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04/07/18 3:22 PM

#278234 RE: conix #278232

conix -- you must be a giraffe to be able to get your head stuck that far up your ass
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04/08/18 1:54 PM

#278242 RE: conix #278232

You're here for comic relief I take it.

There is a group of people that is ashamed of the US, discount any time we have undeniably helped other countries, thinks that we are an inherently evil country and constantly criticize the country.

You're FOS.
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04/09/18 2:04 AM

#278257 RE: conix #278232

conix, Just because sortagreen didn't discount any of the positive America has done, so you shouldn't have suggested he did.

In case you missed this one, Overthrow: 100 Years of U.S. Meddling & Regime Change, from Iran to Nicaragua to Hawaii to Cuba

Published on Mar 12, 2018 by Democracy Now!

As special counsel Robert Mueller continues his probe into Russian meddling in the 2016 election, we take a look back at Washington’s record of meddling in elections across the globe. By one count, the United States has interfered in more than 80 foreign elections between 1946 and 2000. And that doesn’t count U.S.-backed coups and invasions. We speak to former New York Times reporter Stephen Kinzer, author of “Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq [ ].” [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments] .. is the 2nd down here ..

How do you think the U.S.A. became so powerful? Yeah, invasion and overthrow was a prime paver on the road.

Remember what happened to the first democratically elected government of Iran.

Watch it and you will learn something new about Mark Twain.
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04/15/18 7:09 PM

#278538 RE: conix #278232

"discount any time we have undeniably helped other countries"

Feel free to point some out and we can discuss that, but our atrocities in the lands south of our borders are very hard to defend. Of course we could actually stop doing that and truly effect change for the better. I'm not counting on it.

Notably you don't seem able to speak to the statement. We've treated large swathes of the planet as extraction zones. South and Central America certainly provide a wealth of examples. I f 14 families own everything arable they can grow cash crops for the US markets while the millions whom the king gave nothing to can starve... Of course those millions might object, or get politically active, or organize. Enter Fort Benning's "School of the Americas". Enter death squads... Enter terror... Enter dystopia... and refugees.

The 9,000 of our Filipino "allies" whom we murdered on the first day of their subjugation might provide another lesson, if learning were anything that concerned you. Perhaps our comrade in arms Ho Chi Min, who fought the Japanese with us, only to have us hand his country over to Charles De Gaul, can provide a lesson on all the good things we've done for others.

Perhaps we could discuss the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

Who the fuck are we kidding here? You don't want to hear about morality. You're a monster. Greedy, self important and ultimately sad... but a monster nonetheless.

Whatever... Consider the words of Robert Burns

O wad some Power the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
It wad frae mony a blunder free us,
An' foolish notion:
What airs in dress an' gait wad lea'e us,
An' ev'n devotion!