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03/30/18 4:18 PM

#278075 RE: fuagf #278068

As Hope leaves, a nationwide search for Despair is on,

while a president struggles to understand himself and his actual role in Mr. Mueller's world.

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03/30/18 8:48 PM

#278080 RE: fuagf #278068

Part 175, some of Russian meddling, and related, material from F6 big ones. These posted Friday, 03/30/18, covering March 8,
2018, and headed, In Spain, Women Launch Nationwide Feminist Strike Protesting “Alliance of Patriarchy & Capitalism”

The sixth

The Stormy Daniels saga is more than just a sex scandal

Published on Mar 8, 2018 by ThinkProgress [ , ]

Over the last few months, we've learned about the relationship between Donald Trump, the President of the United States, and
Stormy Daniels, an adult film star. It's easy to see how this story generates headlines but it's more than just a sex scandal.
There are serious legal issues involved that are connected to the most fundamental principles of American democracy. [with comments]

The twenty-fourth

Guess Who will leave the Trump White House next

Published on Mar 8, 2018 by Vox [ / , ]
Trump’s White House has the highest turnover of any modern presidency.
If you feel like there’s been a ton of turnover at the Trump White House, there has been. In fact, Trump’s White House has seen more turnover in its first year than each of the past five administrations. And he’s beaten the record by a lot — at 34 percent he’s more than doubled the rate of turnover of the previous record holder, Ronald Reagan.
High staff turnover at the White House isn’t necessarily unusual. Each of the past five presidents had turnover within their staff. But the sheer number of people leaving the Trump administration is unusual. Is this cause for concern?
See everyone who has left Trump's administration so far on [with comments]

Starting with the thirtieth, these three

The Moment Sam Nunberg Realized He Must Comply With Bob Mueller | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Published on Mar 8, 2018 by MSNBC [ / , ]
In this backstage footage from inside Sam Nunberg’s headline-making media tour, the former Trump aide can be seen weighing the risks of defying Bob Mueller, and potentially going to jail, as he prepares for the interview he would later credit for changing his mind. MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber and Maya Wiley, the former counsel to the Mayor of New York, can be seen speaking to Nunberg before, during and after the newsmaking interview. [with comments]


Why Mueller 'following the debt' scares Trump, Kushner

The Beat with Ari Melber
Ari Melber reports on the pressure building on Jared Kushner who Federal officials say has "significant financial entanglements" with a "foreign adversary" and
could be using his White House job to deal with massive business debts. Former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance explains why Mueller “has to be” following the debt.
©2018 , [with comments]


Reporter who broke Stormy Daniels affair story: I believe her

The Beat with Ari Melber
The reporter who first landed the Stormy Daniels-Trump alleged affair story in 2011 joins “The Beat,” revealing
Daniels passed a lie detector test and explains why she believes her and finds her even “more credible” today.
©2018 , [with comments]

Ten farther down, just into the second half, this one

Connecting the dots of a possible Trump-Putin back channel
All In with Chris Hayes
The Seychelles meeting reportedly under investigation is one in a string of contacts between Russia and Trump world during the transition.

Three farther down, this one

Trump seems to have trouble remembering to sign things

All In with Chris Hayes
Stormy Daniels alleges that her nondisclosure agreement is null and void because Trump never signed it. And
if that’s true, it wouldn’t be the first time the president failed to sign something he was supposed to.
©2018 , [with comments]

Leave three, to this group of seven

Second ankle bracelet for Manafort after plea on latest charges
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow reports on Paul Manafort pleading not guilty to his second set of charges in Virginia, earning him
a second ankle bracelet as he faces potentially 23 to 30 years in prison if he is convicted in both cases.


Witnesses tell Mueller details of Trump backer's secret meetings
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow reports on what is publicly known about about a series of meetings at which Trump officials reportedly tried to set up a back channel
of communication with Russia, and notes that a lot more facts are likely known by Robert Mueller as attendees are cooperating with the investigation.


Mueller witness Nader emerges from obscurity with new details
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow reports on new details being learned about George Nader, the businessman who set up the
Seychelles meeting involving Trump surrogate Erik Prince and a Russian investor close to Vladimir Putin.


Programming Note! Corn, Isikoff preview their new book Monday
The Rachel Maddow Show
Rachel Maddow alerts viewers that Michael Isikoff and David Corn will appear on the show on Monday
to give their first TV interview before the release of their new book, "Russian Roulette."


Vladimir Putin’s black box for Donald Trump

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
New book "Russian Roulette" has new details about Trump’s 2013 visit to Moscow and his eagerness to befriend Putin—including the gift Putin
sent to him, which might be of interest to Robert Mueller. Eugene Robinson, David Cay Johnston, & Kurt Andersen join Lawrence O'Donnell.
©2018 , [with comments]


Report: Trump upset at press secy. over Stormy Daniels answers

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell
Donald Trump is reportedly upset that his press secretary appeared to confirm key details about his agreement with Stormy Daniels.
Ex-Obama press secretary Josh Earnest tells Lawrence O'Donnell he never encountered questions like the ones Sarah Sanders now faces.
©2018 , [with comments]

Noted: The president is happy when Sarah Sanders sticks to two rules. Lying or pleading ignorance.


Trump reportedly remains arrogant & dismissive of Mueller probe

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams
With the news dominated by a porn star who's suing the president, a potential trade war, and Trump agreeing to meet
with North Korea - new reporting from his inner circle shows how he feels about the Russia investigation.
[originally aired March 8, 2018] , [with comments]

To "stashed March 8, 2018:"

Ex-Russian Spy ‘Stable’ After Nerve Agent Attack in U.K.

People on Twitter like passing on lies better than they like retweeting the truth
And bots aren’t necessarily to blame

Fake news is 70% more likely to be shared on Twitter than true stories, “stunned” MIT researchers find
And experts say not enough is being done to fix it

How Lies Spread Online

On Twitter, fake news spreads faster and further than real news — and bots aren't to blame

New Study: Twitter Users Spread Fake News Farther and Faster Than the Truth


An Operative With Trump Ties Was Once Indicted on an Obscenity Charge
George Nader was accused of importing photographs of nude boys “engaged in a variety of sexual acts.” The 1985 charges were dismissed after key evidence was thrown out.


Paul Manafort pleads not guilty to tax and fraud charges in federal court in Virginia


What Happened in Moscow: The Inside Story of How Trump’s Obsession With Putin Began
By David Corn and Michael Isikoff
His 2013 visit paved the way for a scandal that shook the world.
This is the first of two excerpts adapted from Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump [ ] (Twelve Books), by Michael Isikoff, chief investigative correspondent for Yahoo News, and David Corn, Washington bureau chief of Mother Jones. The book will be released on March 13.

The Harrowing True Story of How Vladimir Putin Blew Off Donald Trump

How a Russian-Linked Shell Company Hired An Ex-Trump Aide to Boost Albania’s Right-Wing Party in DC
Did Russians use the US political system to fuel political discord in the Balkans?
A former Trump campaign aide working as a lobbyist, a half-million-dollar payment, a conservative Albanian political party, four Republican congressmen, Breitbart News, a kosher restaurateur in New York City, an online dating service that promotes “beautiful” Ukrainian women, and Russian-linked shell companies—these are some of the elements in a bizarre tale of influence-peddling that spurs the suspicion that Russians covertly used Republicans in Washington in an effort to foment political conflict in the Balkans.
It’s a complicated story of international political skullduggery with a dizzying plot: A year ago, a sketchy Scottish firm called Biniatta Trade, which was formed by two Belize-based shell companies, paid a Republican lobbyist and former Trump campaign aide named Nick Muzin for work in the United States to help the Democratic Party of Albania. At the time, a parliamentary election was underway, and the right-wing DPA was challenging a government run by the Socialist Party. That government was led by Prime Minister Edi Rama, who was steering Albania into the European Union and warning of the rise of Russian influence in the Balkans. Coincidentally—or not—the two Belizean shell companies behind Biniatta Trade were both connected to firms controlled by Russians.

After a Mother Jones Investigation, a Right-Wing Albanian Party Attacks
And the Russian embassy there calls the magazine part of a “dirty news campaign”

Trump’s Lawyer Really Wants Jeff Sessions to Appoint a Second Special Counsel to Investigate the FBI
Jay Sekulow insists it would be “completely separate” from the Russia probe.

Jeff Sessions Has a Huge Conflict of Interest in a Federal Bribery Case—and It Keeps Getting Worse
Documents show he was deeply involved in an effort to derail an environmental cleanup at the heart of the case.