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03/23/18 2:17 PM

#2281 RE: Spideyboy #2280

Hi Spideyboy.
Yes I also noticed that now OPRX-106 is expected as a cure for two indications. In a new presentation, it's climb to second place after PRX-102 and before it was #3.Apparently now OPRX-106 has second priority after PRX-102.This is understandable.It's huge market and if the company manages to take 10- 15% of it will be a great achievement.Thanks for describing the possible reasons that led to this. Interestingly that the ARNA after the UC P2 trial news added to its M/C approximately $400m (~ 5 M/C of PLX) and we lost a lot.Refusal of CFF is not a disaster but it certainly upsets.This money could help sign a more profitable partnership.I do not pay much attention to the SA articles and now, after these two articles even more so.The person who writes about the M/C of private company first of all does not respect herself.Madame CC apparently professionally not in demand so trying to fishing in muddy water.I don't remember if I published this link here. If you did not read it's worth spending a little time. especially the part that is called "The need for alternative treatments for Fabry Disease Prof. Raphael Schiffmann."
I think that the IR reads SA articles. It is interesting that the remarque about 6 patients who could not finish the trial in the last presentation almost coincides with what IR wrote to me.