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03/23/18 8:56 AM

#222106 RE: snayeman #222102

The drug that works?


03/23/18 8:59 AM

#222108 RE: snayeman #222102

There are only a few oral drugs. Otezla is king. We shall see how P stands up to that. Otezla does bring side effects. So let’s see if P is safer and more effective. Multi billion a year opportunity if it does


03/23/18 9:38 AM

#222116 RE: snayeman #222102

The drug that works - can P beat 90% clearing for 73% of patients?


03/23/18 9:48 AM

#222123 RE: snayeman #222102

A patient will take whichever works best. If its determined that P works, then I´? sure some will use it.

Injections are not that complicated. As a type 1 diabetic, I can assure you of that(39 years now, got it as a kid). 5 to 6 times a day(one fast acting insulin for each meal, a basal(slow acting) insulin in the morning, and adjustment injections of the fast acting to prevent hyperglycemia as need be. Keep skittles within reach at all times for hypoglycemic episodes.

My first insulin was under an ongoing clinical trial(no longer manufactured), and nearly killed me(too many hypos).

Based on the company's pr´s, with quotes from patients and doctors, CDAs and BP interest, one would think B and P are a lock and the sp would rock.

We shall see.