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03/24/18 12:06 AM

#44824 RE: JMH14865 #44820

Hey, whatever floats your boat.

I will take 100%. I will take 100% on every trade I make. Thank you sir, may I have another.

I suppose if I had 261 million shares I'd be happy with 100% also.
But I only have 12.2 million.
My sights are on 3 cents, definitely not .0014!
You might be the only one here who'll be happy with 100%
but probably everyone else is setting their sights on thousands of percent.
I won't be happy with less than 4,186% from this week's close.
100% won't do anything for me.
Actually 1,000% won't do anything for me either....
a house is kinda expensive.
But again, if 100% gets you off then wonderful for ya.