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03/23/18 7:35 PM

#453965 RE: streamer04 #453962

Having followed this saga thru its ups and downs, I conclude that nobody wants to touch this pariah. Think about it, 2008 financial crisis happened long ago since then stocks have tripled, quadrupled, and even 10 folds, many millionaires have been born. Housing market recovered then plus some. Nobody cares about what happened to the financial system. People are too busy going along with life. Why would any admin rock the boat by touching this thing? Republicans hate FnF and are happy to see them die, democrats can’t say much as it exposes their former leader’s evilness. Trump is so widely hated in this nation and even by his own party, so why risk pissing off more people by touching this hot potato? It does nothing for trump. At the end of the day, housing market goes on and will self adjust which ever way, people that want to own homes find ways to buy homes, people can’t afford homes will never be able to afford homes no matter what FnF status is. Net net only a handful of shareholders will be impacted and even that we can’t even get together a rally to protest. Why would any judge touch this hot potato? Waiting for all the right events (be it the right law suit, the perfect storm,.....) to trigger a change is possible but very small chance like lottery.