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04/04/18 3:36 AM

#278166 RE: fuagf #277902

Business groups worried about Trump's China tariffs plan

"Why the Trump Administration is Confused about Trade Deficits and Economic Growth"

By Vicki Needham - 04/03/18 07:13 PM EDT

© Getty Images

The Trump administration's plan to slap 25 percent tariffs on a wide array of products from China got a cold reception from leading business groups that say the duties will cost jobs and damage the economy.

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer .. .. on Tuesday released a proposed list .. .. of Chinese imports that could receive tariff hikes as part of a Section 301 investigation into Beijing’s lax intellectual property practices.

"The proposed list of products is based on extensive interagency economic analysis and would target products that benefit from China’s industrial plans while minimizing the impact on the U.S. economy," USTR said a release.

The Trump administration says it intends to impose tariffs on approximately $50 billion worth of Chinese imports.

The extensive list covers about 1,300 separate tariff lines — from aerospace and communication technology to machinery and medicines — and will undergo further review in a hearing and through a public notice and comment process.

Business groups expressed concern on Tuesday over the White House's list of proposed products, although they were pleased to see some key imports left off the list.

The groups have repeatedly urged President Trump to work with them and U.S. trading partners to ramp up pressure on China to improve their intellectual property policies.

National Retail Federation President and CEO Matthew Shay said the tariffs create uncertainty and will increase costs for businesses and consumers.

"While we are pleased that many everyday products such as clothing and shoes are not on the list, we remain concerned that other goods such as consumer electronics and home appliances are targets," Shay said.

"Once again, we urge the administration to work with our trading partners to hold China accountable, advance targeted solutions and recognize the unintended consequences of protectionist trade policies," he said.

The Trump administration argues that China forces U.S. companies to give their technology and intellectual property to its domestic firms.

Business groups say they agree that the U.S. needs to combat intellectual property theft by China but are worried about the broad effects of the tariffs.

Myron Brilliant, executive vice president and head of international affairs at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said that while the administration is "rightly focused on restoring equity and fairness in our trade relationship with China," tariffs aren't the way to go.

“Imposing taxes on products used daily by American consumers and job creators is not the way to achieve those ends,” Brilliant said in a statement.

The Business Roundtable said that "unilaterally imposing $50 billion of new tariffs without a long-term strategy that leads to economic reforms in China will only hurt America’s businesses, workers and families."

"Instead, the administration should work with U.S. allies on an approach that advances meaningful reform in China without imposing significant harm on America’s economy," the group said in a statement.

Business groups also are worried about more backlash from China, which earlier this week raised tariffs on a wide range of U.S. exports such as pork and wine.

National Association of Manufacturers President and CEO Jay Timmons said imposing tariffs is likely to create new challenges.

“Tariffs also run the risk of provoking China to take further destructive actions against American manufacturing workers,” Timmons said.

In January, Timmons sent a letter to President Trump .. .. urging him to pursue a trade agreement with China to restructure the economic relationship.

“If the imposition of tariffs is the first bid in negotiating a more level playing field, manufacturers believe the end product must be a new, strategic approach that includes negotiating a fair, binding and enforceable rules-based trade agreement with China that requires them to end their unfair trade practices once and for all,” he said.

[If the president ever feels he needs an out, the route is shadowed there.

After completion of review process, USTR will issue a final determination on the products subject to the additional tariffs.

The Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) President and CEO Dean Garfield said that “if history is any indication, these proposed tariffs will not work and will be entirely counterproductive."

“Tariffs penalize U.S. consumers by increasing prices on technology products and will not change China’s behavior," Garfield said.

In March, ITI led a coalition of more than 45 business associations urging President Trump not to include tariffs as a potential remedy to address China’s unfair trade policies.

The U.S. agriculture community also has expressed concerns about how the tariffs would harm their businesses.

Former Sen. Max Baucus .. , co-chairman of Farmers for Free Trade, said with regards to the tariffs, “Farmers are going to get squeezed by this decision from all sides."

Baucus, the former U.S. ambassador to China, said the tariffs will not only make farming equipment more expensive, but there is the concern that China will continue to target agriculture in retaliation.

"American farmers are watching this daily trade escalation closely, and they are worried," he said.

See also:

Trade Wars Are Destructive. Of Course Trump Wants One.
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04/04/18 8:06 PM

#278172 RE: fuagf #277902

Trump continues to misrepresent the China trade deficit.

"Why the Trump Administration is Confused about Trade Deficits and Economic Growth"
"“We are not in a trade war with China, that war was lost many years ago by the foolish, or incompetent, people who represented
the U.S.,” he wrote. “Now we have a Trade Deficit of $500 Billion a year, with Intellectual Property Theft of another $300 Billion."

In more ways than one.

Trump Hates the Trade Deficit. Most Economists Don’t.


“We lost, over the last number of years, $800 billion a year,” he said in the White House on Monday, while defending his tariffs against criticism from Republican leaders in Congress. “Not a half a million dollars, not 12 cents. We lost $800 billion a year on trade.” He went on to say that the country “lost $500 billion” a year to China, though it was not clear what figure he was citing, given that America’s annual trade deficit with China has never climbed beyond $375 billion.


Most economists do not see the trade gap as money “lost” to other countries, nor do they worry about trade deficits to a large degree. That’s because trade imbalances are affected by a host of macroeconomic factors, including the relative growth rates of countries, the value of their currencies, and their saving and investment rates. For instance, America’s trade deficit narrowed dramatically during the Great Recession, when national consumption faltered.

Misrepresentation continues to be a top Trump trait. Misunderstanding remains another.

Springtime for Sycophants
In Navarro’s version of the world, for example as expressed in a campaign white paper .. , VATs give European companies a huge, unfair trade advantage. U.S. products sold in Europe have to pay VAT — for example, they must pay a 19 percent tax .. .. if sold in Germany. This, says the white paper, is just like an import tariff. Meanwhile, German producers pay no VAT on goods they sell in America; this, the paper says, is just like an export subsidy. I’m pretty sure that’s what Trump means when he talks about “horrific” tariffs.

But what this story misses is the fact that when German producers sell to German consumers, they also pay that 19 percent tax. And when U.S. producers sell to U.S. consumers, they, like German producers, don’t face any VAT. So the tax doesn’t tilt the playing field at all, in either market. In reality, a VAT has nothing to do with competitive advantage; it’s basically a sales tax — a tax on German consumers — which is why VATs are considered legal by the World Trade Organization.

So how does someone who misunderstands such a basic, well-understood point about taxes and trade get to be a key economic adviser? As I said, it’s because he tells the boss what he wants to hear. More than that, he’s willing to abase himself in extraordinary ways.

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01/11/19 11:39 PM

#297892 RE: fuagf #277902

What Do We Learn from Bilateral Trade Deficits?

"Why the Trump Administration is Confused about Trade Deficits and Economic Growth
An example illustrates this point. Each iPhone 7 32GB imported into the United States is recorded as a $225 import from China, since this is its manufacturing cost (the price for consumers is $649, which reflects Apple’s marketing, design, and engineering costs as well as its profit margin). But out of this $225 measured as an import from China, only $5 represents work actually performed in China, almost exclusively assembly and testing. The remaining $220 represents the cost of components overwhelmingly produced outside of China, and then sent to that country for assembly. Components of the iPhones eventually assembled in China come from throughout Asia (with Korea, Japan, and Taiwan the largest suppliers), as well as from Europe and the Americas. Thus the $225 recorded import from China in actuality embodies U.S. imports from many other countries, and should not be used to measure the extent of the bilateral trade deficit between the United States and China for this product.

A more accurate measure of bilateral trade in goods would calculate the value that is added by each country rather than the gross value of the good sold by the country where final assembly and testing take place. Unfortunately, such nuanced data are not available from any standard data source like the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.


By Marc Melitz and Michael Klein·May 25, 2017
Harvard University and Fletcher School, Tufts University

The Issue:

The Trump administration proposes using United States’ trade deficits with its trading partners to gauge whether the trading relationship with that country is “fair.” An executive order signed on March 31 requires officials to produce an “omnibus” report naming U.S. trading partners with “significant” trade deficit in goods in 2016 by the end of June. A large bilateral trade deficit with a particular country will trigger the administration to “take necessary and lawful action,” which presumably means .. .. retaliatory trade restrictions. The presumption is that the United States’ bilateral trade deficits reflect unfair trade practices. The United States Secretary of Commerce, Wilbur Ross, has stated .. : “We are the least protectionist of the major areas. We are far less protectionist than Europe. We are far less protectionist than Japan. We are far less protectionist than China. […] We also have trade deficits with all three of those places. So they talk free trade. But in fact what they practice is protectionism.” But bilateral trade statistics misrepresent the true value of goods sold by a particular country to the United States. With integrated international production chains, many goods are produced using inputs from a range of countries.

Trade statistics assign the full value of the finished good to the final country of production
without taking into consideration where all the different components come from.

The Facts:

* Reported bilateral trade deficits for goods are calculated as the difference between the value of goods imported and the value of goods exported between one country and another. But this does not take into account the fact that the value of goods shipped from, say, China to the United States represents the value added by Chinese firms as well as the value of inputs that the Chinese firm source from third countries. This is increasingly important since China, the country with which the United States has its largest bilateral trade deficit, is increasingly being used as a manufacturing assembly hub with inputs sourced from many other countries.

* The iPhone offers a particularly illuminating example of how international supply chains cause a mismeasurement of true bilateral trade. iPhones are assembled and tested in China. For instance, each iPhone 7 32GB imported into the United States is recorded as a $225 import from China, since this is its manufacturing cost (the consumer unsubsidized price is $649, which reflects Apple’s marketing, design, and engineering costs as well as its profit margin). Out of this $225, only $5 represents work performed in China, which is almost exclusively assembly and testing. The remaining $220 represents the cost of components, which are overwhelmingly produced outside of China, and then exported to China for assembly. Components come from throughout Asia (Korea, Japan, and Taiwan are the largest suppliers), as well as Europe, and the Americas. Thus, the $225 recorded import from China embodies U.S. imports from many other countries, and should not be used to measure the extent of the bilateral trade deficit between the U.S. and China for this good.

* If one is concerned about bilateral trade in goods, a better indicator of trade is the value that is added by each country, rather than the gross value of the good sold by the country in which it has its final assembly and testing. In fact, this value-added approach is exactly how the statistic of aggregate production in an economy, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), is computed. In contrast, trade statistics are only measured by gross value of sales by a particular country rather than the value added by that country.

* The difference in the reported bilateral trade deficit and the trade deficit based on value added to production of goods is most profound for the trade in goods between the United States and China. A recent analysis .. .. by Robert Johnson of Dartmouth College calculates that the true bilateral deficit between the U.S. and China, using value-added measures, is 40 percent smaller than the reported bilateral trade deficit based on gross value in 2004 (see chart). Conversely, the United States’ trade deficits with Japan, Taiwan, and Korea are magnified when measured as value-added, because those countries manufacture many of the components that are assembled in China and then imported as final goods into the United States (the same is true for Germany). The difference between the gross values and value added in bilateral trade between two countries does not carry over to a country’s overall trade balance since the differences between the individual trading partners’ gross values and value added cancel out when the trade flows from all countries are added up.

* Another problem with the approach proposed by the administration is that it ignores trade in services. The United States runs a trade surplus in services with almost all of its trading partners (see this EconoFact memo .. ). For example, in 2016 the United States had a reported trade deficit .. .. in goods with Japan of $70 billion, but a reported trade surplus in services with that country of $14 billion. Thus, the United States trade deficit in both goods and services with Japan is about 20 percent smaller than its trade deficit in goods alone.

What this Means:

Bilateral trade deficit statistics, which are based on gross values rather than value added, misrepresent the actual value of net trade between one country and another because of international supply chains and the widespread use of inputs from other countries. Thus the reported measures of bilateral trade balances do not accurately reflect the domestic content of the goods exchanged, and these measures should not be used to infer something about the reciprocity of the associated bilateral trade policies. Furthermore, a country’s overall trade deficit represents the difference between its investment and its savings (including government savings, that is, the government budget surplus or, in the case of a government budget deficit, negative savings) rather than the aggregate effect of trade policies. For the United States, the aggregate trade deficit is a reflection of a low national savings rate relative to investment. This deficit does not reflect anything about the “fairness” U.S.’s trade policies with respect to any particular trading partner.