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04/01/18 2:42 PM

#201 RE: rushmann #199

MGC by far is my favorite holding. I keep checking for their nutraceutical line to release. I’m in MA where medical has been legal and recreational was passed for this year, but, I don’t know if MGC will ship to the USA.. even if it’s jusy the nutraceuticals. I wish Jeff Sessions would stop pushing his personal agenda.. I’ve never been a big pot smoker and probably never will. I have successful friends that enjoy smoking, I just don’t. For him to ignore all the good from this plant, because you can get high if you smoke it .. is ignorance. The good thing is by the time the US catches up, big pharma will pay BIG money for our companies lol.

I hate to say this but the best thing that could happen is if Jeff had someone close to him that cannabis helped. I’m not wishing anyone sick . But maybe just maybe he’s open his eyes

I totally agree about the adhd personality, we are almost a walking contradiction. Most people extremely successful in their fields don’t have empathy, I think when you have adhd you are gifted in something, but, humble because you struggled in something else. I remember when I wasn’t in school I was in all the advanced math classes and didn’t have to try... but I failed English and I was in the lowest level English classes... I would have a conversation with my teachers then ask.... did you understand what I just said... they’d say yes. I’d ask them how did I fail English lol- we have a little spunk to us. I’m glad I met someone else with adhd that cbd has helped. It’s always nice when you realize your not the only one. I’m sure more studies will be done as the years go by