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03/24/18 7:11 AM

#134713 RE: gimmegimmeminemine #134709

"Don't you think we deserve more than 3 cent a share over 7+ years?
Doesn't that piss you off? "

Gimme, personally I'm way past being pissed off. That came years ago.

As I have recently stated I think the next short period of time will definitely explain and define the future of KBLB. Either we will be a big success, an up and coming company with a bright future or a company with no explanation of what's going on and no results which will lead to even lower price and make it even more difficult for KIM to pull the rabbit out of the hat.
On a positive side, I'm prepared to reap the benefits of holding or going down with the ship.... whichever comes first.
All this is only my opinion and may or may not be correct, but I expect some conclusion to this long saga..... SOON!


03/24/18 9:45 AM

#134731 RE: gimmegimmeminemine #134709

There is no desperation on my part, since I continue buying KBLB shares. I just bought two very small amounts of shares on Thursday and Friday in the low threes.

Nonetheless, I hear you loud and clear, and I can understand why you are pissed. I can also empathize with those who have bought at much higher prices. I still say that, GIVEN TIME, KBLB will surprise and make us lots of money. JMHO