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03/30/18 11:52 AM

#37834 RE: Wordonthastreet #37831

'Word..' Shouldn't it read or contain a disclaimer stating: "Warning! This stock might turn one into a compulsive gambler!" ??????

Your tip is looking more interesting. Thanks!

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03/30/18 2:42 PM

#37844 RE: Wordonthastreet #37831

This really is what it all boils down to, isn't it?

Canceling my limit buy. I'll move on soon enough because you are right and I still believe the company lost its way and it's soul long ago. We might all be compulsive gamblers, but that is wall street, right? Some of us just move on to better, and more promising gambles.

But I made my decision to hold so I'll at least see that through.

Thank you for a reality check. Have a great weekend.
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03/30/18 2:58 PM

#37845 RE: Wordonthastreet #37831

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03/30/18 3:07 PM

#37846 RE: Wordonthastreet #37831

Dont tell me u didnt buy more when mattpump said it was going to 2c 5c.
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03/30/18 8:03 PM

#37876 RE: Wordonthastreet #37831

I don't know how you invest, but I sure the hell don't use my Family money on a penny stock, that's for my broker, this is my I don't care money. I believe DCTH has a product worth investing in. last 8k took care of some issue's and now its time for them to move on, soon an RS perhaps or at the very least in increase of shares, I can tell you that this company won't go BK it has to many years into it and is to close a their goal. Sure this is a gamble just like it was last time, but hey that's what the dream of a penny stock is about gambling, but with this stock we know the product works it just a matter of time. Good luck and have a happy Easter with your family.