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03/31/18 12:52 PM

#596 RE: saprolities #594

Saprolities, You said I’m referring to the court actions between the Landowners and DNI, however, it’s not quite as simple as you make it sound and it’s not over yet. The case has been ongoing since Dec and is now, I believe, in the Court of Appeals. I would have thought DNI would be required to disclose that information to shareholders in their last three Form 7’s.

Do You have some more info on that, because I believe the appeal was heard in February and sided with DNI ?

As to disclosure to an event like this? Its not important to me. Let me explain.

On a site visit, Id spoken with some locals and have seen the job DNI did at the property. Im satisfied DNI is listening, with intentions to fully work and cooperate with the local peoples and officials. Locals seem happy to have a company, that will provide them with many good jobs and $ to provide improvements in the economy and to the standard of living for the whole village. DNI has already provided them running water wells and roads for their use to get themselves and their large animals from the bush to the river or town road. Now as always, there might be someone not happy, an opportunist looking for something not deserved, but I believe in this case, the people who are complaining are not the locals who own the land, but rather persons outside the immediate area. Can you confirm different?

Also any mining company in Canada who has an issue with locals or distant first nations is not publicly disclosing every issue?

Since you say you are a CGM shareholder, are you happy with the fact that CGM, claims things were difficult, yet they relied on just one driller, and one RC drill, to protect their interest, where they had agreed and were responsible to run, manage and work the project?

Do you think in light of these alleged difficulties that CGM claimed, they should have sent another employee and that Management (Randal Swick) should have taken a trip to the property?

DNI CEO Dan Weir was there for at least 10 days per month. In your opinion, why didn't, or why couldn't Randal come to the site for even one day? Are you happy with this? For me, it Speaks volumes, as to the importance he gave this project, and to his credibility when claiming he acted responsibly?

Saprolities I hope you can answer these questions because I am having trouble understanding CGM's expectations in light of these facts.

I do however understand why you and Randal would be trying to protect your investment and get all you can, but the motives appear selfish in nature.

Checkmate28 JMHO