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Chronic The Hemp Hog

03/26/18 3:42 PM

#822 RE: JohnCM #821

Backstory is they need money develop/finish projects that they already blew a lot of money on. And we aren't talking chump change either ($500+ million). Short term (<1 year) no bankruptcy worries. Long term 1+ years out it is a possibility if they don't sell assets or raise money.

They are now probably going to be facing delisting about 30 days from now. There is news coming on April 6th I believe on the arbitration in their Greek mines. That a alone could shoot this back north $1. Its a high risk vs high reward situation. Any delay on the arbitration and things will get even uglier.


03/26/18 5:11 PM

#826 RE: JohnCM #821

55M have traded the last 3 days we 400M in the free float not including institution holdings. This can get much uglier very fast..

They have 500M in cash and a 250M credit line but also have 600M in debit.

It’ll be a solid bounce play when bottom is in