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03/23/18 6:45 AM

#1862 RE: Lowcountry15 #1861

no worries! Welcome to the board, new perspective with insights/different angle helps.

I for one have been too focused on IWS inability to secure a deal and separating that from actual partner ability (now integration/training completed) is required. Still not convinced anything will occur but CDW and Fujitsu are capable partners.

What is your thought on Fujitsu having to refine the proof of concept for the federated identity system? That to me is disconcerting that they had to go back to the drawing board...

"Fujitsu originally announced that project to commence late Q3 2017. They're currently working on refining a proof of concept and their updated timeline calls for sales deployments in the summer of 2018. We continue to anticipate that the federated management opportunity will have a significant positive impact on our company. As in any large project you and we have ever seen these wheels turn slowly and I look forward to providing updates over the course of the year in future calls.