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04/06/18 4:47 PM

#42858 RE: SFSecurity #42855

Hi Allen, I use a spreadsheet. I started with the old “Bare Bones Spreadsheet” from Tom’s website many years ago and I’ve modified it by adding some columns.

In this case I added two columns. On is user set, the percent increase/ year, and the second is PC Factor.
PC Factor is the difference in dates (current date-last date)/365 * (percent increase) /100 +1

Then I use the PC Factor to multiply the “new portfolio control” column by the PC Factor. It’s really not hard to make such modifications in the spreadsheet. If I set the (percent increase)/year to 0, I’m back to classic AIM.

It’s a very good way to increase your position in an ETF as AIM will buy on dips. For example say you’re AIMing an ETF and you want to increase the size of your program. You could set a high increase of say 20%/year which will trigger some buys on dips. When your position is big enough you can go back to a “normal increase” of 0-10% per year.