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03/21/18 9:37 AM

#5703 RE: back2basics #5690

You are so right about that. Had the greedy ass King of England had so much as a pea brain he would have allowed the colonies to print their own money. Then following the revolution the Tories eventually got it all back by creating the private controlled central bank which eventually became the "Federal" Reserve and of course they had to throw in the Internal Revenue creation on top of it.

If Trump remains strong and in control I think we may very well see the end of such a system run by the Banksters. Hope I hope I hope.
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crazy horse 0

03/21/18 10:34 AM

#5708 RE: back2basics #5690

Help protect pro-life doctors

Earlier this year President Donald Trump’s administration established a new division under the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). This new division, the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division, was established to restore the enforcement of federal laws protecting religious freedom and rights of conscience.

Through this new division, the Department has issued a proposed regulation to enforce the protection of religious freedom that President Obama’s administration shockingly ignored and violated. For example, Obama failed to enforce federal laws protecting the rights of conscience and religious liberty of those in California and Washington whose states mandated abortion coverage.
Tell the HHS you support the proposed regulation.

This new action will provide “conscience-based protections for individuals and entities with objections to [abortion] based on religious belief and moral convictions.”

As part of the process of establishing new regulations like this, HHS provides an opportunity for public comment on proposed regulation. Pro-abortion groups are lashing out against the proposed rule because they want your tax dollars to be used to force Christian health care workers to perform and participate in abortion.

HHS needs to hear the truth about life and religious liberty from you. I urge you to share this message with friends and family via email and social media to help ‘button up’ the years of Obama-era, anti-life violations.

The director for the Office of Civil Rights at HHS, Roger Severino, recently issued a refreshing statement about religious liberty. He said, “Conscience protection is a civil right guaranteed by laws that too often haven’t been enforced. Today’s proposed rule will provide our new Conscience and Religious Freedom Division with enforcement tools that will make sure our conscience laws are not empty words on paper, but guarantees of justice to victims of unlawful discrimination.”

Health care professionals and churches purchasing health insurance should not be forced to participate in abortions.
Send a message of thanks to the HHS for standing for religious liberty and urge them stay the course.

RELATED ARTICLE: 7 Key Exchanges as Supreme Court Hears Case of Pregnancy Centers Forced to Promote Abortion

EDITORS NOTE: If the American Family Association mission resonates with you, please consider supporting our work financially with a tax-deductible donation. The easiest way to do that is through online giving. It is easy to use, and most of all, it is secure.