Agreements according to their respective fields of expertise. The supply chain entities have been chosen for their ability to work collaboratively with QS Energy and for their existing relationships with current and potential future customers of QS Energy technologies. The external components such as pressure vessels, inlet and outlet piping header systems, personnel and equipment shelters are manufactured under contract with Power Service Inc. with offices in Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, and Texas. Internal components such as grid packs, electrical connections and other machined parts are manufactured by Industrial Screen and Maintenance, with offices in Wyoming and Colorado. All equipment is manufactured in the United States of America, using only approved raw materials and vendors for quality control and import/export compliance purposes and meet the certifications and specifications as dictated by our customers and their independent oversight and auditing authorities.

Other components such as power systems, electrical junction boxes, cabling, hardware, switches, circuit breakers, computer equipment, sensors, SCADA/PLC, software and other power and integration equipment are purchased as complete units from various suppliers with operations based throughout North America. All component vendors are required to meet or exceed the same specifications as the parts manufacturers to maintain compliance as dictated by our customers and their independent oversight and auditing authorities.

First, AOT allows the oil transportation sector to increase capacity while remaining within maximum pressure requirements. The technology can increase capacity for the industry and reduce reliance on truck and train transport, which has often proven inefficient and environmentally hazardous. Second, AOT helps to reduce power consumption and other operating costs for pipeline operators. These technologies optimize pipeline operating efficiency, which is especially important given the current oil price environment.

In answer to the energy industry’s pressing challenges, QS Energy is commercializing cost-efficient solutions for increasing the capacity of existing and new pipeline gathering and transmission systems, capable of reducing power consumption, operational overhead, increasing margins and delivering measurable competitive advantages.

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04/09/18 8:16 PM

#44167 RE: mr_sano #44160

COMPLETE NONSENSE according to the EVIDENCE from the latest shareholders update released RECENTLY. The PROVEN AOT will be sold WORLD WIDE as per the FACTS below


HOUSTON, TX -- (Marketwired) -- 03/19/18 --

QS Energy, Inc. (the "Company" or "QS Energy") (OTCQB: QSEP) is a developer of integrated technology solutions for the energy industry. The following is a shareholder update from Jason Lane, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board, QS Energy, Inc.

Dear Shareholders:

I would like to update you on progress we've made since my previous shareholder update letter. In January, I described three prospective customers considering AOT pilot programs. I am excited to report the first of these three potential pilots has received preliminary approval and has moved from concept to planning phase, targeting pilot installation in July 2018. We are now working diligently to finalize project details and definitive documents. Although we've been asked to keep project details confidential at this time, I can tell you the overseas pipeline site under consideration transports very heavy crudes and is highly dependent on diluents to meet viscosity requirements. This project presents an excellent opportunity to showcase both financial and operational benefits of AOT. Once plans and definitive documents are finalized, we will provide project details. Moving forward, the project is expected to provide valuable operational data to demonstrate value and efficacy to the market, and upon successful pilot operations, the operator is well positioned to benefit from system-wide adoption of AOT and could have high demand for our technology.

We are continuing to make progress on two additional pilot programs as described in my January letter. Temple University is in the process of completing tests on oil samples provided by these prospective customers, and we expect final reports before the end of the month. We plan on meeting with these companies in the next 2-3 weeks to work on finalizing project details with the intention of executing an LOI for at least one more pilot program in 2018.

As we continue to work with these and other companies, we see growing interest and enthusiasm in our AOT product line. We are excited to see the AOT in the field operating without the tight constraints of previous non-disclosure agreements. Once again, we thank you for your support and we look forward to a great year!

Jason Lane
CEO, QS Energy, Inc.

For further information about QS Energy, Inc., visit, read our SEC filings at and subscribe to Email Alerts at to receive Company news and shareholder updates.

Safe Harbor Statement
Some of the statements in this release may constitute forward-looking statements under federal securities laws. Please visit the following link for our complete cautionary forward-looking statement:

About Applied Oil Technology
Developed in partnership with scientists at Temple University in Philadelphia, Applied Oil Technology (AOT) is the energy industry's first pipeline flow improvement solution for crude oil, using an electrical charge to coalesce microscopic particles native to unrefined oil, thereby reducing viscosity. Over the past four years, AOT has been rigorously prepared for commercial use with the collaboration of engineering teams at numerous independent oil production and transportation entities interested in harnessing its demonstrated efficacy to increase pipeline performance and flow, drive up committed and uncommitted toll rates for pipeline operators, and reduce pipeline operating costs. Although AOT originally attracted the attention of pipeline operators motivated to improving their takeaway capacity during an historic surge in upstream output resulting from enhanced oil recovery techniques, the technology now represents what we believe to be a premier solution for improving the profit margins of producers and transporters during today's economically challenged period of low spot prices and supply surplus.

About QS Energy
QS Energy, Inc. (OTCQB: QSEP), provides the global energy industry with patent-protected industrial equipment designed to deliver measurable performance improvements to crude oil pipelines. Developed in partnership with a leading university along with crude oil production and transportation entities, QS Energy's high-value solutions address the enormous capacity inadequacies of domestic and overseas pipeline infrastructures that were designed and constructed prior to the current worldwide surge in oil production. In support of our clients' commitment to the responsible sourcing of energy and environmental stewardship, QS Energy combines scientific research with inventive problem solving to provide energy efficiency 'clean tech' solutions to bring new efficiencies and lower operational costs to the upstream, midstream and gathering sectors.

Company Contact:
QS Energy, Inc.
Tel: +1 844-645-7737

Investor Relations:
QS Energy, Inc.
Tel: +1 844-645-7737
Source: QS Energy, Inc.

Source: QS Energy, Inc.

Released March 19, 2018