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04/06/18 2:10 PM

#15955 RE: Monroe1 #15953

First: you actually take Trump's missives at face value?

Second, here is your problem:

Look at the "US Electricity Generation" graph.

You can talk about "clean coal" all you want, but natural gas does not leave coal ask residue- and that makes it cheaper and cleaner.

Those miners in West Virginia already know that coal has lost:

Set the graph to analyze coal mining employment from 1985 to date and it becomes clear. As recently as the Reagan Administration, coal mining employment was three times what it is now. The long-term trend is downwards.

Trump's awesome "revival" has changed employment from the lowest level of 48,900 (Sept. 2016) to whopping 52,100 now. Or 3,300 new jobs. Pretty much in the statistical variance over time.

Back to FCGD: even if there was a "coal revival" worthy of the term, Castenir is exactly the wrong man for the job. In addition: when the "coal lease" PR was first released, I checked a little on that property. According to some old state records, there is a coal seam in this region, but it is around four feet deep. Makes me suspect that this was a scam all along.


04/08/18 6:56 PM

#15965 RE: Monroe1 #15953

If coal is "back," then why are its leaders begging for subsidies?

Murray Energy complaining that coal fired electricity plants will die out without federal subsidies, as coal-fired plants continue to be closed.

Bob Murray of Murray coal desperately arguing that the federal government needs to subsidize coal-fired ploants, and whining like a stuck pig when it doesn't happen.

Yeah, when the industry leaders claim that coal-fired electricity will cease to exist without subsidies: that is proof positive of a healthy, vital industry!