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03/21/18 6:47 PM

#9946 RE: poincianamike #9945

Let’s all try to remember that the naked shorts are going to go away with volume.
I’ve heard this wisdom on other boards: Volume is King. In the meantime...
Load up.


03/22/18 12:01 AM

#9953 RE: poincianamike #9945

Mike ' sound- like-a'politician-writing a half truth.. Still ain't suite the truth..From my view your into posting short warning each day and that is ok - but some politiians many times point out a problem with out what can immediately be done aside from pointing out some other party should handle things better to solve... Lets just say re: this short issue -and not being able to lock up our shares up -as you have post each day...Is something that gets read and is interesting .. Thanks for your information..


03/22/18 12:01 AM

#9954 RE: poincianamike #9945

Mike ' think-you-have-good-posts-but.. like-a'politician-writing a half story . Still ain't the whole story Just-'..From my view you-post a nice..short warning each day and that is ok - but some politiians many times point out a problem with out saying what can immediately be done aside from pointing out some other party should handle things better to solve a problem...
Re: this short issue -and not being able to lock our shares up -as you post each day...Is something that gets read and is interesting .. Thanks for the information you provide..