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03/26/18 3:20 PM

#671 RE: No1Uknow #670

We are trading... Down but trading! Maybe court is soon. Do you think we are the only two on this board that still own the stock. What am I going to sell for at this point.


06/24/21 8:20 PM

#698 RE: No1Uknow #670

I forgot I had this stock and when I saw I did years later I started looking into this whole thing. It looks like 3 people pleaded to some charge or another. It could be they did wrong or the Government/FBI Broke them and they did not have the money to fight.

It seems like the Chris guy has been fighting it the whole way. You can get on LAW360 or Pacer for this info. I would think if its going on this long the government is looking for him to spend all his money and give up fighting. Or the prosecution is screwed because they have no case. Before this all happened in 2017 there was very little news but they were going to trade shows with the product. They also were filling with the SEC. So it seems pretty legit.

While reading though all of this I see they are on their second Judge the first one was Roslynn R. Mauskopf whom seemed like someone that my be a little more for the prosecution. Now they have an new judge Eric R. Komittee whom seems to have a finance background. Which in the case of Chris and BICB if they did nothing wrong can be a good thing for shareholders. Also it seems like they are on the 2nd or 3rd prosecutor, maybe the first ones wanted out of the case.

But now that this is going on over 4 years I really do not know what to think. I would think maybe the prosecution is looking to get him into a plea? They do have a 90% conviction by doing all plea deals and after 4 years maybe Chris will just give in. But I will say this, there is no way the prosecution wants to go to trial because if they did want to, It would have been done already. They are probably trying to ware him down and bankrupt him to take a plea.

In any case if he is in the wrong then this stock is done and I should sell for the tax write off. If he is not in the wrong and its dismissed, not guilty verdict or some misdemeanor with a fine then we have a shot of this going back up. There seems to be a product, who has it? Will they bring it to market when this is over? If so then this will certainly go up.

Best wishes to anyone that still follows this stock.