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03/22/18 6:21 PM

#277884 RE: F6 #277833

Civil Rights Leader Who Desegregated U. of Georgia on Student-Led Movements of 1960s and Today

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by Democracy Now! [ / , ]

As a student-led movement for gun control sweeps the country, we look back at a key moment in another historic student movement: desegregation. On January 9, 1961, African-American students Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes walked onto the campus of the University of Georgia to register for classes, as a howling mob of white students screamed racial epithets at them. It was a pivotal moment in the African-American student-led movement to desegregate America’s public high schools and universities. Charlayne Hunter graduated in 1963 and went on to have an award-winning career in journalism, working for PBS, NPR and CNN. For more, we speak with Charlayne Hunter-Gault, award-winning journalist and author of numerous books, including “In My Place,” a memoir of her childhood and her years at the University of Georgia. Her recent piece for The New Yorker is headlined “Surviving School Desegregation, and Finding Hope in #NeverAgain [ ].” [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments]


Legendary Journalist Charlayne Hunter-Gault Reflects on the Day She Desegregated the U. of Georgia

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by Democracy Now!

Even as racial justice protests have swept the nation in recent years, a new report finds the gains of the civil rights movement have stalled—and in some cases lost ground—over the past half-century. Among the report’s findings: School segregation is on the rise, white supremacist movements are becoming emboldened and more violent, and child poverty has increased—from 15.5 percent in 1968 to 21 percent today. The report comes on the 50th anniversary of a report by the Kerner Commission, which was assembled by President Lyndon Johnson in the wake of uprisings by African Americans in Newark and Detroit. The commission concluded that the United States was “moving toward two societies, one black, one white—separate and unequal.” For more on the civil rights movement’s legacy, the student movements for gun control today, and her own pivotal role in the student-led movement to desegregate U.S. public schools and universities, we talk to legendary broadcast journalist Charlayne Hunter-Gault. She’s won numerous awards for her work at PBS, NPR and CNN, and she’s authored a number of books, including “In My Place,” a memoir of her childhood and her years at the University of Georgia. Her recent piece for The New Yorker is headlined “Surviving School Desegregation, and Finding Hope in #NeverAgain [ ].” [with embedded video, and transcript] [with comments]


Full Show - Some Push Back Against Trump’s Bully Pulpit BS - 03/02/2018

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by Real News with David Knight [ , ]

2Mar18 Broadcast

Libertarians & gun owners push back against Trump trash-talking due process and self-defense. China leads the way in digital tyranny and censorship, but the globalist who made them a world power aren’t far behind in the US. Jerome Corsi joins to talk about his YouTube being memory-holed and then brought back. And, more incredible claims about “fast magazines”, “slow bullets” and “assault weapons” — just ban them all.

[from Alex Jones and his merry band of batshit bullshitters] [with comments] [also at (with comments)]


Executive Order on the President’s Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Ukraine

Issued on: March 2, 2018

On March 6, 2014, by Executive Order 13660, the President declared a national emergency pursuant to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701-1706) to deal with the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States constituted by the actions and policies of persons that undermine democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine; threaten its peace, security, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; and contribute to the misappropriation of its assets.

On March 16, 2014, the President issued Executive Order 13661, which expanded the scope of the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13660, and found that the actions and policies of the Government of the Russian Federation with respect to Ukraine undermine democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine; threaten its peace, security, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; and contribute to the misappropriation of its assets.

On March 20, 2014, the President issued Executive Order 13662, which further expanded the scope of the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13660, as expanded in scope in Executive Order 13661, and found that the actions and policies of the Government of the Russian Federation, including its purported annexation of Crimea and its use of force in Ukraine, continue to undermine democratic processes and institutions in Ukraine; threaten its peace, security, stability, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; and contribute to the misappropriation of its assets.

On December 19, 2014, the President issued Executive Order 13685, to take additional steps to address the Russian occupation of the Crimea region of Ukraine.

The actions and policies addressed in these Executive Orders continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. For this reason, the national emergency declared on March 6, 2014, and the measures adopted on that date, on March 16, 2014, on March 20, 2014, and on December 19, 2014, to deal with that emergency, must continue in effect beyond March 6, 2018. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13660.

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.

March 2, 2018.


Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
March 2, 2018


Executive Order on the President’s Continuation of the National Emergency with Respect to Venezuela

Issued on: March 2, 2018

On March 8, 2015, the President issued Executive Order 13692, declaring a national emergency with respect to the situation in Venezuela based on the Government of Venezuela’s erosion of human rights guarantees, persecution of political opponents, curtailment of press freedoms, use of violence and human rights violations and abuses in response to antigovernment protests, and arbitrary arrest and detention of antigovernment protestors, as well as the exacerbating presence of significant government corruption.

On August 24, 2017, I issued Executive Order 13808 to take additional steps with respect to the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13692, particularly in light of recent actions and policies of the Government of Venezuela, including serious abuses of human rights and fundamental freedoms; responsibility for the deepening humanitarian crisis in Venezuela; establishment of an illegitimate Constituent Assembly, which usurped the power of the democratically elected National Assembly and other branches of the Government of Venezuela; rampant public corruption; and ongoing repression and persecution of, and violence toward, the political opposition.

The circumstances described in Executive Order 13692 and Executive Order 13808 have not improved, and they continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. Therefore, in accordance with section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)), I am continuing for 1 year the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13692.

This notice shall be published in the Federal Register and transmitted to the Congress.

March 2, 2018.


Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate
March 2, 2018


Text of a Letter from the President to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate

Issued on: March 2, 2018

March 2, 2018

Dear Mr. Speaker: (Dear Mr. President:)

Section 202(d) of the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1622(d)) provides for the automatic termination of a national emergency unless, within 90 days before the anniversary date of its declaration, the President publishes in the Federal Register and transmits to the Congress a notice stating that the emergency is to continue in effect beyond the anniversary date. In accordance with this provision, I have sent to the Federal Register for publication the enclosed notice stating that the national emergency declared in Executive Order 13288 of March 6, 2003, with respect to the actions and policies of certain members of the Government of Zimbabwe and other persons to undermine Zimbabwe’s democratic processes or institutions is to continue in effect beyond March 6, 2018.

In November 2017, dynamics within the factionalized ruling party of Zimbabwe, the African National Union-Patriotic Front party, reached a head. Facing impeachment, Robert Mugabe resigned. The subsequent change in government has offered an extraordinary opportunity for Zimbabwe to set itself on a new path toward implementing reforms that could allow the United States to re-engage in ways not previously possible. Concrete actions must follow President Mnangagwa’s stated intentions to carry out political and economic reforms. The actions and policies of certain members of the Government of Zimbabwe and other persons, however, continue to pose an unusual and extraordinary threat to the foreign policy of the United States. Therefore, to respond to this persisting threat, I have determined that it is necessary to continue this national emergency and to maintain in force the sanctions.




Readout of President Donald J. Trump’s Calls with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and President Emmanuel Macron of France

Issued on: March 2, 2018

President Donald J. Trump spoke yesterday in separate calls with Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany and President Emmanuel Macron of France. Both Chancellor Merkel and President Macron agreed with President Trump that the Syrian regime, and its Russian and Iranian supporters, should immediately and fully implement United Nations Security Council Resolution 2401, which calls for an immediate ceasefire across Syria. The leaders called on Russia to stop bombing East Ghouta, to compel the Assad regime to halt offensive operations against civilian areas, and to hold Syria accountable for the deteriorating human rights conditions in East Ghouta, caused in part by the Assad regime’s continued use of chemical weapons, attacks on civilians, and blocking of humanitarian aid. The President underscored that the United States will not tolerate the atrocities of the Assad regime. The leaders also shared their serious concerns over Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent statements on nuclear weapons development, which they agreed detract from productive discussion of a range of issues between Russia and the West.


Do Atheist Prisoners Have Rights?

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by FFRF [ / , ]

FFRF Legal Fellow Colin McNamara discusses nonreligious discrimination in American prisons. [with comments]


WATCH LIVE: Rev. Billy Graham's funeral

Streamed live on Mar 2, 2018 by PBS NewsHour [ / , ]

For more, visit [comments disabled]


The Universe Owes Me Nothing

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by Viced Rhino [ , ]

Today, I am sharing some of my thoughts on a fairly common religious argument for the existence of god. [with comments]


Full Show - Will Donald Trump Betray The 2nd Amendment And Destroy The Republican Party? - 03/02/2018

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by The Alex Jones Channel [ / , ]

Friday, March 2nd 2018[, with appearances by Tim Harmsen and Kevin Jackson]: Operation Paul Revere 2018 Continues - Infowars continues Operation Paul Revere 2018, a special 34-hour broadcast in defense of the First Amendment. Will you stand for free speech in face of growing censorship inside America? Guests include Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, Mike Cernovich, Jacob Engels, Dr. Steve Pieczenik, and Joel Gilbert hosts the final hour. [with comments] [also at (additional text adapted from; with comments)] [a must-watch]


RWW News: Alex Jones And Mike Cernovich Plan To Protest Google At SXSW

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by RWW Blog [ / , ]

[from March 2, 2018] [with comments]


RWW News: Mike Cernovich Says Social Media Censorship Is A ‘Warm Up’ For Christian Persecution

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by RWW Blog [with comments]


RWW News: Gavin McInnes Suspects Immigrants May Be To Blame For Social Media Censorship

Published on Mar 6, 2018 by RWW Blog

[from March 2, 2018] [with comments]


RWW News: Jim Bakker Explains His ‘Co-op’ Business Model

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by RWW Blog

[from March 2, 2018] [with comments]


"God Isn't Allowed In Schools"

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by DarkMatter2525 [ / , ]

Do tragedies happen in schools because children aren't allowed to pray there? Is that even true? No. Children can pray in school if they want. Beyond that, just stop and think how awful this argument makes God look. If you mean that being encouraged to pray would cause kids to be less violent, however, then you need to simply look at the rest of the world. [with comments]


Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding Recent Attacks in West Africa

Issued on: March 2, 2018

The United States strongly condemns the brutal attacks in West Africa that have occurred over the past few weeks, including the kidnapping by terrorists of more than 100 school girls and the murders of aid workers in Nigeria, the terrorist attack against United Nations peacekeepers in Mali that killed 4 people, and today’s attacks in Burkina Faso that claimed many innocent lives and wounded dozens. The United States extends our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of those killed and wishes a speedy recovery to those wounded. These attacks only strengthen the resolve of the United States and responsible nations to pursue, destroy, and rid the world of those who commit such heinous acts.


Full Show - Infowars Has Massive Victory In The Face Of Censorship - 03/02/2018

Published on Mar 5, 2018 by War Room [ , ]

Infowars opens up the phone last as we conclude our 34 hour live Operation Paul Revere special to alert fellow patriots that the deep state, the globalists, and the political left in America are coming for our free speech, our guns, and our right to being a sovereign nation and republic. We tackle the issues of mental health with our audience, as well as gun control, President Trump and the importance of family.

[from Alex Jones and his merry band of batshit bullshitters] [with comments] [also at (with comments)]


Rick and Morty | Will Jerry Save Shrimply Pibbles?

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by Comedy Central UK [ / , , ]

Jerry must make one of the biggest decisions he's ever come up against. Save the most important man in the universe or keep his penis. What would you do? [with comments]


Remarks by Vice President Pence at America First Policies Event
Westin Book Cadillac Detroit Hotel
Detroit, Michigan
March 2, 2018 [official transcript]


The Deadly Synthetic Drug Epidemic Killing New Zealanders

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by VICE [ / , ]

Inside the lives of West Aucklanders affected by the highly addictive and gravely dangerous synthetic cannabinoid drug known as “synnies”.

Up until 2014, the sale of synthetic cannabis in New Zealand was considered a global test case for legalized drugs. With the introduction of tighter controls the synthetics market has gone underground, and the harm to the community has spiraled. At least 25 people are believed to have died from synthetic drug use in 2017. VICE follows animal lover and former addict Tammara, 20, as she grapples with her recovery from the drug that has dominated her life for six years.

We also meet ex-user Trey whose best friend died after smoking synthetics aged just 17. Talking to family members, a former dealer, police, customs officers and an emergency medicine doctor/toxicologist, VICE investigates how and why this drug has become responsible for the deaths of New Zealanders in unprecedented numbers, revealing the raw reality of this under-reported crisis.


Fentanyl: The Drug Deadlier than Heroin
Published on Jul 22, 2016 by VICE
VICE presents an immersive and personal feature film about the fentanyl crisis in Canada told from the perspective of a community of drug users.
This video has been edited from its original version due to privacy concerns surrounding one of its subjects. [with (over 14,000) comments] [comments disabled]


Trump's Nixon problem: How abusing privilege can be criminal 'obstruction'

The Beat with Ari Melber

MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reveals Watergate archival material showing how the abuse of executive privilege can be a crime -- and an impeachable offense. The lawyer who wrote Nixon’s articles of impeachment says Trump may be walking the “same plank,” while Melber invokes lyrics from Mobb Deep to show why there is no lawful “halfway privilege.”

©2018 , [with comments]


Devastating: Watch Trump go from “I’ve met him” to “I never met Putin”

The Beat with Ari Melber

NPR reports on a Putin-connected Russian using the NRA to meet Trump in 2015 as Mueller eyes whether Trump knew Putin before he was elected.

©2018 , [with comments]


Ted Cruz aide to Republican Ben Carson: Fallback and get an IKEA catalog

The Beat with Ari Melber

Watch Ted Cruz Campaign chief Ron Nehring blast Trump cabinet member Ben Carson for wasting money, in this irreverent discussion with Hip-hop DJ Jay Smooth, "Black Panther” author Jesse Holland and MSNBC host Ari Melber.

©2018 , [with comments]


Ohio Gov. John Kasich wants to solve the gun problem with small steps (HBO)

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by VICE News [ / , ]

Ohio Gov. John Kasich acknowledged in an interview with VICE News that the gun reforms he announced this week fall short, but that they’re the “best I can do” in the face of political headwinds in his state.

“I’m not a miracle man. I'm just a guy trying to do the best I can to maneuver in what was a difficult environment,” Kasich said.

The Ohio Republican, who will close out his second and final term as governor this year, on Thursday unveiled six gun reform proposals crafted by a bipartisan working group he convened last year on the issue. The proposals largely bring Ohio law in step with federal law, with two additions: closing holes in the background check system, and creating a new kind of protective order to take guns away from potentially violent people.

They come just two weeks after Kasich lambasted President Trump for showing a lack of leadership on guns in an interview on CNN, where he expressed support for universal background checks and a ban on bump stocks.

“We need leadership out of the executive. This is a great opportunity for commonsense steps that can be taken just in the area of background checks,” he said.

Speaking to VICE News this week, Kasich defended his own proposals, saying they're what's achievable in the Ohio legislature.

“Are there other things that I would like to see in this? Of course there are. But this is the best that I can do to be in a position where I can be optimistic about some changes,” he said.

Kasich pointed to the political power of staunch gun-rights advocates as the main obstacle in getting broader reforms passed.

“What happens here is there are people who believe that [Second Amendment] rights should not be violated in any way. And they will go to legislators. And they will do everything they can to stop it and/or to defeat them.”

As the last man standing in the 2016 GOP presidential primary — who refused to endorse Trump even after dropping out of the race — Kasich has continued to criticize Trump well into his presidency, fueling buzz that he’ll try for another presidential bid in 2020. And he notoriously refuses to rule out the prospect when asked — telling VICE News simply “there’s no opening” in 2020, presuming the president runs for reelection.

“So that’s kinda hard.”

If there were an opening — if Trump were, for some reason, not to run for reelection? “I don’t know what can happen in the future,” Kasich said. “I don't know what I'm gonna do when I'm done.” [with comments]


The Lost Generation of Iraqi Youth, VICE on HBO, Full Episode

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by VICE News

Iraq has one of the world’s youngest populations and most of them grew up knowing nothing but war and chaos.

The three-year-long campaign to defeat IS is only the latest chapter in a cycle of violence that began with the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq. After 15 years, the conflicts have left virtually every aspect of the country crippled.

Iraq used to have one of the best education systems in the Arab world, and now over a third of the kids in the country are out of school and not receiving any education at all.

When IS swept through Iraq in 2014, ultimately claiming control of a third of the country, its ranks were filled with young, disenfranchised Sunnis who were driven more by grievances with the Iraqi government than by any kind of devotion to Islamic State’s self-proclaimed caliphate.

For the young Iraqis on the other side of the conflict, whether Sunni or Shia, it is not so different. With few opportunities in education or employment, many young men—and as we found out, many children—see enlisting with sectarian militias as the best course of action, even if it means death.

While Islamic State’s days in Iraq may be over, the conditions that gave rise to it haven’t changed.

VICE’s Isobel Yeung travels to Iraq to see how its youth see the future. [with comments]


Trump became "unglued" and launched potential trade war

All In with Chris Hayes

President Trump became "unglued" Wednesday evening, according to NBC News reporting, and, spurred on by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, he "was angry and gunning for a fight, and he chose a trade war."



Trump admin. reduced Bears Ears because of oil and gas

All In with Chris Hayes

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke claimed reducing Bears Ears national monument in Utah wasn't about oil and gas. The New York Times now reports oil was central in the decision to shrink the monument, according to internal agency emails.

©2018 , [with comments]


West Virginia teachers on strike for seventh day

All In with Chris Hayes

The teachers strike in West Virginia is "a testament to the turbulence of the political moment we live in," says Chris Hayes, "that whole new vistas of mass action are suddenly coming into view."

©2018 , [with comments]


UN report to show North Korea dodging sanctions with Russian help

On Assignment with Richard Engel

Richard Engel reports on how Russian ships out of Vladivostok evade detection to secretly transport cargo to and from North Korea in violation of international sanctions.

©2018 , [with comments]


Expert sees Soviets in North Korean missile engine lineage

On Assignment with Richard Engel

Michael Elleman, missile defense senior fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, talks with Richard Engel about the likelihood that North Korea's missile engine technology is not just reverse engineered Soviet designs but actually sourced to the former Soviet Union.



US academics track North Korea nuclear progress with public data

On Assignment with Richard Engel

Richard Engel visits The Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey, where academics use publicly available maps and media, and a lot of creative problem solving, to assess North Korea's progress toward nuclear weapon capability.



North Korea nuclear ambition spans generations, presidencies

On Assignment with Richard Engel

Richard Engel looks at how North Korea's nuclear ambitions developed through generations of North Korean leadership and repeated underestimation by American presidents.



Harrowing escape from North Korea leads to activism for freedom

On Assignment with Richard Engel

Richard Engel speaks with a young woman who risked her life to escape the propaganda and oppression of living in North Korea and has now become an activist for freedom and better lives for those she left behind.



Seoul, South Korea wary of U.S., North Korea crossfire

On Assignment with Richard Engel

Richard Engel talks with Yunes Kang, a resident of Seoul, South Korea about concerns that Donald Trump's belligerence and Kim Jon Un's nuclear ambitions will put Seoul in the crossfire of a costly war.



Trump "unglued" amid White House chaos

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

Trump decided to start a trade war while angry and "unglued," NBC News reports. Ex-Obama economic adviser Austan Goolsbee says Trump "fired a shot" at our allies. USA Today's Susan Page and Neera Tanden join Ari Melber to react to the latest White House "lunacy."

©2018 , [with comments]


Are Kushner's businesses tied to Trump policies?

The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

NBC News reports that Mueller is looking at whether Kushner's foreign business ties affected White House policy. Ari Melber discusses with Maya Wiley and Natasha Bertrand how any unusual influence could result in criminal charges.

©2018 , [with comments]


Chaotic week seems to signal Trump White House is in crisis

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

A wild and chaotic week at the Trump White House saw resignations, policy reversals, and a report of one insider saying the president was 'unglued.' Our panel breaks down Trump's very bad week.


[originally aired March 2, 2018] , [with comments]


Chaos leads to fear & loathing from Trump White House staff

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

After more departures and reports of chaos behind the scenes, reports paint a picture of a beleaguered staff inside Trump's White House. Our panel reacts.


[originally aired March 2, 2018] , [with comments]


Trump was angry and 'unglued' when he started a trade war

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams

Exclusive NBC News reporting states that Trump was angry and 'unglued' when he decided to announce new tariffs on steel and aluminum kicking off fears of an escalating trade war. Stephanie Ruhle, who broke the news, and Sahil Kapur join.


[originally aired March 2, 2018]


Monologue: Giving Hicks Hope | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by Real Time with Bill Maher [ / , ]

Bill recaps the top stories of the week, including Hope Hicks' resignation and more White House turmoil. [with comments]


Never Again MSD | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by Real Time with Bill Maher

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students David Hogg and Cameron Kasky join Bill to discuss the recent campus shooting in Parkland, FL, and their efforts to prevent future gun violence. [with comments]


Notes to Self | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by Real Time with Bill Maher

Running the government is no easy task and some officials need help remembering their lines. [with comments]


New Rule: That's Not News | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by Real Time with Bill Maher

In his editorial New Rule, Bill chastises the media for pitting Americans against each other with phony controversies. [with comments]


Voting Age, Gov Class, Billy Graham, Jeff Sessions | Overtime with Bill Maher (HBO)

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by Real Time with Bill Maher

Bill and his guests - David Hogg, Cameron Kasky, Eric Holder, Jon Meacham, and Amy Chua – answer viewer questions after the show. [with comments]


Steve Buscemi Auditioned For Every 'Best Picture' Nominee

Published on Mar 3, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert [ , ]

Lady Bird, Get Out, The Darkest Hour... are all movies that did not feature Steve Buscemi.

[originally aired March 2, 2018] [with comments]


Robert Mueller Is Hot On Trump's Tail

Published on Mar 3, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Special counsel Robert Mueller is now gathering evidence from beauty pageants, controversial documents, and one anonymous source extremely close to Trump.

[originally aired March 2, 2018] [with comments]


Stephen Colbert Grabs Capitol Hill By The Memo

Published on Mar 3, 2018 by The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

While the Russia investigation has become clouded by the confusion surrounding dueling memos, Stephen heads to to Congress to get the truth straight from the horse's mouth. Horses like Rep. Adam Schiff, Sen. Jeff Flake and Sen. Mark Warner.

[originally aired March 2, 2018] [with comments]


Key & Peele - Magical Negro Fight

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by Comedy Central [ / , , ]

Two wise black men butt heads when it becomes apparent that they're both offering advice to the same white guy. [with comments]


Snowflakes vs Bible Thumpers "THE MMA NO HOPE GRUDGE MATCH" Michael Obama vs Hope Hicks

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by Bravo Alternative Media [ , ]

Snowflakes vs Bible Thumpers, The Fight of the Century "THE MMA NO HOPE GRUDGE MATCH" Michael "No Hope" Obama vs Passed Around HOPE Hick CageFight from HELL !!! [with comments]


Michael "NO HOPE" Obama vs "PASSED AROUND" Hope Hicks MMA Cage Match of the Century

Published on Mar 2, 2018 by Bravo Von Muller [ , ]

Blue States vs Red States, Michael "NO HOPE" Obama vs "Passed Around" HOPE Hicks, Welfare States vs Corporate Fascist State, Snow Flakes vs Bible Thumpers, The MMA Grudge Match from HELL !!! April 6th Coming soon, the biggest event Donald Trump and Don King have ever Promoted. [with comments]


stashed March 2, 2018:

Mueller team asking if Kushner foreign business ties influenced Trump policy

Jared Kushner’s Real-Estate Firm Sought Money Directly From Qatar Government Weeks Before Blockade

Kushner family solicited Qatari investment just before blockade: report

Jared Kushner Is Deep in It Now
What happens next?
By Charles P. Pierce

Jared Kushner’s many, many scandals, explained
From the Russia investigation to the security clearance troubles to loans to his family business.


Qatar Refused to Invest in Kushner’s Firm. Weeks Later, Jared Backed a Blockade of Qatar.

Jared Kushner Backed Qatar Blockade a Month After Qataris Wouldn’t Finance His Property: Report

NYT [ ]: Trump asking John Kelly for help in pushing Ivanka, Kushner out of White House

Who Will Leave Trump White House Next? Administration Said to Be in ‘Chaos’ Amid Russia Probe, Kushner Scandals

Seth Meyers Isn’t Done Laughing at “Cartoonishly Corrupt” Jared Kushner ( [included in the post to which this is a repy])
“How much more suspicious can Jared Kushner get? . . . He lurks ominously in the background of every White House photo like he’s the ghost of a boy Trump killed with an errant tee shot.”

Scandals Swirl Around Jared Kushner

President Trump May Be Secretly Undermining Jared and Ivanka, Too

‘Jared has faded’: Inside the 28 days of tumult that left Kushner badly diminished

WaPo Report Describes Jared Kushner’s Diminished WH Role in Brutal Detail : ‘The Fall of The House of Kushner’

Fox & Friends spent 22 seconds this week covering Jared Kushner. Here is what it covered instead.
Since February 28, Fox & Friends has spent just 22 seconds covering Kushner’s downgraded security clearance, ignoring three other bombshell reports

Trump has privately asked John Kelly to help him move Ivanka and Jared Kushner out of the White House
President Donald Trump has reportedly grown frustrated at his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and daughter. Ivanka, both of whom work as senior advisers in the White House.
Though Trump reportedly told the two to keep serving, he privately asked White House chief of staff John Kelly for help to remove them, according to aides cited by The New York Times.
The two are believed to be locked in a power struggle with Kelly, who has also grown frustrated with them.

The Root of White House Chaos? A Weak President

Never have we seen such chaos and corruption
By Eugene Robinson


Trump was angry and ‘unglued’ when he started a trade war, officials say


Trump’s tariff war nudges Cohn toward White House exit
The president's top economic adviser lost a battle to prevent the imposition of steep tariffs pushed by protectionist advisers.

Cramer: If Gary Cohn resigns, watch out stock market
A resignation by Gary Cohn would be a tough day for the stock market, CNBC's Jim Cramer says.
Media reports cast doubt on Cohn's future at the White House after he was unable to dissuade President Trump from imposing steel and aluminum tariffs.
Cohn "is someone who makes you feel that there is not as much chaos," Cramer says.

Will Trump’s ‘Job-Killing’ Steel Tariffs Push Gary Cohn Out Of The White House?

How Gary Cohn got overruled on Trump's tariffs
The White House says it has no reason to believe Gary Cohn will leave the administration after he lost a fight over steel and aluminum tariffs.
Trump announced the tariffs Thursday amid disagreements among his top advisors.
When Cohn raised concerns Thursday about price increases for steel and aluminum products, Trump called it a "small price to pay."

Larry Kudlow: I'm urging Trump advisor Gary Cohn to stay at the White House
Larry Kudlow, a confidant of President Donald Trump, told CNBC on Friday he's been urging top White House economic advisor Gary Cohn to stay.
There are multiple media reports casting doubt on Cohn's future in the White House after he was unable to convince Trump not to impose steel and aluminium tariffs.

Questioning Whether Gary Cohn Will Stay: DealBook Briefing


Europe on Trump tariffs: We will 'react firmly and commensurately to defend our interests'
European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker issued a strongly worded statement in response to President Donald Trump's decision to impose steel and aluminum tariffs
Next stop for Europe: Taking the fight to the World Trade Organization
Juncker said "unfair measures put thousands of European jobs at risk"

Trade war feared as EU and China to retaliate on US steel

E.U. Leader Threatens to Retaliate With Tariffs on Bourbon and Bluejeans

European Commission responds to the US restrictions on steel and aluminium affecting the EU


Trump Is ‘Losing a Limb’ With the Departure of Hope Hicks
also at


Leaked: Secret Documents From Russia’s Election Trolls
An online auction gone awry reveals substantial new details on Kremlin-backed troll farm efforts to stir up real protests and target specific Americans to push their propaganda.

Leaked documents shed light on the astonishing intricacy of Russia's trolling operation
Leaked documents reviewed by The Daily Beast show the lengths a notorious Russian troll farm, the Internet Research Agency, went to in order to stoke conflict and spread disinformation during and after the 2016 US election.
In addition to operating on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, the IRA conducted a substantial amount of activity on Reddit and Tumblr.
The troll farm specifically reached out to unwitting American activists working on causes the Kremlin wanted to brew tensions about, including "migration policy," "the ruling political oligarch," "false promises of America," and "air strike costs."


Trump rips 'Alex Baldwin' on Twitter, says 'terrible impersonation' was 'agony' to watch

Alec (Not Alex) Baldwin Taunts Donald Trump, Says Melania Wants ‘SNL’ Tickets

Donald Trump Attacks Alec Baldwin In Early Morning Twitter Rant Amid Week Of Chaos
Trump misspelled Baldwin’s name twice in the unhinged rant.

Who is Darrell Hammond? Watch His Best ‘SNL’ Sketches as Donald Trump
( , , , )

There's a Good Reason Darrell Hammond Shouldn't Play Trump Again

Twitter users are agreeing with Trump that Darrell Hammond's 'SNL' impression was better than Alec Baldwin's
Many Twitter users are agreeing with President Donald Trump's tweet that Darrell Hammond's "Saturday Night Live" impression of Trump was "funnier" than Alec Baldwin's.
Trump called Alec Baldwin's impression an "agony" to watch in a tweet Friday morning, while also suggesting that "SNL" bring back the "far greater talent" of Darrell Hammond.
Hammond told The Washington Post that he was emotionally devastated and "started crying" when he lost out on the role to Baldwin in September 2016.

Trump on Alec Baldwin's Hollywood Reporter Interview: 'SNL' Is "Agony for Those Forced to Watch"

Trump, Alec Baldwin renew Twitter feud - AP


Texas teen arrested with rifle, ammo near high school
ROWLETT, Texas (AP) - A Dallas-area teenager was being held on $1 million bond Thursday after a police officer encountered him sitting in his car outside of a high school sporting event with a semi-automatic rifle and 100 rounds of ammunition.
Rowlett police arrested Diego Horta, 17, on Tuesday night on drug and weapons charges. Officer Cruz Hernandez, a spokesman for the department in Rowlett about 20 miles (32 kilometers) northeast of Dallas, said the officer approached the teen while patrolling near Rowlett High School and the city’s community center as two sporting events were wrapping up.
“We’re glad that our officer encountered him early,” Hernandez said. “He had the weapon, ammunition and a mask ... Whatever we prevented, the outcome was going to be bad.”

Police: Boy who shot himself planned attack on school
A seventh-grader who shot and killed himself inside an Ohio middle school restroom last week was planning to shoot others at the school before changing his mind at the last second, a police chief said Thursday.
The boy, 13-year-old Keith Simons, came out of the bathroom holding a semi-automatic rifle just before classes began and then abruptly went back inside and shot himself in the head, said Jackson Township Police Chief Mark Brink.
Police don’t know why Simons didn’t carry out the attack and probably never will, the police chief said. “We should thank God every day, whatever made him change his mind,” Brink said.
Investigators found messages on his cellphone that showed the teen had been planning an attack for at least a week at Jackson Middle School, near Massillon. He also showed admiration for the two students who carried out the Columbine High School shooting in Colorado nearly 19 years ago.
“I’d hurt and destroy something bigger but my schools an easy target,” Simons wrote in one message found on his phone.
“I want to leave a lasting impression on the world,” he said in another message written days before he took the.22-caliber gun to school on Feb. 20. “I’m going to die doing it.”
The messages indicating he was planning a school shooting began a week earlier, the same day that 17 people died in the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, Brink said.
Police said Simons rode a bus to school and concealed the gun under his clothes. He also had a backpack with extra ammunition, bottle rockets and batteries.
Simons went into the restroom as soon as he arrived at school, Brink said.
At about the same time, surveillance video showed he came out of the restroom and there were four students nearby, but for some reason he turned around, Brink said. Another boy in who was the restroom saw the gun and ran to tell school officials, he said.
Simons died a day later and the Summit County Medical Examiner’s Office ruled the death a suicide.

Group takes credit for Vegas ‘Shoot a School Kid’ billboard
LAS VEGAS (AP) - A guerrilla art collective claimed credit Thursday for changing a freeway-side billboard inviting Las Vegas tourists to fire high-powered assault-style rifles to read, “Shoot A School Kid Only $29.”
The altered advertisement, which had said “Shoot a .50 caliber only $29,” was taken down within hours and police began an investigation after the vandalism was reported, Officer Larry Hadfield said.
An email statement from the activist group INDECLINE took credit for the protest.
A telephone caller who said he represents the group but refused to give his name provided the statement to The Associated Press.
It said the billboard action was to spur debate about “inadequate gun laws that are currently placing value on assault weapons over that of human life.”
INDECLINE also took credit for putting statues of a naked Donald Trump in cities around the country in 2016.
The man said the group provided a video to KTNV-TV showing at least two people wearing dark clothing scaling the billboard and pasting strips on the sign with the words “School Kid” and “Defend Lives Reform Laws.” A person climbing a ladder appeared to be wearing a wool mask.
The billboard was not far from the site of the worst mass shooting in modern American history. The Oct. 1 attack killed 58 people.
The spokesman said the billboard action also took inspiration from the Feb. 14 school shooting that left 17 people dead in Parkland, Florida.
Employees at Battlefield Las Vegas, the gun range that invites tourists to shoot a semi-automatic rifle, referred questions to managers who did not immediately respond to telephone and email messages.
The billboard near Interstate 15 is about 3.5 miles (5.6 kilometers) from Mandalay Bay resort, where a gunman fired more than 1,000 shots from 32nd-floor windows into the crowd at an open air concert before killing himself.

BlackRock, a Shareholder in Gun Makers, Ramps Up Pressure on Gun Industry
Making the request public is an unusual step by the world’s largest asset manager

BlackRock says it's time to take action on guns, may use voting power to influence
The world's largest asset manager details its approach to the gun industry in a three-page letter in response to overwhelming customer interest.
BlackRock says it is showing customers options for changing their investments to exclude stocks of gun makers and is considering new funds that don't invest in the industry.
BlackRock and other large passive fund managers haven't been vocal activists in the past.

BlackRock poses tough questions to gunmakers and sellers

Breakingviews - BlackRock puts gun-complex boards in crosshairs

Smith & Wesson gunmaker cuts jobs as sales plunge

BlackRock Offers More Details on Talks With Gunmakers

Gun Maker Says Sales Are Plunging - Smith & Wesson

Trump Gun Slump: Sales Plummet As Americans Don't Buy Gun Control Threats

Sen. Warren Asks Fidelity, Other Fund Managers to Demand Gun Industry Change

Top gun maker: We've seen 'increased sales' since Florida shooting - American Outdoor Brands Cooperative


Anti-Gun Movement Is Infecting an Outdoor Brand’s Other Products

Gun Maker’s Strategy Backfires as Retailers Protest Some of Its Brands
Vista Outdoor diversified into water bottles, bike helmets; now REI says it won’t sell those products

REI cuts off key supplier over refusal to take action on guns

MEC must immediately stop selling products made by guns manufacturer Vista Outdoor!

An Open Letter to MEC Members from CEO David Labistour

Our values drive us. They define our actions and inspire us to build great products.

REI statement on relationship with Vista Outdoor

Boycott: REI, Mountain Equipment Co-Op stop selling major outdoor brand with NRA ties

REI, LL Bean are the latest retailers to take steps against guns
L.L. Bean says it will no longer sell guns and ammunition to anyone below age 21.
REI, which doesn't sell guns, says it's halting its purchases of products made by gun maker Vista Outdoor, including CamelBak water bottles and Camp Chef stoves until Vista publicly addresses the Florida school massacre.

REI halts orders from Vista Outdoor over its response to Parkland shooting
REI, a retailer that sells outdoor apparel and supplies, is stopping its relationship with Vista Outdoor after the company failed to issue a statement following a mass shooting in Florida.

REI Stops Selling 50 NRA-Linked Brands


GOP lawmakers in Georgia punish Delta for crossing NRA - AP

A Georgia Republican's Unethical Revenge
Lieutenant Governor Casey Cagle led the charge to punish Delta, after the Atlanta-based airline ended its affiliation with the NRA.

NRA fallout: See the list of companies that cut discounts for NRA members after Parkland, Florida school shooting

Only 13 NRA members used Delta fare discount
Air line not backing down from a decision to cancel discounts for the National Rifle Association, despite a revenge move by Georgia lawmakers depriving the airline of huge tax breaks

Delta Reviewing Ties With All 'Politically Divisive' Groups After NRA Controversy - Reuters

Delta To Georgia Lawmakers: 'Our Values Are Not For Sale' - HuffPo
The Atlanta-based airline stands by its decision to cut ties with the NRA, despite retaliation by state lawmakers.

Delta fires back at angry lawmakers amid NRA backlash: 'Our values are not for sale' - Business Insider
In a memo to employees on Friday, Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian defended his company's decision to cut ties with the National Rifle Association.
Delta has since faced backlash from some customers and Georgia lawmakers, who on Thursday passed a tax bill that did not include a provision to exempt Delta from paying sales tax on jet fuel.
Bastian said the company's decision to end its relationship with the NRA was not made for "economic gain" and that its "values are not for sale."
Bastian also said the airline was committed to its headquarters in Atlanta.

The Latest: Only 13 NRA Members Used Discount Delta Withdrew - AP
Delta: Only 13 NRA members used withdrawn discount that triggered Georgia showdown.


2 killed at Central Michigan University, gunman 'armed and dangerous' still at large

Central Michigan University 'student kills parents in dorm'
Police in the US state of Michigan are hunting a student who shot and killed his parents when they came to pick him up for spring break, US media report.

CMU police confirm two individuals were fatally shot at Campbell Hall on campus this morning. The deceased are not students and police believe the situation started from a domestic situation. There are no additional injuries; suspect is still at large:

Central Michigan University shooting: 2 dead, gunman missing


What does it take for Fox News stars to turn on Trump? We are finding out.

Tucker Carlson Turns On Trump: ‘Imagine If Barack Obama Had Said That’
“Congress would be talking impeachment right now.”

Carlson Slams Trump Over Due Process Gun Comments: If Obama Said That, We'd Call Him A Dictator

Fox News' Tucker Carlson snipes at Trump over gun control embrace: If Obama said something similar, 'he'd be denounced as a dictator'
Republicans and some conservative-leaning personalities have been unsettled by President Donald Trump's nebulous positions on gun control this week.
The most telling sign of that frustration came after Trump held a televised meeting with lawmakers on Wednesday, during which he nodded and agreed with Democratic proposals while outwardly dismissing his Republican colleagues.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson subtly jabbed Trump about that on Thursday night. Hours later, Trump touted what he called a "great" Oval Office meeting with the NRA.


Russia cancels strategic talks with ‘unfriendly’ US: envoy

NATO says Russian warnings against allies 'unacceptable'

Russian President Putin appears to show missiles targeting Florida in key speech
AS PUTIN unveiled his powerful new weapons, you might have missed the fierce subtext hidden in the map below them.

Putin on the nukes

Vladimir Putin’s Nuclear-Powered Cruise Missile Is ‘Batshit Crazy’
"This will feed directly into the US nuclear and missile-defense lobby agenda and help them make their case for boosting US capabilities."

Vladimir Putin Is Campaigning on the Threat of Nuclear War

Why Putin Is Rattling His Superweapons
He wants respect, but he'll end up getting an arms race Russia can't win.

Putin’s Nuclear Arsenal and Aggressive Rhetoric Are Tried and True
The country has poured billions into its defense sector, but the Kremlin appears to have little interest in an arms race with Washington

Pentagon looks to adjust missile defense policy to include threats from Russia, China

Kremlin dismisses allegation Russia behind German cyber attack


Amid firestorm, Mike Huckabee resigns from CMA Foundation board
NASHVILLE — Less than one day after his appointment was announced, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee has resigned from the CMA Foundation board of directors, following criticism from multiple members of the country music industry.
"The CMA Foundation has accepted former Gov. Mike Huckabee’s resignation from its board of directors, effective immediately," said Amber Williams, CMA vice president of communications and talent relations.
The announcement follows criticism from members of the country music industry, as well as country music fans.
Jason Owen, co-president of Monument Records and owner at Sandbox Entertainment, called the appointment a "grossly offensive decision" in an email to the association's CEO Sarah Trahern and CMA Foundation executive Tiffany Kerns.
Owen wrote that due to Huckabee’s election to the CMA Foundation’s board, neither his companies, nor anyone they represent would continue to support the foundation.
Owen and his husband Sam are fathers to a young son and are expecting twins. Owen said that Huckabee’s stance on the LGBTQ community “made it clear my family is not welcome in his America.”

Huckabee quits country music board amid backlash

Mike Huckabee Abandons Country Music Association Post After One Day, Blaming Protester 'Bullies'


Mike Huckabee resigns from CMA Foundation board amid controversy

[Updated]: Mike Huckabee Resigns From CMA Foundation Board Following Industry Backlash


Trump and Pence make rare joint appearance at Billy Graham’s funeral

Trump Will Be Only Living President at Rev. Billy Graham's Funeral
Former president George W. Bush and former first lady Laura Bush on Monday visited Charlotte to pay their respects. Clinton flew into Charlotte to pay his respects on Tuesday.

Watch video: Why Billy Graham was buried in a casket made by Angola inmates - Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola

Analysis | Protestantism was born in Germany, but it was Billy Graham who brought evangelicalism there - WaPo


Theresa May Says U.K. Has to Face ‘Hard Facts’ on Brexit

Theresa May: ‘Life is going to be different’ after Brexit

May gets down to business on Brexit
Theresa May's speech was another key milestone in the Brexit process and for once business leaders did not leave totally disappointed.

May Tells Her Tories to Get Real in Key Brexit Speech

Prime Minister Theresa May Lays Out Her Brexit Vision: Text

Theresa May rules out financial passporting after Brexit but wants 'a broader agreement than ever before'
Theresa May rules out continuing passporting after Brexit.
Passporting allows UK companies to sell their services across the EU but means the UK would have to adhere to EU rules in the future.
May said she wants to "break new ground with a broader agreement than ever before" on services.

Theresa May's Brexit: metaphorically speaking
The optics were not good. No, not an eye-drop, or a dram measure in your pub gantry. That's politico-speak for the way it looks on telly.

Theresa May's Brexit vision dismissed as unrealistic in Brussels
EU diplomats describe May’s proposals on customs checks and the Irish border as ‘fantasy’


Israeli police question Netanyahu and his wife in far-reaching bribery scandal

Israeli police question Netanyahu in third corruption case

Netanyahu, wife questioned 'under caution' in corruption Case 4000

Benjamin Netanyahu Is Questioned in 3rd Corruption Case in Israel

Police Question Netanyahu for Over Five Hours; Wife Also Grilled Simultaneously
Police questioned Netanyahu and his wife Sara on suspicion of taking bribes from media mogul as part of the so-called telecom affair
Netanyahu’s hostile takeover of Israeli media started at The Post [ ]
Police to question Netanyahu Friday as possible suspect in telecom-giant bribery case [ ]
For first time, prosecution directly links Netanyahu to telecom giant bribery affair [ ]


Google Sued by Ex-Recruiter Alleging Anti-White, Asian Bias
Veteran employee says he was fired for opposing hiring policy
Tech is under attack from both sides in debate over diversity

YouTube Hiring for Some Positions Excluded White and Asian Men, Lawsuit Says
A former employee alleges tech firm set quotas for hiring minorities

A Former Recruiter Is Suing Google Over Allegations of Anti-White and Anti-Asian Bias

Former YouTube Recruiter Sues Google for Discriminating 'Against Caucasian and Asian Men'

YouTube recruiter sues Google for allegedly refusing to hire white and Asian men

Ex-Google recruiter: I was fired because I resisted “illegal” diversity efforts
Google vows to defend lawsuit, says it hires “candidates based on their merit.”

Google job ‘quotas’ favored women, blacks, Latinos over white and Asian men: lawsuit

Google accused of excluding Asians, whites for some positions
A lawsuit alleges the search giant set hiring quotas for some technical positions.


MIT study shows how much driving for Uber or Lyft sucks

Uber, Lyft drivers actually earn less than minimum wage, MIT survey suggests

After Costs, Uber and Lyft Drivers Average Less Than $4 an Hour, Depressing New Study Claims

The Economics of Ride-Hailing: Driver Revenue, Expenses and Taxes

The Gender Earnings Gap in the Gig Economy: Evidence from over a Million Rideshare Drivers

2018 Uber and Lyft Driver Survey Results – The Rideshare Guy

Uber, Lyft Drivers Earning A Median Profit Of $3.37 Per Hour, Study Says

Uber and Lyft drivers' median hourly wage is just $3.37, report finds
Majority of drivers make less than minimum wage and many end up losing money, according to study published by MIT


As Surgery Centers Boom, Patients Are Paying With Their Lives

Over 260 Patients Have Died After Procedures at Surgery Centers Since 2013

No deaths found, but Indiana surgery centers are not immune from issues
Carol Blanar, executive director of the Indiana Federation of Ambulatory Surgery Centers, said the state's 131 facilities are serious about safety.
"Definitely," she said. "Our centers are very conscientious. They stick with the rules and regulations that are thrown at us."
None of the 260 deaths related to surgery center procedures since 2013 found by a USA Today Network/Kaiser Health News investigation occurred in Indiana.
The state's surgery centers, however, are not immune from issues flagged by inspectors or medical errors reported to the state.


Bodycam Video Shows North Carolina Officer Beating Black Man Accused Of Jaywalking
City officials apologized for the 2017 incident after local media shared the footage this week.

Report: Muslims Were Attacked At Least 950 Times In Germany In 2017 - Reuters
The ministry said 33 people were injured in the attacks, of which 60 were directed against mosques.

Since Sandy Hook, More NRA-Backed Gun Legislation Has Passed Than Laws To Restrict Guns
Hundreds of new state gun laws have passed in the five years since the Newtown massacre, and most expand access.

Vietnamese Refugees Are Suing ICE For Unlawful, Prolonged Detention
“By detaining refugees without due process, ICE is acting illegally and arbitrarily, a hallmark of authoritarian regimes similar to the one in Vietnam.”

Scott Pruitt Just Gutted Rules To Fight The Nation’s ‘Second Biggest Toxic Pollution Threat’
The EPA’s announcement didn’t even mention the risks coal ash poses to human health.

‘Princess Complicit’ Ivanka Trump Skewered Over Women’s History Month Tweet
“Are you in a parallel universe from your father? Have you been alert and aware of anything he’s done in the last 25 years when it comes to women?”

Puerto Ricans Are Americans, But That Doesn’t Matter To The U.S.

How Tax Cuts Led To West Virginia’s Massive Teacher Strike
It turns out it’s tough to give teachers raises when you slash taxes for a decade.

New Tax Law Benefiting Shareholders More Than Workers So Far
At least according to the metrics politicians have chosen.
WASHINGTON - Since President Donald Trump signed the Republican tax bill in December, hundreds of retail companies have announced employee bonuses totaling more than $3 billion, which Republicans have said proves them right that the new law benefits regular Americans.
But so far, companies have thrown a lot more money at their shareholders than at their workers. According to several estimates, firms have announced roughly $200 billion worth of stock buybacks this year, inflating the value of company shares by reducing their supply.

Lawmakers Seek Investigation Of Al Jazeera Amid Israel Documentary Controversy
The channel secretly filmed lawmakers and activists in the pro-Israel community for months in 2016 and promised last year that it would release its documentary soon.
WASHINGTON - At least 14 members of the House want Attorney General Jeff Sessions to investigate the Al Jazeera media network, a colossus that reaches more than 300 million people and is funded by the government of Qatar.
The request, in a letter being finalized this week and shared exclusively with HuffPost, comes amid a controversy over Al Jazeera’s filming of a documentary on the pro-Israel lobbying community in the U.S. The network used an undercover operative to secure months of footage in 2016, revealing private interactions with various advocacy groups, lawmakers and officials. But despite promising to release the film last year after British regulators OK’d a similar project in the U.K., Al Jazeera has yet to publish the documentary.

Can Narcissists Actually Change Their Ways? We Asked The Experts.
It isn’t easy, but it’s possible.

Trump’s Tariff Tirade Makes More Sense After You Watch ‘Mean Girls’
That explains everything!

‘Hamilton Polka’ Is A Gift From Weird Al To The Whole World ( )
This collaboration just feels right.

This Swedish Indoor Urban Farm Wants To Revolutionize How We Live And Eat
But people can’t live on microgreens and exotic salads alone.

Russian banker said he met Trump through NRA
The Russian banker under scrutiny for money transfers to the National Rifle Association said the organization helped him meet President Trump.
Alexander Torshin, a deputy head of Russia’s central bank, is one of his country's strongest supporters of the NRA, even hosting dinners for an American delegation that came to Moscow in 2015.
A report earlier this year said federal investigators were looking into whether his payments to the group were funneled towards Trump’s election as part of what Fusion GPS investigator Glenn Simpson said was a “very concerted effort” by Russian officials to get in with the gun lobby.
Further digging by NPR into Torshin's prolific Twitter use found that he also mentioned in December 2015 that he knew the then-candidate.
Responding to a tweet from a Russian journalist about Larry David saying Trump is racist, Torshin said “comics should make people laugh! Right? There he is trying! I know D. Trump (through NRA). A decent person.”
Torshin had said earlier that year that he saw Trump, who denies meeting Torshin, in Nashville, where the NRA convention was held in 2015, and that he has “traditional family values.”
Other tweets show Torshin, a lifetime member of the NRA who met with Donald Trump Jr. in 2016, talking about meeting top officials in the group including during the late 2015 Moscow trip that included Trump-supporter Sheriff David Clarke.
It is not illegal for foreigners such as Torshin to be part of the NRA or for them to give funds to the group, though it would break federal law if the NRA used those funds for election purposes.
The NRA, currently under pressure for opposing even moderate gun reforms such as raising the age to buy an assault rifle, spent $55 million on the 2016 election, including $30 million for Trump.
Torshin has previously been accused of financial wrongdoing by Spanish officials who said he helped launder money for the Russian mob on the resort island of Mallorca.
Trump posted on Twitter Thursday that he had a “good (great) meeting” with the NRA, though he has said after the Parkland school massacre that he would support modest gun control measures such as raising the minimum age to be an assault rifle, which is opposed by the lobby.

Depth Of Russian Politician's Cultivation Of NRA Ties Revealed
A prominent Kremlin-linked Russian politician has methodically cultivated ties with leaders of the National Rifle Association and documented efforts in real time over six years to leverage those connections and gain deeper access into American politics, NPR has learned.
Russian politician Alexander Torshin said his ties to the NRA provided him access to Donald Trump — and the opportunity to serve as a foreign election observer in the United States during the 2012 election.
Torshin is a prolific Twitter user, logging nearly 150,000 tweets, mostly in Russian, since his account was created in 2011. Previously obscured by language and sheer volume of tweets, Torshin has written numerous times about his connections with the NRA, of which he is a known paid lifetime member. NPR has translated a selection of those posts that document Torshin's relationship to the group.


Better gun laws could save thousands of lives, major non-partisan US study finds
Authors say research into assault weapons ban, universal background checks, and other proposals helps fill gaps in ‘a fact-free environment’
Gun Policy in America

Oil Was Central in Decision to Shrink Bears Ears Monument, Emails Show - All In Thing 1/Thing 2 3-2-18

A Week of Policy Surprises Leaves Even Trump’s Supporters Confused

Sarah Huckabee Sanders clarifies: Trump said lots of stuff this week he may not mean

Who Wants To Arm Teachers? Republican Men

Trump Suggests Executing Drug Dealers to Solve Opioid Crisis

Here’s what we know about the links between video games and violence


Putin Flaunted Five Powerful Weapons. Are They a Threat?

Despite Putin’s Rhetoric, Much of Russian Arms Technology Isn’t New
The country has poured billions into its defense sector, but the Kremlin appears to have little interest in an arms race with Washington

A speech by Putin heats up a global arms race in hypersonic weapons
Astonishingly fast and hard to detect or stop, hypersonics could pose a new threat to superpower security

Putin tells U.S. to send evidence of vote meddling

Vladimir Putin made an absurd argument for why he can't respond to accusations of Russian election interference
Russian President Vladimir Putin said during an interview with NBC's Megyn Kelly that he would not be able to respond to the US's accusations of Russian election interference if the underlying conduct did not violate Russian law.
The US intelligence community concluded last year that Russia-linked actors interfered in the 2016 US election on specific orders from Putin.
When Kelly pressed him about the different facets of Russia's meddling and the recent indictment of over a dozen Russian nationals and three Russian entities, Putin said the request had to move through "official channels" and not through the press or "yelling and hollering" in Congress.
President Donald Trump, who has been reluctant to confront Russia over its aggression, has not publicly commented on whether he will pressure Putin to deliver the defendants.


Trump Pushes Republicans in Congress to Oppose Funding Hudson Rail Tunnel

Trump urged Ryan not to fund NY-NJ tunnel project: report

Gateway Tunnel Requires Committed Cash, Chao Tells Senators

Report: Chao backs away from Hudson tunnel funding plan


Ex-CIA Boss Brennan Rattled About National Security After Trump’s Alec Baldwin Tweet
After Putin’s boast about nuclear missiles, the former director said he was chilled by Trump’s priorities: “This is surreal.”

Steven Mnuchin Doesn’t Want People To See Video Of His Heckled UCLA Talk
( )
Police arrested three people at the speech — and, yes, it was caught on film.

Mnuchin, Dogged By Protesters, Doesn’t Want Video Posted
Treasury secretary says he typically talks to ‘people who wanna listen to me speak’

Listen to the full interview: Treasury Secretary Mnuchin at UCLA

Treasury Secretary Mnuchin says he feels obligated to help the middle class

Leaked Emails Appear To Show A Top Trump Fundraiser Abusing His Power
The messages suggest that Elliott Broidy tried to use his influence with the Trump administration for personal gain.
Emails and documents an anonymous group leaked to HuffPost this week appear to show a Los Angeles lawyer asking for more than $80 million to scuttle a Department of Justice investigation into a multibillion-dollar scandal involving Van Gogh paintings, the movie “The Wolf of Wall Street,” the prime minister of Malaysia — and the lawyer’s husband, a Republican National Committee deputy finance chair Elliott Broidy, trying to use his influence with the Trump administration to help.

There’s Nothing ‘Pro-Life’ About Georgia’s Anti-Gay Adoption Bill

Syrians Fight For Survival Amid Assad’s Poison Gas Warfare
In Syria’s Ghouta region, attacks continue even after a United Nations ceasefire.

Report: Donald Trump misled the public about freeing UCLA basketball players

Inside the international incident that rocked UCLA's season

Report: Donald Trump Intervened on Behalf of UCLA Shoplifters After the Case Had Been Resolved

New timeline of UCLA's incident in China contradicts comments made by Trump, others


Antarctic sea ice shrinks to second lowest minimum

Antarctic sea ice shrinks for second-straight year

Antarctic sea ice shrinks radically, again
The sea ice surrounding Antarctica shrunk to 2.15 million square kilometres in 2018, the second lowest level on record.

Antarctica sea ice cover declines to second-lowest on record
Last year also saw near record-lows for the wintertime maximum sea ice cover, at 18.05 million square kilometers.

As Antarctic Sea Ice Levels Hit Record Lows, Climatologists Warn of Rapidly Rising Oceans

Sea Ice Levels In Antarctica Reach Dangerously Low Levels


Poo Stains Seen From Space Lead to Discovery of Massive Penguin ‘Supercolony’

Previously Unknown "Supercolony" of Adelie Penguins Discovered in Antarctica

Penguin super-colony spotted from space
Scientists have stumbled across a huge group of previously unknown Adélie penguins on the most northerly point of the Antarctic Peninsula.

Poop Stains Lead Researchers to Hidden 'Supercolony' of 1.5 Million Penguins


Bacteria Is Why The Space Tesla Could Really Mess Up A Planet (If It Ever Hits A Planet)

Tesla in space can take bacteria from Earth



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01/01/19 12:58 AM

#297099 RE: F6 #277833

The Future of Crime-Fighting Is Family Tree Forensics

"A Message to Trump: Fund Background Checks and Public Health Research on Guns—Don’t Arm Teachers"

Author: Megan MolteniMegan Molteni
science 12.26.18 08:00 am

Former police officer Joseph James DeAngelo, accused of being the Golden
State Killer, stands in a Sacramento, Calif., jail court on May 29, 2018,
as a judge weighs how much information to release about his arrest.
DeAngelo is suspected in at least a dozen killings and roughly 50 rapes in
the 1970s and '80s.
Paul Kitagaki Jr./AP

In April, a citizen scientist named Barbara Rae-Venter used a little-known genealogy website called GEDMatch .. .. to help investigators find a man they’d been looking for for nearly 40 years: The Golden State Killer .. . In the months since, law enforcement agencies across the country have flocked to the technique, arresting a flurry of more than 20 people tied to some of the most notorious cold cases of the last five decades. Far from being a forensic anomaly, genetic genealogy is quickly on its way to becoming a routine police procedure. At least one company has begun offering a full-service genetic genealogy shop to law enforcement clients. And Rae-Venter’s skills are in such high demand that she’s started teaching her secrets to some of the biggest police forces in the US, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Identifying individuals from their distant genetic relatives, a technique called long-range familial searching, is a potent alternative to the types of DNA searches commonly available to cops .. . Those are typically limited to forensic databases, which can only identify close kin—a sibling, parent, or child—and are highly regulated. No court order is required to mine GEDMatch’s open source trove of potential leads, which, unlike forensic databases, contains genetic bits of code that can be tied to health data .. .. and other personally identifiable information.

More -

Posted specifically to, in "stashed March 1, 2018:"

What This Unprecedented 13-Million-Person Family Tree Reveals
For starters, the new tree calls into question a prevailing theory for why people stopped marrying close relatives.

Thirteen million degrees of Kevin Bacon: World's largest family tree shines light on life span, who marries whom

Crowdsourced family tree yields new insights about humanity

13 million people tracked over 300 years to build massive human family tree
Geneticists built a family tree linking millions of people across 300 years.

The 'Genome Hacker' Who Mapped a 13-Million-Person Family Tree
Huge crowdsourced genealogy databases are inspiring new genetics research.

When Did Americans Stop Marrying Their Cousins? Ask the World’s Largest Family Tree
Researchers assembled 5 million family trees using data from the website to test several genetic and historical hypotheses.

The 13 Million People in Your Family Tree
The effort captures 11 generations, based on 86 million public profiles from an online genealogy service
