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03/23/18 10:50 AM

#34838 RE: jeunke22 #34837

My hopes have been up since 2012 LOL

And they have also been dashed a few times since then.


03/23/18 10:52 AM

#34839 RE: jeunke22 #34837

Tomorrow? Walterc said 23th...


03/23/18 11:29 AM

#34843 RE: jeunke22 #34837

Yes Jeunke, I must not. It's like it is. And nothing more.
But, but :-) --> I already made a remark with regard to Boilermaker's post.


03/23/18 11:49 AM

#34844 RE: jeunke22 #34837

Presentation on MONDAY
Now it all starts to make sense. If there is a BIG announcement it will come from Jim Sims via the usual channels (at least IMHO.) But, Jim often does make these releases pretty early in the morning on Mondays. Mark and Jim have a way of organizing and planning things. A big announcement early Monday and then an interview with a financial mag later in the day would be just their style. This silence has got to be bothering Mark just as much as us. He loves to talk about Niocorp. As soon as the big news comes out, he will be looking for opportunitues to talk. And, we ALL will be listening.