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03/20/18 3:01 PM

#31293 RE: abcd12 #31288

See now I appreciate this entirely. I like hearing you thoughts and understandings on this. Helps me see things in a different light, different viewpoint. You I have found can have a real discussion and make a real effort to not only state your opinion but back it up.
To me that is worth its weight in gold. I consider you a real asset to this board. I may not agree with all of your thoughts, but respect them nonetheless.
My frustration wasn't/isn;t with a remand timeline being ignored, but the fact we had 6 months plus of talk leading up to Orals, and remand was not brought up by hardly anyone at all. Then the Judges specifically brought it up and in my opinion focused on it as a real possible outcome.
The remand as we both know is going to be speculation on mine, yours, or anyone else's judgements, but even speculating you back it up as to why you think the way you do.