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04/06/18 8:08 PM

#42865 RE: The Grabber #42862



04/06/18 8:24 PM

#42866 RE: The Grabber #42862

Hey Steve...

Nice to see your responses again on this board!

Take care.


04/07/18 8:46 AM

#42868 RE: The Grabber #42862

Hi Steve, Re: Rates
When we got married, August of 1981, the mortgage rates were 17 1/2% at the national banks and 17 1/4% at the savings and loans... We purchased our house on a contract for 12%... Few years later local savings and loans bought it out and we paid 12 3/4%... Dreyfus Worldwide Dollar Money Market was paying 8 1/2 to 9% back in the day... Great to see you back on the board! Best regards, Ken


04/07/18 8:06 PM

#42870 RE: The Grabber #42862

Hi Steve

Our fixed 30 yr mortgage interest rate in 1984 when we moved to Dallas was 15.25% (That is not a typo).

Brings back memories. Mine was a relatively new mortgage back then (mid 20's), but variable rate that also peaked at around 17%. Had to move out and rent it for a while - back with parents and was working every bit of overtime I could. 32 hours straight in some cases. Had some (little) savings that were earning 12%, but that were being taxed 30% (tax exempt wasn't a option back then). And such small amounts to be in effect insignificant.

Fixing for 30 years however ... ouch! We at least had the benefit of rising house prices after interest rates started to decline again along with lower cost of servicing the (variable rate) mortgage. Was a 25 year term interest only mortgage, but those high rates had set us into a lifestyle that enabled us to pay it off much quicker (10 years and it was cleared) such that it turned out as a great 'investment'. For others however that had to default I guess much less so.