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03/21/18 10:58 AM

#157278 RE: TenKay #157277

"to the point" and utterly meaningless


03/21/18 11:14 AM

#157283 RE: TenKay #157277

More to be revealed..Meanwhile, right now in real time...

A functional and LEGITIMATE home base, focusing on "The Bones" of the BVTK - DarkPulse relationship.

Having the merchandise/bones/heavy lifting located all in the same location make location as the installer/heavy lifters location make absolute functional sense. Bravatek + DarkPulse + HelpComm

I believe that in addition, more "sales-corporate-Ink the paper" offices will follow.

Dr. Thomas A. Cellucci, Bravatek's Chairman and CEO, commented: "We possess ample, top-notch office space, as well as high-end installation/services personnel and facilities, ideally located in northern Virginia for DarkPulse. This enables DarkPulse prime office space, a perfect service partner through HelpComm, who possesses vast installation and service experience/equipment to hold meetings and provide demonstrations to potential US government clients and others."