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03/23/18 9:38 AM

#12771 RE: bigworld #12770

Bigworld, >> Petro-Yuan <<

In addition, Rickards said that once the oil producing country receives yuan in payment for their oil, the Chinese have a system set up by which the yuan can be immediately converted into gold, while simultaneously hedging the gold price fluctuations on the new Shanghai Gold Exchange. So in effect the gold producing countries will be paid for their oil in gold.

Tough to see how can the dollar can compete with that. Imposing trade tariffs, doing CIA destabilizations, using the US military to start a war, etc, it's not going to work anymore, especially once the Saudis agree to accept yuan in payment instead of dollars. The globalists know it's only a matter of time before the dollar is finished as the world's reserve currency, hence the SDR plan.

The Petro-yuan - >>> China's Bid to Upend the Global Oil Market <<< -

Foreign Policy magazine article -


03/23/18 2:56 PM

#12772 RE: bigworld #12770

Bigworld, Any thoughts on the appointment of John Bolton as Trump's main National Security Advisor?

As much as I always considered him to be a Neocon warmonger, at the stage things are now with N. Korea, Bolton makes some sense. There just aren't any good solutions to the problem.

But the big question is whether it's already too late to do anything. James Woolsey of the CIA said he believes N. Korea already has had the ability to put an EMP weapon into orbit for several years. He said it's relatively simple - you need a nuclear device that can fit on the booster, but even an older Scud missile can achieve orbit. Mastering the difficult technical challenges of re-entry (heat shields, ruggedization) and targeting are not required for an EMP armed satellite. N. Korea already has two satellites in orbit (2012, 2016).

From what Rickards said, it sounds like the intelligence community is split in their opinion - some think it's too late to do anything, while others think there's a window of opportunity to act, but that window is rapidly closing.

But it sounds like the technological 'window' they're mainly referring to is the ability to re-enter and target an ICBM that would hit a particular target/city. While that would be devastating, it's nothing like a successful EMP attack, which could be a civilization ending event for the US due to its frying of the US power grid.

If Woolsey is correct and Kim Jong already has an EMP satellite in orbit (the 2016 satellite) or ready to launch, a miscalculation by the US could mean that we're finished, caput.
Personally, I'd just as soon be spending 2018 in New Zealand..