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03/25/18 10:19 AM

#277962 RE: F6 #277959

Photos From the ‘March for Our Lives’ Protests Around the World


Crowds gathered Saturday in cities across the United States and around the world to join student activists in “March for Our Lives” protests against gun violence.

March for Our Lives Highlights: Students Protesting Guns Say Enough Is Enough
By THE NEW YORK TIMES UPDATED 6:57 AM®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news


03/25/18 2:54 PM

#277975 RE: F6 #277959

“People Have Just Had Enough”: West Virginia Teachers Continue Historic Strike into Eighth Day

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by Democracy Now! [ / , ]

Schools across West Virginia are closed for an eighth day, as more than 20,000 teachers and 13,000 school staffers remain on strike demanding higher wages and better healthcare. The strike, which began on February 22, has shut down every public school in the state. Teachers are demanding a 5 percent raise and a cap on spiraling healthcare costs. For more, we speak with Jay O’Neal, a middle school teacher and a union activist in Charleston, West Virginia. And we speak with Mike Elk, senior labor reporter at Payday Report. His most recent piece is titled “West Virginia Teachers’ Strike Fever Starting to Spread to Other States [ ].” [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments]


U.K. University Workers Enter Week 3 of Strike Against Pension Cuts & “Marketization” of Higher Ed

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by Democracy Now!

In Britain, tens of thousands of lecturers, librarians, researchers and other university workers are on strike to protest attacks on their pensions, as well as soaring school fees for students. For more, we speak with Priya Gopal, a university lecturer at the Faculty of English at Cambridge who is participating in the academic strike. She is a member of the the University and College Union. [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments]


From Coal Miners to Teachers: West Virginia Continues to Lead Radical Labor Struggle in the U.S.

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by Democracy Now!

For decades, West Virginia has been at the forefront of labor activism in the United States. As the state’s teachers continue their historic strike, which has shut down every single West Virginia school, we look at the history of the labor activism in the Mountain State. We speak with Jay O’Neal, a middle school teacher and a union activist in Charleston, West Virginia. And we speak with Mike Elk, senior labor reporter at Payday Report. His most recent piece is titled “West Virginia Teachers’ Strike Fever Starting to Spread to Other States.” [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments]


Readout of President Donald J. Trump’s Call with Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom

Issued on: March 5, 2018

President Donald J. Trump spoke yesterday with Prime Minister Theresa May of the United Kingdom. The leaders agreed that the Syrian regime and its Russian and Iranian sponsors must immediately and fully implement United Nations Security Council Resolution 2401, which calls for an immediate ceasefire across Syria. The leaders condemned sharply the bombing in East Ghouta. They affirmed that the United States and United Kingdom will hold Russia accountable for compelling the Assad regime to halt attacks against civilian areas and for granting access to humanitarian relief in East Ghouta. The leaders agreed that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent statements on nuclear weapons development were irresponsible. President Trump and Prime Minister May discussed other topics, including President Trump’s efforts to ensure fair and reciprocal trade as well as Prime Minister May’s work on Brexit negotiations.


Full Show - Slave Or Robot Economy? Crony Oligarchs Push Control & Censorship - 03/05/2018

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by Real News with David Knight [ , ]

5Mar18 Broadcast

Italian election pushes back against the EU, Lindsey Graham pushes mass murder against North Koreans (“it’s worth it”), HHS Secretary Azar pushed Cialis on children & says “there’s no such thing as medical marijuana”, Hollywood pushes depravity while virtue signaling with a Marxist agenda and Gerald Celente on the Trump tariff.

[from Alex Jones and his merry band of batshit bullshitters] [with comments] [also at (with comments)]


Bob's Burgers | How To Catch A Hacking Mastermind

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by Comedy Central UK [ / , , ]

Bob's free wifi is attracting a lot of new customers, but there's a criminal hacker amongst the diners. Can Sergeant Bosco figure out who it is? [with comments]


Lab Chimpanzees Are Retiring To This Chimp Haven (HBO)

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by VICE News [ / , ]

The National Institutes of Health own 518 research chimpanzees. But since the late nineties, long before biomedical research on chimpanzees was actually banned in 2015, the use of our closest animal relative in science has been declining. And the NIH is still trying to figure out what to do with its aging community of ex-lab chimps.

Over 200 research chimps are still being housed in labs, instead of sanctuaries. The research chimpanzees and their ancestors, contributed to the eradication of diseases like Hepatitis A and B and polio in many parts of the world. They’ve helped us better understand the human body and mind.

Any other lab animal would be euthanized -- but not chimpanzees. It’s a decision that acknowledges just how similar they are to humans, and the CHIMP act, signed by President Clinton in the year 2000, makes it official: The Federal Government guarantees that all research chimps will live out their lives in a federally approved sanctuary.

That sanctuary is Chimp Haven in Louisiana. This month, ten years after the first chimps arrived there and some of them experienced trees and open space for the first time, Chimp Haven is celebrating a milestone. More than half the NIH chimps have made it into the sanctuary system. But to accept more transfers, Chimp Haven will need to expand, and it’s struggling to find the funding it needs.

VICE News Tonight visited Chimp Haven to see what retirement looks like for the lucky half of America’s research chimps. [with comments]


WATCH: President Trump meets Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu at White House

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by PBS NewsHour [ / , ]

President Donald Trump holds a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the Oval Office at the White House.

Remarks by President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu of Israel Before Bilateral Meeting
Oval Office
March 5, 2018 [official transcript] [comments disabled] [official White House upload at (with comments)]


Readout of President Donald J. Trump’s Meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel

Issued on: March 5, 2018

President Donald J. Trump met today with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel to reaffirm the great friendship between the United States and Israel, and the commitment of the United States to Israel’s security. President Trump underscored his goal of countering Iran’s malign influence. The President also emphasized his commitment to achieving a lasting peace deal between Israelis and Palestinians.


Freethought Matters: Cara Santa Maria

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by FFRF [ / , ]

FFRF Co-Presidents Dan Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor interview Cara Santa Maria on this weeks episode of Freethought Matters.

Cara Santa Maria is a Los Angeles Area Emmy and Knight Foundation Award winning journalist, science communicator, television personality, producer, and podcaster.

Cara reports on local issues for SoCal Connected on KCET, and she hosts the digital companion series for the popular competition reality show America's Greatest Makers on TBS. Cara is the creator and host of a weekly science podcast called Talk Nerdy with Cara Santa Maria and co-hosts the popular Skeptics' Guide to the Universe podcast. She is a founding member of the Nerd Brigade and co-founded the annual science communication retreat #SciCommCamp.

Previously, Cara was a regular contributor to TechKnow on Al Jazeera America and Real Future on Fusion. She also co-hosted Brain Surgery Live on National Geographic Channel. She was a co-host and producer of TakePart Live on Pivot TV and FabLab on Fox. Before that, she was the Senior Science Correspondent for The Huffington Post and costarred in Hacking the Planet and The Truth About Twisters on The Weather Channel.

Cara has made appearances on BBC America, CBS, CNN, Current TV, Fox, Fox News, G4tv, Nat Geo WILD, Science Channel, SundanceTV, and the Travel Channel. She is also a contributor to The Young Turks.

Prior to her career in media, Cara taught biology and psychology courses to university undergraduates and high school students in Texas and New York. Her published research has spanned various topics, including clinical psychological assessment, the neuropsychology of blindness, neuronal cell culture techniques, and computational neurophysiology. [with comments]


Full Show - Free Speech Under Attack - Censorship Of Infowars Continues - 03/05/2018

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by Ron Gibson [ / , ]

Monday, March 5th 2018[, with an appearance by Leo Zagami, and Gerald Celente hosting the fourth hour]: America Ignores Oscars - Ratings for the Oscars are near all-time lows, which indicates Americans are rejecting Hollywood just as they rejected the NFL for its hypocrisy. Street artist Sabo talks about his successful troll job at the Oscars to refocus the narrative on the truth, and famous first responder Brandon Tatum breaks down how middle America is moving away from mass entertainment in favor of family. [with comments] [the significantly edited official Alex Jones upload at (title adapted from; with comments)]


KIDS! A Randy Rainbow Song Parody

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by Randy Rainbow [ / , ] [with comments]


The God of the Gun: A "Divine Right" to an AR-15?

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by TheThinkingAtheist [ / , ]

In the wake of the February 2018 Parkland, Florida school shooting, many Christians again claim that the right to own an assault rifle is God-given. We take a fair, candid look at the tragedy, the political maneuvering, the law, and the future of God & Guns in America. [with comments]


Former Trump aide Sam Nunberg refusing to comply with Mueller subpoena

MSNBC Live with Katy Tur

Sam Nunberg, a former aide to President Trump, has been subpoenaed by Robert Mueller’s special counsel. However, Nunberg says he refuses to cooperate, citing he sees no reason to spend hours digging up emails of his from 2015 that are requested. He talks to Katy Tur over the phone about the development in Mueller’s case, saying, "Trump may have done something during the election. I don't know what it is."

©2018 , [with comments] [a must-watch]


WATCH: Sarah Sanders holds White House news briefing

Streamed live on Mar 5, 2018 by PBS NewsHour

President Donald Trump's press secretary Sarah Sanders holds White House news briefing.

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Sarah Sanders
James S. Brady Press Briefing Room
March 5, 2018 [official transcript] [comments disabled] [official White House upload at (with comments)]


Court Rulings Don't Mean All Dreamers Are Safe (HBO)

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by VICE News

Last September, Attorney General Jeff Sessions set March 5th as the end date for DACA — the 2012 program that provided Dreamers with work permits and protection from deportation.

But a series of court injunctions this year has temporarily halted the administration’s wind down of the program, leading many to believe that Dreamers are safe. Starting tomorrow, however, roughly 400 people each day will lose their protected status.

DACA recipients whose status expires after March 5 were not allowed to apply for a renewal until a District Judge in California halted President Trump’s plan in January. But the relief came too late. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services can take up to 120 days to process an application. So even people who applied immediately could face a lapse in their status while they wait for their renewal to be processed. During that time, they could lose their jobs and driver’s licenses, and will immediately be subject to deportation.

Hugo, a DACA recipient whose status expires March 9th, is currently waiting for his renewal to be processed. "After my DACA expires, I'm not going to have any protection. I have an eight-year-old daughter [who is a U.S. citizen] and knowing that there might be a period of time where I might be able to be kicked out of the country, it is very scary." [with comments]


March 5: The DACA deadline and what will happen to Dreamers

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by ThinkProgress [ , ]

Editor-in-chief Judd Legum sits down with ThinkProgress immigration reporter Esther Lee to discuss the significance and insignificance of the White House's March 5 DACA deadline, and what will happen to Dreamers in the months ahead. [with comments]


The real story about ICE

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by mediamatters4america [ / , ]

Officials of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are rounding up immigrants and immigrant rights activists, and terrorizing communities across America. None of this should be considered normal. [with comments]


Full Show - CNN GANG STALKS INFOWARS! - 03/05/2018

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by War Room [ , ]

Michael Zimmermann fills in to host with Ashton Whitty, Lee Ann McAdoo, Roger Stone and Harrison Smith. As CNN wages war against Infowars, the internet censorship attacks multiply.

[from Alex Jones and his merry band of batshit bullshitters] [with comments] [also at (with comments)]


How YouTube's Algorithm Could Prioritize Conspiracy Theories (HBO)

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by VICE News

A former YouTube engineer is speaking out against the company’s recommendation algorithm, saying that it is programmed in a way that could lead to the promotion of conspiracy theories.

Guillaume Chaslot, who has a Ph.D, in computer science and worked on the YouTube recommendation algorithm in 2010, says that when he worked at the company, YouTube was programming its algorithm to optimize for one key metric: keeping viewers on YouTube for as long as possible, or “watch time.”

Chaslot says that conspiracy videos, like those about flat earth or autism and vaccines, were more likely to be recommended in YouTube’s recommendation algorithm because of the focus on watch time. In a statement to VICE News, a YouTube spokesperson says the company still considers watch time in its algorithm, but it now also focuses on another metric: user satisfaction.

Chaslot has since created a tool, dubbed AlgoTransparency, that he says shows conspiracy videos on YouTube are some of the most likely to be recommended. VICE News meet with Chaslot to discuss how YouTube's algorithm works and how he plans to create another similar tool for the Facebook and Twitter algorithms. [with comments]


How politicians troll the media

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by Vox [ / , , ]

Politicians are trolling the media to advance their own agendas.

Between Rep. Devin Nunes’ (R-CA) secret memo, allegations of missing text messages, and the panic over a so-called “secret society” in the FBI, the past few weeks of political news coverage have been dominated by Republican pseudoscandals. And while each of these alleged “bombshells” has turned out to be a dud, these stories raise questions about whether GOP politicians are intentionally baiting journalists -- trolling them into covering conspiracy theories in order to raise doubts about the FBI and the ongoing Mueller investigation.

Read why the Nunes memo was a dud on
And how the media fell for it anyway: [with comments]


Vice President Mike Pence

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by AIPAC [ / , ]

The Vice President of the United States Mike Pence delivers remarks at the 2018 AIPAC Policy Conference.

Remarks by Vice President Pence at the AIPAC Policy Conference
Washington Convention Center
Washington, D.C.
March 5, 2018 [official transcript]

[from March 5, 2018] [comments disabled]


Dawah Digital Makes No Sense: Why Can There Be Only One God?

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by Godless Cranium [ , ]

Responding to a video by Dawah Digital, where they try to explain why there can only be one god.

The speaker tries to explain that their god is imposing and multiple gods would restrict his god, therefore only one god could exist.

It's all very confusing.

Original video:

1 God? 2 Gods? 3 Gods? 4?
Published on Dec 31, 2017 by Dawah Digital [ , ]
Asim asks Imran, if an atheist is willing to admit that God is the most liekly cause but asks "why limit to one God? why not 2 or 3?" then how to deal with this. Imran responds with Surah Al Anbiyah's ayah number 22 and explains further. [with comments] [with comments]


Helium Diffusion Rates in Zircon Crystals Prove a Young Earth - Creation Today Claims

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by Paulogia [ , ]

In 2003, the RATE (Radioisotopes and the Age of The Earth) study set out to prove that the half-lives of radioactive elements were drastically different in the past. They were attempting to invalidate the entire field of radiometric dating… one of science’s most relied-upon methods for determining the age of ancient materials.

But did they prove this claim? Dr. Kevin R. Henke and Dr. Gary Loechelt have spent over a decade looking at the helium diffusion rates in zircon crystals studies and asking important questions.

Dr. Kevin Henke and Dr. Gary Loechelt discuss creationist claims about helium diffusion rates

Dr. Humphreys' Young-Earth Helium Diffusion "Dates"

Logarithms... How? (mathbff)

Creation Today Episodes:

Thanks to Dr. Kevin Henke, Dr. Gary Loechelt, Steve McRae and Shannon Q. [with comments]


Life in Louisiana

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by Southern Poverty Law Center [ / , ]

4,800 people are serving life without parole in Louisiana.

That’s more than the number of people serving life without parole in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas – combined, according to a 2017 report by the Sentencing Project.

Louisiana is one of only two states in the country that has a mandatory life sentence without parole for second-degree murder.

To address laws like this that made Louisiana the incarceration capital of the world, a Justice Reinvestment Task Force reviewed the state’s policies and recommended a number of changes aimed at reducing the prison population, saving tax dollars and improving public safety.

As the recommendations worked their way through the Louisiana Legislature, 10 bills passed, but the language that would give people serving long sentences like Starr an opportunity to share their stories with a parole board was left on the cutting room floor.

The legislation would have extended parole eligibility to those who have served 20 years and are reaching age 45 and would have made most lifers eligible for parole after serving 30 years in prison and reaching age 50.

Read more about those serving #LifeinLouisiana: [comments disabled]


Watch: Sam Nunberg defying Mueller gets cross-examined on live TV

The Beat with Ari Melber

In a historic interview, former Trump aide Sam Nunberg tells Ari Melber he won’t comply with Mueller’s Grand Jury Subpoena because the Russia probe is trying to "set up” his mentor Roger Stone. For the first time, Nunberg admits on live TV That Mueller offered him “immunity”, but he claims he’s willing to go to jail and defy the Special Counsel.

©2018 , [with comments] [the complete interview; a must-watch]


Sam Nunberg: Mueller probing Trump’s business

The Beat with Ari Melber

Former Trump aide Sam Nunberg tells Ari Melber that after his interview with Bob Mueller he thinks “Trump did something pretty bad” and it relates to Trump’s businesses.

©2018 , [with comments] [an excerpt from the complete interview just above]


Sam Nunberg: Mueller offered me immunity

The Beat with Ari Melber

For the first time, Nunberg admits on live TV That Mueller offered him “immunity”, but he claims he’s willing to go to jail and defy the Special Counsel.

©2018 [an excerpt from the complete interview second above]


Sam Nunberg: Mueller “definitely” has Roger Stone’s emails

The Beat with Ari Melber

In a historic interview, former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg tells Ari Melber he will refuse to comply with a Grand Jury Subpoena issued to him by Bob Mueller, because he suspects they are trying to “set-up a case" against his mentor and “surrogate father” Roger Stone.

©2018 [an excerpt from the complete interview third above]


Sam Nunberg: “I’m not going to jail”

The Beat with Ari Melber

Former Trump aide Sam Nunberg tells Ari Melber if Special Counsel Mueller tries to send him to jail for refusing to comply with the Grand Jury subpoena he’ll “laugh about it" and "make a bigger spectacle" than he did on The Beat.

©2018 , [with comments] [an excerpt from the complete interview fourth above]


Fmr. Trump aide Nunberg: Mueller's got something on Trump

All In with Chris Hayes

After being questioned by Mueller's team, Sam Nunberg says he'll risk prison to avoid complying with a grand jury subpoena.



Did Russia block Trump from tapping Romney?

All In with Chris Hayes

The New Yorker reveals that Christopher Steele wrote a memo laying out a Russian official's claim that the Kremlin may have blocked Trump from picking Romney for Secretary of State.

©2018 , [with comments]


Trump hits landmark 100 days at golf clubs as president

All In with Chris Hayes

President Trump hit an auspicious landmark this weekend, as the Trump Organization reportedly ordered dozens of replicas of the presidential seal for tee boxes at Trump golf course holes.

©2018 , [with comments]


West Virginia teacher strike now longest in state history

All In with Chris Hayes

West Virginia schools will remain closed for the ninth day Tuesday as teachers fight for a 5% raise.



Belarusian escort: I have audio linking Kremlin to Trump

All In with Chris Hayes

A Belarusian self-styled "sex coach" in a Bangkok jail says she is "the only witness and th emissing link in the connection between Russia and the U.S. elections."



Follow-the-money stories plague Trump team with scandals

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reviews the many and diverse follow-the-money stories about Donald Trump and his associates in recent news, from a sketch stock sale by Carl Icahn, to new questions about payments to a porn star, to Jared Kushner's solicitation of investments in his family business.

©2018 , [with comments]


Report: Russia vetoed Romney, favored Tillerson for State Dept.

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow highlights new revelations in a lengthy New Yorker profile by Jane Mayer of Christopher Steele and his work on the Trump Russia dossier.



Report raises specter of a Trump Russia dossier-related death

The Rachel Maddow Show

Jane Mayer, staff writer for The New Yorker, talks with Rachel Maddow about the reporting behind her lengthy profile of Trump Russia dossier author Christopher Steele.



Why didn't Democrats use the dossier during the 2016 campaign?

The Rachel Maddow Show

Jane Mayer, staff writer for The New Yorker, talks with Rachel Maddow about why the Clinton campaign didn't use material from the dossier they had paid for, and when the Obama White House found out that Donald Trump and his campaign were the subject of a counterintelligence investigation.



Tillerson spends $0 to counter Russia despite millions set aside

The Rachel Maddow Show

Gardiner Harris, State Department correspondent for The New York Times, talks with Rachel Maddow about new reporting that Rex Tillerson has not utilized tens of millions of dollars allocated for countering Russian intrusion.

©2018 , [with comments]


After day-long TV meltdown, ex Trump aide reconsiders subpoena

The Rachel Maddow Show

Rachel Maddow reports on former Donald Trump aide Sam Nunberg's bizarre performance via successive cable news appearances in which he vowed to defy a Robert Mueller subpoena, only to be reported having second thoughts by day's end.



Nunberg says he'll comply, but won't 'make it easy' for Mueller

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

The world watched ex-Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg unravel over and over again on live television as he dared special prosecutor Robert Mueller to arrest him for refusing to comply with a subpoena.

©2018 , [with comments]


Sam Nunberg appears to cave after wild interviews

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Ex-Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg gave wild and erratic interviews saying he wouldn't cooperate with the special counsel's subpoena but then had an apparent change of heart. Ari Melber, who interviewed Nunberg, joins Lawrence O'Donnell, Ron Klain, and Mike Murphy.

©2018 , [with comments]


Trump ally calls president's behavior 'pure madness'

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

The Washington Post reports Trump allies are increasingly worried that the president's obsession with cable commentary and perceived slights is taking a toll on the 71-year-old. Ashley Parker, who wrote the piece, and Francesca Chambers join Lawrence O'Donnell.

©2018 , [with comments]


Ex-Trump aide: Mueller may have something on Trump

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

During a string of confusing and conflicting media appearances across a frenetic day, ex-Trump aide Sam Nunberg suggested Trump "may have done something during the election" on Russia. Nunberg also offered mixed messages on whether he would comply with a subpoena from Robert Mueller in the Russia investigation.


[originally aired March 5, 2018]


Trump's State Dept. has spent $0 fighting Russia meddling

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

A slew of headlines break on the Russia investigation including how Russia may have meddled in more than the 2016 election and that the State Dept. has spent none of the $120 million allotted to fight Russian meddling. Our panel reacts.

©2018 , [with comments]


Trump Doesn't Think Twice About His Looming Trade War | The Daily Show

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah [ , ]

GOP lawmakers are quick to denounce President Trump's plan to put tariffs on steel and aluminum, citing a possible trade war and thousands of job losses. [with comments]


Trump’s Trade Solution - Between the Scenes: The Daily Show

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Even when Trump gets the problem right, his solutions are out of whack.

[from March 5, 2018] [with comments]


A Pro Wrestler Gives Democrats Better Soundbites: The Daily Show

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Ronny Chieng finds out how a professional wrestler named The Progressive Liberal uses broad talking points to advance his left-wing agenda. [with comments]


Protecting Congress's Old White Men - The Opposition w/ Jordan Klepper

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by Comedy Central [ / , , ]

Citizen Journalist Laura Grey heads to Texas to confront a pair of female candidates trying to suppress men by reducing their already slim 80 percent majority in Congress. [with comments]


'The Shape Of Water' Fish Man's Wild Oscars Night

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert [ , ]

One fish at the afterparties of the Academy Awards wasn't an hors d'oeuvre.

[originally aired March 5, 2018] [with comments]


Stephen Breaks Down Sam Nunberg's Breakdown

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Colbert had a monologue full of perfectly good tariff humor ready to go. Then former Trump aide Sam Nunberg got on TV. [with comments]


Stephen Colbert Responds To Devin Nunes

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Rep. Devin Nunes told Fox News he wasn't aware of Late Show reaching out for comment during Stephen's trip to Washington. But Stephen has receipts.

[originally aired March 5, 2018] [with comments]


Chelsea Clinton's Role As First Daughter Was Different Than Ivanka's

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

'She Persisted Around the World: 13 Women Who Changed History' author Chelsea Clinton had a very different First Daughter experience than Ivanka Trump.

[originally aired March 5, 2018 (U.S. central time)] [with comments]


The Real Reason You Have to Wait So Long at the Doctor's Office

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by Comedy Central [ / , ]

When you're in the waiting room for close to an hour, your doctors aren't dealing with other patients or filling out paperwork – they're cramming for your appointment. [with comments]


West Virginia Teachers' Strike, Trump's Trade Tirade: A Closer Look

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by Late Night with Seth Meyers [ / , ]

Seth takes a closer look at the thousands of teachers on strike in West Virginia and how the constant turmoil in his administration is causing President Trump to lash out. [with comments]


stashed March 5, 2018:

Italy Election Gives Big Lift to Far Right and Populists

Analysis: What can we expect after the Italian election, and how did we get here?

Italy election: Projections point to hung parliament
Italy is on course for a hung parliament after voters backed right-wing and populist parties, vote projections based on partial results suggest.

Italy Populists Break Establishment Grip In Quest for Power
Country faces stalemate as no clear winning party or alliance
Five Star, League surge as Berlusconi, Democratic Party falter

Italy's election poses more questions than it answers
With the two traditional parties falling short, Italy’s future is anything but certain


Special counsel wants documents on Trump, numerous campaign associates


Trump Administration Beats Back Warnings on Tariffs
Trading partners, U.S. companies voice concerns over proposal on steel and aluminum

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: Trump tariffs will have a 'broad' but 'trivial' impact on prices - - video


Christopher Steele, the Man Behind the Trump Dossier - BIG piece - Maddow segments with Mayer 3-5-18
How the ex-spy tried to warn the world about Trump’s ties to Russia.
By Jane Mayer


Trump’s Voter Fraud Czar, And His Claims About Illegal Voting, Are About To Go On Trial - case v. Kansas, Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach
“This could really be in a lot of ways the case where we really put the evidence of fraud on trial in this country,” said the ACLU’s Dale Ho.

Trump Puts Pressure On NAFTA Talks With More Tariff Threats
Canada and Mexico could be exempt from new tariffs if they renegotiate the trade deal, he hinted.

Teacher Removed From Classroom Over White Nationalist Podcast Says It’s Satire - yeah, (keep on) blow(ing) it out your ass
The school district said it began investigating immediately after HuffPost raised questions about the teacher.

Far Right Surges As Italy Faces Hung Parliament - Reuters
Polls show voters spurned traditional parties and flocked to anti-establishment and far-right groups in record numbers.

Ex-Russian spy critically ill after exposure to substance in UK: BBC
LONDON (Reuters) - A former Russian spy was critically ill after being exposed to an unknown substance in western England, British broadcaster BBC said on Monday.
The BBC identified the man as Sergei Skripal who was granted refuge in Britain after a spy swap between the United States and Russia in 2010.
Police said two people had been found unconscious on a bench on Sunday in the city of Salisbury. They were being treated for“suspected exposure to an unknown substance” and they remained critically ill, police said.
A hospital in Salisbury said earlier on Monday it was“dealing with a major incident involving a small number of casualties.” It said staff and patients should come to the hospital as usual.
Relations between Britain and Russia have been strained since the murder of ex-KGB agent Alexander Litvinenko in London in 2006, a killing which a British inquiry said was probably approved by President Vladimir Putin.
Skripal, a former colonel of Russia’s military intelligence, was convicted in Russia in 2006 on charges of espionage for Britain’s MI6 intelligence agency. He was sentenced to a 13-year prison term before he was pardoned in 2010 as part of a spy swap with the United States, according to media reports at the time.

U.S. judge orders ex-drug executive Shkreli to give up $7.36 million
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Former drug company executive Martin Shkreli may have to give up a Picasso and a one-of-a-kind Wu-Tang Clan album, after a U.S. judge on Monday ordered him to forfeit $7.36 million following his conviction of defrauding investors.
U.S. District Judge Kiyo Matsumoto in Brooklyn said the assets Shkreli could forfeit to satisfy the judgment also include $5 million in a brokerage account and his stake in Vyera Pharmaceuticals, one of the drug companies he founded.
Shkreli is scheduled to be sentenced for securities fraud on Friday.
A lawyer for Shkreli could not immediately be reached for comment on the judge’s order.
Shkreli, 34, has been in jail since September, when Matsumoto revoked his bail after he offered a $5,000 bounty for a strand of Hillary Clinton’s hair in a Facebook post.
Shkreli became notorious as the“Pharma Bro” when he raised the price of anti-parasitic drug Daraprim by over 5,000 percent in 2015 while he was chief executive officer of Turing Pharmaceuticals. Turing is now Vyera.
In December 2015, Shkreli told Bloomberg Businessweek that he had bought the Wu-Tang Clan’s“Once Upon a Time in Shaolin” when the hip-hop group auctioned the sole copy of the album to the highest bidder. Bloomberg reported that he paid $2 million for it.
Shkreli has also boasted of owning a Picasso painting.
A jury found Shkreli guilty last August of securities fraud charges unrelated to Daraprim. They determined that he lied to investors about the performance of two hedge funds he ran, MSMB Capital and MSMB Healthcare. He also was found guilty of conspiring to manipulate the stock price of another drug company he founded, Retrophin Inc.
Shkreli’s lawyers have asked that he be sentenced to 12 to 18 months in prison. They argued in a court filing that a lenient sentence is warranted partly because the investors eventually came out ahead when Shkreli paid them in stock and cash from Retrophin.
Matsumoto has already ruled that when Shkreli is sentenced, he will be held responsible for $10.4 million in losses, including all of the money his investors entrusted to his hedge funds. She said that regardless of the investors’ ultimate gains, Shkreli got their money in the first place through fraud.
Although the $10.4 million loss will result in a higher recommended sentence under federal guidelines, Matsumoto is not required to follow those guidelines.

Scott Pruitt Vs. The Pope - The New Republic
The EPA administrator has become the de facto spokesperson for a fringe version of Christian environmentalism.

Chris Christie Slams ‘Some Of The Really Awful People Inside The White House’
The former New Jersey governor says they’re trying to “hurt” Kellyanne Conway.

Florida Billboard Slams NRA As ‘Terrorist Organization’
Critics of the gun lobby are going big.

I’m Raising A Biracial Daughter In Japan, Where She’s Surrounded By Blackface

Younger Siblings Teach Older Siblings Empathy, Study Confirms - Fatherly
Scientists have finally figured out what younger siblings do, other than demand attention.

Former Trump aide Sam Nunberg called before grand jury, says he will refuse to go
“The Russians and Trump did not collude,” Nunberg said. “Putin is too smart to collude with Donald Trump.”
“I’m not spending 80 hours going over my emails with Roger Stone and Stephen K. Bannon and producing them,” Nunberg said. “Donald Trump won this election on his own. He campaigned his ass off. And there is nobody who hates him more than me.”

Former Trump campaign adviser Sam Nunberg to meet with Mueller team
Sam Nunberg, one of President Donald Trump’s earliest campaign advisers, is scheduled to meet Thursday with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators in Washington, according to a person with knowledge of the interview.
Nunberg was an outspoken Trump aide who got fired in August 2015 over racially charged Facebook posts. Trump later sued Nunberg for $10 million for breaching a confidentiality agreement. They settled the case a month later.

Longtime Trump adviser Sam Nunberg who was fired over racially charged social media gets his turn on Mueller's hot seat
Nunberg, 36, was fired from Trump's campaign in the early going when racially charged social media posts from his past were discovered
He was accused of fabricating an 'affair' between then-campaign director Corey Lewandowski and White House communications director Hope Hicks
Nunberg is also close to Trump-whisperer Roger Stone
He's set to be grilled by Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team on Thursday
21 February 2018 Updated: 22 February 2018

‘Weak link’: Ex-Trump aide Sam Nunberg claims Kushner was ‘doing nefarious things’ in the White House
01 Mar 2018

segment with Katy Tur coming up on 2p CT 3-5-18 - 'Roger Stone is my mentor', etc, etc - included above


Trump Lawyer’s Payment to Stormy Daniels Was Reported as Suspicious by Bank
First Republic alerted Treasury Department about Michael Cohen’s $130,000 wire transfer to former adult-film actress Stormy Daniels

Trump lawyer's $130,000 payment to adult film star was reportedly flagged as suspicious and sent to Treasury Department
Trump's lawyer's payment to former adult film star Stormy Daniels was reportedly flagged as suspicious and sent to the Treasury Department.
Cohen complained that the money he sent out of his own pocket had not been reimbursed, the WSJ reports, citing sources.
Daniels reportedly received the payment as part of a nondisclosure agreement regarding an alleged affair with Trump.

Trump is implicated in his attorney’s Stormy Daniels payment for the first time


Putin's power play: Saudi-Russia oil deal leads to bigger Russia role in Middle East
The agreement between Saudi Arabia and Russia to cut back on oil production has boosted oil prices and is now the foundation for a broader relationship.
The partnership with OPEC, led by Saudi Arabia, allows Russia to strengthen its hand in the Middle East at the same time the U.S. role has been diminished.
Saudi Arabia may believe Russia can help it with the Iran nuclear threat.
Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman, expected to become king after his father, will be visiting the United States later this month.

OPEC Needs to ‘Reconsider’ Output on Shale Surge, IEA Head Says
OPEC and Russia’s cuts triggered new surge in U.S. shale oil
Producers need to ‘reconsider’ their output accordingly: IEA


U.S. security panel deals major blow to Broadcom's bid for Qualcomm

U.S. Orders Qualcomm to Delay Meeting for Review of Broadcom Offer
Move represents a highly unusual intervention by Washington


Republicans 'extremely worried' by Trump's metal tariffs plan
Republicans have raised concern about the US president's plan to impose tariffs on metals, with the party's top lawmaker calling for it to be scrapped.
US Speaker of the House Paul Ryan said he was "extremely worried" about the impact of a trade war, adding that it could undermine economic gains.
But Mr Trump pushed back during a White House meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
"We're not backing down," he told reporters on Monday.
"I don't think you're going to have a trade war," he said.
His comments came an hour after Mr Ryan released a statement urging the White House to reconsider its plan.

How Trump's planned steel, aluminum tariffs affect you


'Flippy' The Fast Food Robot (Sort Of) Mans The Grill At Caliburger


The Islamic State released a video of a deadly attack of U.S. soldiers. Here’s why it matters.

IS video 'shows deaths of US soldiers in Niger ambush'
The Islamic State (IS) group has published a video purporting to show an ambush in Niger in which four US soldiers were killed last October.


Trump’s name stripped from Panama hotel as showdown appears to end

Battle rages for control of Trump hotel in Panama


America's Gun-Culture Problem
Since the September 11 attacks, attitudes around weaponry have transformed into something unhealthy.

In 2004, he walked into school with a shotgun. Today — from prison — he weighs in on Parkland.

Nobody knows how many kids get caught with guns in school. Here’s why.

Covering the latest school shooting? Here's a model story for journalists


WSJ: Cohen complained about lack of reimbursement for porn star payment
Washington (CNN) - President Donald Trump's personal attorney Michael Cohen complained to friends he had not been reimbursed for a six-figure payment to a porn star alleged to have had an affair with Trump, The Wall Street Journal reported [ ] Monday.
Cohen previously said in a statement that he had facilitated a payment to Stephanie Clifford, better known as the porn star Stormy Daniels, but has denied that Trump and Clifford had an affair in 2006, as The Wall Street Journal previously reported [ ].
The Journal report on Monday said First Republic Bank, the bank Cohen used to wire $130,000 to Clifford, reported the payment to the Treasury Department after flagging it as suspicious.

Trump's lawyer reportedly complained that he was not reimbursed for his hush payment to porn star Stormy Daniels
President Donald Trump's personal lawyer reportedly complained to friends after the 2016 election that he had not yet been reimbursed for a payment he made to keep a porn star quiet about her alleged affair with Trump.
Michael Cohen said last month that he was not reimbursed for the $130,000 payment by the Trump campaign or the Trump Organization, but has not said whether Trump ever personally paid him.
The Wall Street Journal reported on Monday that Cohen's bank marked the transaction as suspicious and reported it to the Treasury Department.


'Corporations Are People' Is Built on an Incredible 19th-Century Lie
How a farcical series of events in the 1880s produced an enduring and controversial legal precedent
Somewhat unintuitively, American corporations today enjoy many of the same rights as American citizens. Both, for instance, are entitled to the freedom of speech and the freedom of religion. How exactly did corporations come to be understood as “people” bestowed with the most fundamental constitutional rights? The answer can be found in a bizarre—even farcical—series of lawsuits over 130 years ago involving a lawyer who lied to the Supreme Court, an ethically challenged justice, and one of the most powerful corporations of the day.
That corporation was the Southern Pacific Railroad Company, owned by the robber baron Leland Stanford. In 1881, after California lawmakers imposed a special tax on railroad property, Southern Pacific pushed back, making the bold argument that the law was an act of unconstitutional discrimination under the Fourteenth Amendment. Adopted after the Civil War to protect the rights of the freed slaves, that amendment guarantees to every “person” the “equal protection of the laws.” Stanford’s railroad argued that it was a person too, reasoning that just as the Constitution prohibited discrimination on the basis of racial identity, so did it bar discrimination against Southern Pacific on the basis of its corporate identity.
The head lawyer representing Southern Pacific was a man named Roscoe Conkling. A leader of the Republican Party for more than a decade, Conkling had even been nominated to the Supreme Court twice. He begged off both times, the second time after the Senate had confirmed him. (He remains the last person to turn down a Supreme Court seat after winning confirmation). More than most lawyers, Conkling was seen by the justices as a peer.
It was a trust Conkling would betray. As he spoke before the Court on Southern Pacific’s behalf, Conkling recounted an astonishing tale. In the 1860s, when he was a young congressman, Conkling had served on the drafting committee that was responsible for writing the Fourteenth Amendment. Then the last member of the committee still living, Conkling told the justices that the drafters had changed the wording of the amendment, replacing “citizens” with “persons” in order to cover corporations too. Laws referring to “persons,” he said, have “by long and constant acceptance … been held to embrace artificial persons as well as natural persons.” Conkling buttressed his account with a surprising piece of evidence: a musty old journal he claimed was a previously unpublished record of the deliberations of the drafting committee.
Years later, historians would discover that Conkling’s journal was real but his story was a fraud. The journal was in fact a record of the congressional committee’s deliberations but, upon close examination, it offered no evidence that the drafters intended to protect corporations. It showed, in fact, that the language of the equal-protection clause was never changed from “citizen” to “person.” So far as anyone can tell, the rights of corporations were not raised in the public debates over the ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment or in any of the states’ ratifying conventions. And, prior to Conkling’s appearance on behalf of Southern Pacific, no member of the drafting committee had ever suggested that corporations were covered.
There’s reason to suspect Conkling’s deception was uncovered back in his time too. The justices held onto the case for three years without ever issuing a decision, until Southern Pacific unexpectedly settled the case. Then, shortly after, another case from Southern Pacific reached the Supreme Court, raising the exact same legal question. The company had the same team of lawyers, with the exception of Conkling. Tellingly, Southern Pacific’s lawyers omitted any mention of Conkling’s drafting history or his journal. Had those lawyers believed Conkling, it would have been malpractice to leave out his story.
When the Court issued its decision on this second case, the justices expressly declined to decide if corporations were people. The dispute could be, and was, resolved on other grounds, prompting an angry rebuke from one justice, Stephen J. Field, who castigated his colleagues for failing to address “the important constitutional questions involved.” “At the present day, nearly all great enterprises are conducted by corporations,” he wrote, and they deserved to know if they had equal rights too.
Rumored to carry a gun with him at all times, the colorful Field was the only sitting justice ever arrested—and the charge was murder. He was innocent, but nonetheless guilty of serious ethical violations in the Southern Pacific cases, at least by modern standards: A confidant of Leland Stanford, Field had advised the company on which lawyers to hire for this very series of cases and thus should have recused himself from them. He refused to—and, even worse, while the first case was pending, covertly shared internal memoranda of the justices with Southern Pacific’s legal team.
The rules of judicial ethics were not well developed in the Gilded Age, however, and the self-assured Field, who feared the forces of socialism, did not hesitate to weigh in. Taxing the property of railroads differently, he said, was like allowing deductions for property “owned by white men or by old men, and not deducted if owned by black men or young men.”
So, with Field on the Court, still more twists were yet to come. The Supreme Court’s opinions are officially published in volumes edited by an administrator called the reporter of decisions. By tradition, the reporter writes up a summary of the Court’s opinion and includes it at the beginning of the opinion. The reporter in the 1880s was J.C. Bancroft Davis, whose wildly inaccurate summary of the Southern Pacific case said that the Court had ruled that “corporations are persons within … the Fourteenth Amendment.” Whether his summary was an error or something more nefarious—Davis had once been the president of the Newburgh and New York Railway Company—will likely never be known.
Field nonetheless saw Davis’s erroneous summary as an opportunity. A few years later, in an opinion in an unrelated case, Field wrote that “corporations are persons within the meaning” of the Fourteenth Amendment. “It was so held in Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Railroad,” explained Field, who knew very well that the Court had done no such thing.
His gambit worked. In the following years, the case would be cited over and over by courts across the nation, including the Supreme Court, for deciding that corporations had rights under the Fourteenth Amendment.
Indeed, the faux precedent in the Southern Pacific case would go on to be used by a Supreme Court that in the early 20th century became famous for striking down numerous economic regulations, including federal child-labor laws, zoning laws, and wage-and-hour laws. Meanwhile, in cases like the notorious Plessy v. Ferguson (1896), those same justices refused to read the Constitution as protecting the rights of African Americans, the real intended beneficiaries of the Fourteenth Amendment. Between 1868, when the amendment was ratified, and 1912, the Supreme Court would rule on 28 cases involving the rights of African Americans and an astonishing 312 cases on the rights of corporations.
The day back in 1882 when the Supreme Court first heard Roscoe Conkling’s argument, the New-York Daily Tribune featured a story on the case with a headline that would turn out to be prophetic: “Civil Rights of Corporations.” Indeed, in a feat of deceitful legal alchemy, Southern Pacific and its wily legal team had, with the help of an audacious Supreme Court justice, set up the Fourteenth Amendment to be more of a bulwark for the rights of businesses than the rights of minorities.

Michigan State braces for white-nationalist speech as protesters converge

Fights erupt ahead of white nationalist's speech in Michigan

Fistfights, arrests erupt at Michigan State University before Richard Spencer takes stage

What you need to know about Richard Spencer's visit to MSU

Violence, arrests ahead of Spencer speech at MSU


Billy Graham Built a Movement. Now His Son Is Dismantling It.
If you want to understand the evangelical decline in the United States, look no further than the transition from Billy to Franklin Graham.
While Billy Graham was leading a revival in Los Angeles in 1949, William Randolph Hearst looked at the handsome thirtysomething evangelist with flowing blond hair and famously directed editors in his publishing empire to “puff Graham.” Some six decades later, the preacher had become a silver-haired retiree whose Parkinson’s disease kept him largely out of view, but the puffery never stopped. When Graham died this week, he was hailed by President George W. Bush as “America’s pastor,” and even more lavishly by Vice-President Mike Pence as “one of the greatest Americans of the past century.” President Bill Clinton praised him for integrating his revivals. Russell Moore, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, called him “the most important evangelist since the Apostle Paul.”
Graham’s accomplishments are, without doubt, legion. The widely cited estimate that he preached to some 215 million people is likely in the ballpark. And while the nineteenth-century lawyer-turned-evangelist Charles Finney must be credited with inventing modern revivalism, Graham perfected and scaled it, turning evangelicalism into worldwide impulse that has transformed Christianity in recent decades in Latin America, Africa, and Asia.
But almost two decades ago, Graham handed over the keys of the empire to his son, Franklin. And if you want to chart the troubled recent course of American evangelicalism—its powerful rise after World War II and its surprisingly quick demise in recent years—you need look no further than this father-and-son duo of Billy and Franklin Graham. The father was a powerful evangelist who turned evangelicalism into the dominant spiritual impulse in modern America. His son is—not to put too fine a point on it—a political hack, one who is rapidly rebranding evangelicalism as a belief system marked not by faith, hope, and love but by fear of Muslims and homophobia.
As a staunch believer in sin, Billy Graham would have been the first to admit that he was a flawed man. His determination to be about his father’s business meant he left almost all the parenting of his five children to his wife Ruth. The rabid anti-communism that caught Hearst’s attention blinded Graham in his early years to the ways the United States had fallen far short of its ideals. Graham got into bed with the wrong man in Richard Nixon. And while he must be praised for integrating his revivals (which he called crusades) and for inviting the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. to deliver an invocation at his massive New York City crusade in 1957, he was missing in action when it came to civil rights legislation. After King imagined in his 1963 “I Have a Dream Speech” a “beloved community” in which “little black boys and little black girls will join hands with little white boys and white girls,” Graham dismissed that dream as utopian. "Only when Christ comes again will the little white children of Alabama walk hand in hand with little black children," he said.
As a young boy growing up in an Episcopal household, I watched Billy Graham at least a dozen times as he preached his straightforward gospel of sin and salvation on national television. I was dazzled by what I later learned to describe as his charisma. He was tall and handsome. There was a sweet urgency in his voice. And he didn’t seem to be hiding anything behind his deep-set blue eyes. So I may be unduly forgiving of his faults. But I still view him as a good man who was ultimately chastened by his chumminess with Nixon, who worked hard to transcend the racism and anti-Semitism that swirled around him as a farm boy in North Carolina, and who understood (at his best) that the Christian message (at its best) is about love rather than fear, inclusion rather than exclusion.
When he spoke to the nation at the post-9/11 memorial service at Washington’s National Cathedral, he spoke of evil, but he did not denounce Islam. Throughout his career, Graham was criticized by fundamentalists for working with Catholics and liberal Protestants at his crusades. He prayed with Democratic and Republican presidents. And instead of castigating Christianity’s religious rivals, he focused on preaching Christ. When asked to join in common cause with Jerry Falwell after the foundation of the Moral Majority in 1979, Graham refused to yoke his organization to the cultural wars of the Religious Right and the Republican Party. And almost immediately after saying during a 1993 crusade in Columbus, Ohio, that AIDS might be “a judgment of God,” he retracted those words, telling the Cleveland Plain Dealer a few days later, “I don't believe that and I don't know why I said it. . . . To say God has judged people with AIDS would be very wrong and very cruel. I would like to say that I am very sorry for what I said.”
Franklin Graham is a very different sort of man, better known today for his right-wing political pronouncements than for his evangelism. Shortly after 9/11, Franklin Graham provided the sound bite of today’s culture wars when he denounced Islam as “a very wicked and evil religion.” He later became the standard bearer for the view that Islam is, in his words “a religion of hatred . . . a religion of war.”
In addition to purveying the birther nonsense that helped to propel Donald Trump to political prominence, Franklin Graham suggested that President Barack Obama was not a Christian and might in fact be a secret Muslim. Along with Jerry Falwell’s son, Jerry Falwell Jr., he helped to elect Trump president by swinging 80 percent of white evangelical voters to his side. And then when Trump was elected he attributed his victory not to a surge of White Christian support or to swing states in the Midwest but to divine providence.
Franklin Graham seems blissfully unaware of the possibility that there might be even the slimmest of gaps between the words that come out of his mouth and the words written down in scripture. More damningly, he demonstrates no awareness of the ways in which his political pronouncements are breaking down the evangelical witness his father devoted so much energy to building up.
During World War II era, European churches were hurt badly by the affiliation of Christianity with right-wing political movements. During the 1940s and 1950s, the United States persisted in its religiosity as European countries secularized. In fact, the Americans witnessed a powerful religious revival after the war, thanks in part to Billy Graham. That revival is over. Religion is now declining in the United States, and evangelicalism with it. In fact, over the last decade, the portion of white evangelical Protestants in the United States declined from 23 percent to 17 percent.
The most significant development in American religion in recent years is the shocking rise of the religiously unaffiliated (otherwise known as “nones”), who now account for roughly one quarter of all Americans. This increasing distance from religious institutions is accompanied by increasing distance from religious beliefs and practices. Today 27 percent of Americans describe themselves as “spiritual but not religious” and another 18 percent as “neither religious nor spiritual.” There are many reasons for this decline in religious believing and belonging. But the most important in my view is the increasing identification of the Christian churches with right-wing politics. If you are among the 26 percent of eligible voters who voted for Trump, you likely applaud this development. But what about the other 74 percent?
One of Billy Graham’s few Christian rivals during his heyday in the 1950s and 1960s was the Union Theological Seminary professor Reinhold Niebuhr, who criticized Graham for his “pietistic individualism” and his neglect of social sin. Graham read and reflected on Niebuhr, but stuck for the most part to his simpler message that the world would be saved only through individual regeneration. To his credit, however, Graham internalized some of the teachings of Niebuhr, including the tendency of mere mortals to mistake God’s voice for their own, and to mistake the gospel of Christ for the gospel of American civilization. In short, Graham had a humility almost entirely lost among the public preachers of our day, his eldest son included.
The qualities of temper and judgment that made Billy Graham so singularly successful are almost entirely lacking in his son, who now imperils his father’s legacy. Thanks to Franklin Graham and his cronies on the Religious Right, American evangelicalism has now become first and foremost a political rather than a spiritual enterprise. The life of Billy Graham helped build it up. And his death may well have ensured its demise.
Stephen Prothero is a professor of religion at Boston University and the author of Why Liberals Win the Culture Wars (Even When They Lose Elections): The Battles That Define America from Jefferson’s Heresies to Gay Marriage (HarperOne).

What Is Sam Nunberg Doing?
The former Trump aide’s decision to announce that he was defying a subpoena from Robert Mueller is more likely to pique the special counsel’s interest than dispel it.

Trump-Russia: Ex-aide refuses to co-operate with Mueller probe
A former aide to Donald Trump says he will not co-operate with the inquiry into alleged Russian election meddling.

Former Trump aide says he's refusing Mueller subpoena: 'Screw that'

Special counsel wants documents on Trump, numerous campaign associates

Ex-Trump aide: Trump ‘may very well have done something during the election with the Russians’


President Trump said Canada mistreats U.S. farmers. This is what he meant.

House Speaker Ryan Breaks With Trump Over Steel Tariffs
The implicit warning may augur a high-profile policy fight between Republican leaders and the White House

Ryan splits with Trump on trade as GOP lawmakers move to block planned tariffs

Paul Ryan doesn’t want Trump’s trade war. But will he actually do anything about it?


Ailing Mississippi Sen. Thad Cochran To Resign, Setting Up 2018 Special Election


Spencer: 'The meek shall never inherit the earth'

‘Nazis go home!’ Fights break out at Michigan State as protesters, white supremacists converge for Richard Spencer speech


United Airlines shelves lottery bonus program after employee backlash
United Airlines' executives had introduced a plan to replace automatic bonuses with a lottery.
United's president said executives "misjudged" how employees would receive the plan.
Under the new plan, one employee would have won a drawing for a $100,000 prize each quarter.

United Airlines employees shocked: Bonuses replaced with lottery


Facebook asks users: should we allow men to ask children for sexual images?
Social network admits survey asking whether it should permit adults to ask 14-year-old girl for sexual pictures was a mistake

Facebook asked users whether they want child grooming to be allowed on the site
Facebook asked its users whether they would like child grooming to be permitted on the site.
In a surreal survey, it asked how it should approach the issue — but didn't give contacting the police as an option.
British politicians have criticised the social network's questioning as "stupid and irresponsible."

Why the Hell Is Facebook Surveying Users About Child Predators?

Facebook survey asked if 'adult man' should be allowed to request 'sexual pictures' from 14-year-old
Facebook asked some users if they thought the company should host content from child sexual predators and violent extremists.
The company then reversed course and pulled the surveys after they were spotted by a U.K. media outlet.
The wording of the questions was puzzling given that both types of offensive content have long been banned by Facebook's own terms of use.

Facebook says asking users about condoning pedophilia ‘was a mistake’

Facebook says it mistakenly asked users for views on grooming


The killer disease with no vaccine
Since the beginning of the year, Nigeria has been gripped by an outbreak of a deadly disease. Lassa fever is one of a number of illnesses which can cause dangerous epidemics, but for which no vaccine currently exists.

Ghana records first Lassa fever case

2 Cured Of Lassa Fever In Kogi Health Facility



Massive astrophysical objects governed by subatomic equation

Fundamental Equation of Quantum Physics Also Describes Rings and Disks in Space

Massive Space Structures Have Surprising Connection to Quantum Mechanics Math

Quantum equation describes galaxy mechanics
Modelling astrophysical discs reveals the emergence of Schrödinger’s equation, and the likelihood that astrophysical discs behave like subatomic particles.

Even The Most Massive Objects in Space Are Ruled by Quantum Mechanics
Minds = melted.


Stephen Hawking explains what happened before Big Bang ( [included in the 'stashed' at [two posts back], also included at )
Commentary: The physicist tells Neil deGrasse Tyson what came before the Big Bang. Was there anything there? Was there nothing there? Was there even a there there?

The Beginning of Time - his classic lecture

Before The Big Bang: Stephen Hawking Says Nothing Existed At Singularity

The No-Boundary Proposal: Stephen Hawking Explains Why ‘Nothing’ Was Around Before The Big Bang
In relation to the Big Bang, Hawking compared the concept of space-time to curved surfaces like the Earth's poles, where, for instance, there is "nothing south of the South Pole."

Watch Stephen Hawking Explain What He Thinks Came Before the Big Bang ( )

Watch: Stephen Hawking explains what existed before the 'big, big bang' ( )
The universe started off as a small singularity 13.8 billion years ago and has been expanding ever since but what came before has always been a mystery.



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04/02/18 1:59 AM

#278117 RE: F6 #277959

a correction, spotted so might as well note -- Episode 5 of Our Cartoon President originally aired March 4, 2018