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03/20/18 7:13 PM

#64666 RE: humbleboss #64663

I agree if the bid sizes stay high like it has been for the rest of the week we're going to have an incredible run next week. But we won't know how bullish this run will be til we hit the 002s and see the volume there. The bid for LDSR during its pullback at 0025 was one of the most beautiful things I've ever watched on Ameritrade. If you can sell over 10M shares at once for bid price on a stock you think has nice potential and has been trading like AHIX has this week there's a big chance you'll regret it at these prices IMO. Was a part of LDSR and ANDI, sold ANDI due to pull back missing out on a lot but that experience is what kept me 100% during LDSRs pullback. I only say don't compare due to the number of sketchy boards that do the same thing, almost every subpenny board at the moment. Thanks for monitoring the board, don't know what I'd do without IHUB. Let's ride