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04/02/18 11:19 PM

#1935 RE: Futuremillionaire720 #1934

Depends on what you are looking for.

I would expect word about season 2 of "Llama Llama" and maybe the merchandising for it. There should be talk about "Rainbow Ranger" merchandising, too.

If you believe the last shareholder's letter, there are 30 episodes in pre-production. I'm assuming half are for "Llama Llama", the other half may be for a new series.

So if you are looking for this type of info, it's probably worth listening to.

I don't expect to hear an explanation as to why the company isn't profitable. Or, why the company sold more shares in January. Or, why "Thomas Edison's Secret Lab" or "Warren Buffet's Secret Millionaire's Club" are not adding significantly to revenue. It seems like the company doesn't get any revenue from broadcast rights.

Maybe they will explain why they dumped the entire cost of producing "Llama Llama" in Q4.

I also doubt Andy will to forthcoming on why he agreed to be paid producer fees for "Llama Llama"

I'm embarrassed he did that. Perhaps he can get an extra $20/hour by emptying his own trash can and cleaning his own office.

I shudder to think what he would charge the company if he brought donuts in for the staff.


04/03/18 10:58 AM

#1938 RE: Futuremillionaire720 #1934

I decided to listen to it and this time I got the time right. It should start in a few minutes.

Running late.

Edit 2

Edit 3
I have horrible audio