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04/09/18 5:35 AM

#278260 RE: fuagf #278159

Part 179, some of Russian meddling, and related, material from F6 big ones. These from a post Tuesday, 04/03/18, covering March 12,
2018, and headed, Death to Drug Dealers: Trump Threatens to Ramp Up Drug War, Praising Efforts in Philippines & China ..

The twenty-sixth through twenty-eight

Stormy Daniels' lawyer: 'We're not going home'

The Beat with Ari Melber
Adult film actress Stormy Daniels is ready to give back “hush money” to speak in detail about her alleged affair with Donald Trump. Michael
Avenatti, Stormy Daniels’ attorney wonders why “we have not heard from the President” and says it “isn’t complicated” so “what are they hiding”?
©2018 , [with comments]


Rosenstein to Trump: No 'justification' to fire Mueller
The Beat with Ari Melber
Special Counsel Bob Mueller’s boss, Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein says Robert Mueller is “not an unguided missile” and there is no
“justification” to fire him. All of this coming as the Republican leading the House Intelligence Committee's Russia probe says -- they're finished.


Nunberg: Mueller team asked about Trump lawyer's payment to Stormy Daniels

The Beat with Ari Melber
Former Trump campaign adviser Sam Nunberg reveals Mueller investigators asked him about Trump lawyer’s payments to women and
detailed being asked about mentor Roger Stone and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange during his four hours in Mueller’s grand jury box.
©2018 , [with comments]

The thirty-fourth

Trump Jr. talks to the press with big bowl of ice cream

All In with Chris Hayes
Donald Trump Jr. sported a hair net to tour a candy factory in Pennsylvania and then held an impromptu news conference while eating a big bowl of ice cream.
©2018 , [with comments]

Leave two, to this set of six

New book's scoop could clarify dossier's 'Trump pee tape' claim

The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow shares highlights from "Russian Roulette," the new book by David Corn and Michael
Isikoff, including a story about Donald Trump's visit to a night club with questionable entertainment.


Trump set stage early for Russian permeation of his campaign
The Rachel Maddow Show
David Corn and Michael Isikoff discuss with Rachel Maddow some of the insights explored in their new book, "Russian Roulette,"
including the unusual presence of people like Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and George Papadopoulos on the Trump campaign team.


On 2016 Russian intrusion, US intel saw dots, missed connection

The Rachel Maddow Show
David Corn and Michael Isikoff discuss with Rachel Maddow some of the insights explored in their new book, "Russian Roulette," including how many
of the ingredients of the Russian attack on the 2016 election were known to the U.S. intelligence community without the realization of the overall plot.
©2018 , [with comments]


Schiff blasts GOP over premature Russia probe shutdown

The Rachel Maddow Show
Rep. Adam Schiff talks with Rachel Maddow about the Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee shutting
down their Trump Russia investigation with witnesses yet to interview and questions left unanswered.
©2018 , [with comments]


Lawrence & Rachel: 'Russian Roulette' connects the dots
The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
New book 'Russian Roulette' synthesizes the characters and timeline of Russia and the Trump campaign. Rachel Maddow interviewed
the authors, Michael Isikoff and David Corn, on The Rachel Maddow Show tonight. She joins Lawrence O'Donnell to react to the interview.


Rep. Swalwell: GOP ending Russia probe 'invites another attack'

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
Congressman Eric Swalwell says House Intel Cmte. Democrats "weren't told" about the Republicans' plan to release a report essentially
vindicating the Trump campaign of any wrongdoing and ending the Committee's Russia probe. David Frum also joins Lawrence O'Donnell.
©2018 , [with comments]

Leave one, to these three

Dems blast House Intel Republicans for ending Russia probe

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
Democrats say Republicans put protecting the president over finding the truth when the GOP on
the House Intelligence Committee decided to wrap up their Russia investigation. Our panel reacts.
[originally aired March 12, 2018] , [with comments]


Report: Mueller may delay decision on obstruction charge
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
A report from Bloomberg News states Russia Special Counsel Robert Mueller may delay deciding whether to
change Trump with obstruction of justice until other parts of his investigation are through. Our panel reacts.
[originally aired March 12, 2018]


Stormy Daniels offers Trump $130,000 back for her silence
The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
Stormy Daniels is offering to give back the $130,000 she was paid for her silence so she can speak freely
about her alleged affair with Trump and release any text messages, photos, & videos she might have.
[originally aired March 12, 2018]

To "stashed March 12, 2018:"

Mueller Weighs Putting Off Trump Obstruction Decision
Delay would let him wrap up less explosive parts of inquiry
Obstruction decision might undercut probe, one way or another

There’s more to Russia’s cyber interference than the Mueller probe suggests
An underlying theme running through special counsel Robert S. Mueller III’s investigation is that Russia’s ultimate goal was to make sure Donald Trump was elected president. That’s just part of the picture.
Last month, Mueller’s team released the details of the grand jury indictments of 13 Russian nationals, as well as a shadowy Russian firm known as the Internet Research Agency, for conducting information warfare against the United States and breaking three U.S. federal laws.
Our research looks at Russian cyber and information warfare activity — and distinct patterns begin to emerge. But this is a nonlinear strategy and a long-term assault on Russia’s adversaries. Although boosting the Trump campaign may have been one of Russia’s primary goals in 2016, the 2020 goal could just as easily be helping the president’s Democratic challenger.

Mueller Has Trump & Co. Pinned Down
PR won't stop subpoenas.

Trump 'intends to' meet with special counsel under oath: White House spokesman - Raj Shah

Raj Shah May Be in Trouble

( )


Donald Trump Jr. Has Previously Undisclosed Business Partnership With Hunting Buddy
(NEW YORK) - Donald Trump Jr. has a previously undisclosed business relationship with a longtime hunting buddy who helped raise millions of dollars for his father’s 2016 presidential campaign and has had special access to top government officials since the election, records obtained by The Associated Press show.
The president’s eldest son and Texas hedge fund manager Gentry Beach have been involved in business deals together dating back to the mid-2000s and recently formed a company — Future Venture LLC — despite past claims by both men that they were just friends, according to previously unreported court records and other documents obtained by AP.
Beach last year met with top National Security Council officials to push a plan that would curb U.S. sanctions in Venezuela and open up business for U.S. companies in the oil-rich nation.

Putin: Maybe Jews or minorities behind US election interference

Qataris opted not to give info on Kushner, secret meetings to Mueller
WASHINGTON — Qatari officials gathered evidence of what they claim is illicit influence by the United Arab Emirates on Jared Kushner and other Trump associates, including details of secret meetings, but decided not to give the information to special counsel Robert Mueller for fear of harming relations with the Trump administration, say three sources familiar with the Qatari discussions.
Lebanese-American businessman George Nader and Republican donor Elliott Broidy, who participated in the meetings, have both been the focus of news reports in recent days about their connections to the UAE and Trump associates.
It is unknown whether Qatari officials were the source of the recent news stories detailing activities by Nader and Broidy published by The New York Times and CNN.
NBC News previously reported that Qatari officials weighed speaking to Mueller during a visit to Washington earlier this year, and has now learned the information the officials wanted to share included details about Nader and Broidy working with the UAE to turn the Trump administration against Qatar, according to three people familiar with the discussions.
Qatari officials believe the meetings — as well as fallout from Qatari business dealings with Kushner — may have influenced President Donald Trump's public endorsement of a blockade of Qatar by its neighbors that began last year.
A Qatari delegation came to Washington in late January and early February and met with Trump officials to discuss shared national security interests. Despite Trump's endorsement of the blockade in June, the Qataris felt the meetings with top advisers had been productive and decided against reaching out to Mueller in order to preserve the relationship, according to people familiar with the internal Qatari deliberations.
A spokesperson for the Qatari embassy in Washington said in a statement last week that Qatar won't be providing materials to the Mueller investigation.
The Qataris also met with FBI Director Chris Wray while they were in Washington, but never shared their information about the UAE's alleged influence on the administration.
Broidy, meanwhile, has accused Qatar of hacking his emails and distributing the contents to news organizations to discredit him. Qatar has denied that. Nader, who was stopped by federal agents at Dulles Airport near Washington in January, is now cooperating with Mueller's team.
Broidy was a top fundraiser for Trump in addition to being a member of Trump's inaugural committee and the Republican Jewish Coalition.
Nader helped organize a January 2017 meeting in the Seychelles, according to The Washington Post, and the Post says Mueller is investigating as an alleged attempt to set up a back channel of communications with the Russians.
Qatar vs. the UAE
The gathering of damaging information by the Qataris, their consideration of whether to speak to Mueller, and the alleged influence campaign inside the White House by the Emiratis are all evidence of how mounting tensions between the two tiny, wealthy Gulf nations are playing out in a high-stakes war of influence in Washington.
In June 2017, Trump endorsed the decision led by UAE and Saudi Arabia to blockade Qatar, saying the Qatar was funding terrorism. On June 5, the president tweeted, "Perhaps this will be the beginning of the end to horror of terrorism!" The blockade has cut the country off from shipments of food and medical supplies by land and sea.
Since then, according to Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filings, both governments have greatly increased their hiring of American lobbyists, including some former Trump campaign officials.
Qatari officials believe Trump's verbal backing of the blockade was a form of retaliation by his son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner, whose family's negotiations with Qatari investors had recently fallen apart, according to several sources familiar with the Qatari government's thinking.
Trump, the UAE and Saudi Arabia have said the blockade is in retaliation for Qatar's support for terrorism. A spokesman for Kushner's lawyer told NBC News that Kushner was "a point person for completely appropriate contacts from foreign officials and he did not mix his or his former company's business in those contacts and any claim otherwise is false."
Qatari officials also believe the Trump administration may have been influenced by the meetings with Broidy and have documents that they say show the connection between Broidy and the UAE, according to several people familiar with the Qatari government's thinking.
According to the sources, the officials have information they claim details Nader's involvement in a December 2016 meeting that Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the UAE had with Trump officials at Trump Tower, including Kushner, incoming national security advisor Michael Flynn and incoming chief strategist Steve Bannon.
The meeting took Obama administration officials by surprise when they learned about it in intelligence reports because the crown prince broke diplomatic protocol and did not alert them that he would be in the U.S., according to people familiar with the matter.
The UAE and Saudi Arabia have long been rivals of Qatar, but their feud has escalated under the Trump administration.
Fourteen lobbying and public relations firms have publicly registered as agents of Qatar, UAE or Saudi Arabia since Trump's blockade endorsement last year, according to FARA data.
One firm that lobbied in favor of Qatar is Mercury Public Affairs, which worked with Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort. Manafort has since been charged by Mueller with money laundering, bank fraud and tax evasion. Mercury is believed to be an unnamed party in Manafort's charges, but so far faces no legal exposure. Manafort has pleaded not guilty to all charges.
Another firm that worked for Manafort, the now-dissolved Podesta Group, lobbied on behalf of Saudi Arabia, and published a still-live web site that alleges Qatar is treacherous.
Trump's former campaign adviser Corey Lewandowski previously worked for Avenue Strategies Global, which alleged in a letter to the Justice Department that Saudi Arabia was violating FARA regulations. The firm is being paid $500,000 monthly for its contract with the embassy of Qatar, according to FARA filings.
The widening rift between Qatar and UAE comes at a time when the White House is hoping to reduce tensions between the two countries and facilitate a resolution to issues that led to the blockade. Trump is expected to host separate meetings with the Saudi crown prince, the crown prince of Abu Dhabi and the Qatari emir in coming weeks, in advance of an expected summit of Arab states this summer.

Qatari officials opt not to give Mueller info on Kushner, secret meetings
Stephanie Ruhle
Officials in Qatar decided not to share what they claim is evidence of the United Arab Emirates having influence over Jared Kushner and other Trump associates. NBC’s Julia Ainsley joins to discuss her reporting and MSNBC National Security Analyst Ned Price weighs in.


Trump Lawyers Are Considering A Challenge To Stop "60 Minutes" From Airing A Stormy Daniels Interview
Anderson Cooper interviewed the adult film performer and director on Thursday. CBS plans to air the interview next Sunday, March 18.

Stormy Daniels offers to pay back $130,000 for freedom to speak about Trump

Republicans find no evidence of collusion or Russian preference for Trump

Despite Mueller’s Push, House Republicans Declare No Evidence of Collusion

House Intelligence Committee to announce they are done with Russia probe interviews

House Intelligence Panel Wraps Up Russia Probe Interviews
Committee is set to write a report as Senate and Mueller investigations continue

House Republicans break with intelligence community on Russia

Draft GOP report: No coordination between Trump and Russia


Rod Rosenstein, deputy attorney general, says Robert Mueller is 'not an unguided missile'

Rod Rosenstein: Special counsel 'not an unguided missile'
Washington (CNN) - Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein offered full-throated support for special counsel Robert Mueller and defended his investigation into Russian election meddling as it weathers criticism in an interview with USA Today published Monday.
"The special counsel is not an unguided missile," Rosenstein told the newspaper. "I don't believe there is any justification at this point for terminating the special counsel."
Mueller has been in the crosshairs of President Donald Trump and Republican critics as his probe has unfolded and grown since beginning under Rosenstein's direction in May. The endorsement from Rosenstein, who has oversight of the probe given the recusal of Attorney General Jeff Sessions from matters related to the election, came after reports earlier in the year that Trump had tried to fire Mueller last summer.
Rosenstein also appeared unfazed by attacks by Trump against him and the wider integrity of the Justice Department, USA Today reported. Four sources told CNN in January that Trump had been venting about Rosenstein in private, and a Tea Party-aligned group spent six figures last month on an advertisement that slammed him as a "weak careerist."
"I believe much of the criticism will fall by the wayside when people reflect on this era and the Department of Justice," Rosenstein said Monday, not referring to Trump directly. "I'm very confident that when the history of this era is written, it will reflect that the department was operated with integrity."
