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03/22/18 10:05 AM

#6743 RE: chemist72 #6737

Chemist, you wondered:
>RCP (probably) has many wealthy clients.

To that i can only reply:
(Oh Yeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh)

>Are there any reasons why satisfied RCP clients might want to buy PIOE shares?

Sure. The big institutions (e.g., pension funds) may not be able to buy OTC PIOE, but some of the more independent or unconstrained elite investors could do so.

>Might RCP "steer" some of their clients to PIOE?

I think it depends on matters like fiduciary duty...

>Do any RCP clients even know that RCP has been acquired (at least 80% of it) by PIOE?

Any investors or investment managers who diligently read RCP's ADV brochures and long FORM ADV. Honestly, i have no idea how many that might be.....