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03/20/18 3:18 PM

#277816 RE: F6 #277815

Oops, and - Columbine and Virginia Tech -- occurred despite the presence of armed police. Columbine had an armed school resource officer, while the morning of the shooting at Virginia Tech, five officers plus the police chief were present on campus. In both shootings, the killers were well-aware of armed officers on their campuses.

Similarly to adding security officers, many schools have ramped up access control measures, such as locking doors, requiring visitors to sign in and ID badges.

However, Jonson found that no study examined the effect of implementing these measures on a school shooting.

From - How do we prevent school shootings?
By Amy Sherman on Thursday, February 15th, 2018 at 4:28 p.m.

OOPS, i forgot that presence in all those cases. So bottom line, as all sensible
people acknowledge, it's a long-term culture, so attitude, and gun access problem.

And Trump is, as per form, just shooting his mouth off about stuff he knows nothing about, and worse has never cared much about through his whole adult life.