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03/23/18 6:00 AM

#41532 RE: excel #41531

Trump Makes Devastating Announcement After 60 Americans Were Just Found DE*D -

When He is revealed -
we shall be like Him -
we shall see Him as He is -
everyone who has this hope -
in Him purifies himself -
just as He is pure -

God Bless America


03/24/18 1:11 AM

#41534 RE: excel #41531

CDC Admits 98 Million Americans Were Given Cancer Virus Via The Polio Shot


Another important consideration conveniently omitted on the CDC fact sheet
about SV40 is that the virus is somehow being passed down from
generation to generation.
The CDC has admitted that between 1955–1963 over 98 million Americans
received one or more doses of a polio shot which was contaminated with a
cancer-causing virus called Simian vacuolating virus 40 (SV40).

He can start with the CEO's on down with Big Pharma.
Then go after the doctors.
After that he can go for the fields our military are protecting.
Opening up a can of worms if he intends to be honest about it.

Bro Excel thank you good info :-))
All who are alive and remain shall be up together to meet the Lord
and thus shall always be with the Lord -
comfort one another and thanks be to Father God who gives us the
victory through our Bro Jesus Christ Kristus Savior -
God Bless America


03/24/18 8:13 PM

#41536 RE: excel #41531

Holy Face of Jesus message to the World -

Allegedly, but powerfully -- the Eternal Father said in "locution":

All the worshippers of the Divine Countenance will receive a great
light to understand the mysteries -

"My children! In the horrible time that will come over the human race, the Holy Face will be very helpful (a real cloth to dry the tears); because My real children will hide behind It. The Holy Face will be a real blessing, so that the punishment that I will send over the human race will be lessened. In the home where it is exhibited will be light in order to be freed from the power of darkness. In the homes where the Holy Face of My Son is located, I will order My angels to mark them, and My children will be spared from the evils that will come over ungrateful humanity. My children become real apostles of the Holy Face and spread it all over. The more it is spread the less will be the catastrophe."

Here it was also claimed that the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus said:

"Always offer up My Most Holy Face to the Heavenly Father so that He will have mercy on you. I ask all of you that you honor My Divine Countenance and that you will give it a place of honor in your homes, so that the Heavenly Father will grace you abundantly and forgive you your sins. My dear children make sure to say every day in your homes a short prayer to the countenance of Jesus.

"Don't forget to greet it when you get up in the morning and ask His blessings when you lay down to sleep, so you will be arriving happily in the heavenly homeland. I assure you that all who have a special love for the Holy Face will be warned of dangers and catastrophes. I solemnly promise whoever distributes the devotion of My Holy Countenance will be spared of the punishments that will come over the human race. In addition, they will receive light for the days of horrible confusion that are coming towards the holy Church. Should they suffer death during the punishments, they will die as martyrs and receive holiness.

"Truly, truly, I say to you, those who spread the devotion to My Holy Face will receive the grace that no family member will be condemned and that those who are in purgatory will soon be released. But all have come to Me through the intercession of My Most Holy Mother. All the worshippers of the Divine Countenance will receive a great light to understand the mysteries of the end times and they will be very close to the Savior. All these graces they will receive as worshippers of the Holy Face. Don't lose these blessings! For it is also easy to lose them."

God Bless -


03/25/18 1:00 AM

#41537 RE: excel #41531

If Trump hadn't signed the smoking pile of Pork Barrel perks and placed
the Territorial United States more than another trillion in debt, the
military wouldn't have been funded and there is no telling how long it
would have taken for the members of this Nasty Congress to gather the
votes to either override his veto or support a new budget offer.

Ever had to take a step backward and pivot, in order to take two leaps
Well, you've seen him sign the Porkulous Bill, and you've seen him
appoint Bolton.
Now watch for the two leaps forward....

God Bless America