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03/20/18 11:31 AM

#5468 RE: fsulevine #5466

Okay yes I see that thank you. However I'm almost certain that does not include service contracts as I mentioned. It does include Awards as I see. So once we actually put the Long Island projects on paper has done deals which should be by the end of the summer. The South Korea project should also be commissioned and have a service contract to go into backlog. Along with what I believe is two or three other projects in progress that will have service contracts that go into backlog. Either way with anything over 1.6 billion and backlog that's a lot more than our market cap right now. Don't know how the stock can't at least double or doesn't at least double based on having over 1.6 billion in backlog. I apologize for any misinformation but I'm almost certain the service contracts are as I mentioned. And we should have another South Korea project award by the end of summer 2 which is at least another 45 million according to what we've been told.
Bloom IPO is projected for May or by may. That means they obviously think this is a good time for the fuel cell industry and for them to get a good price on their IPO. As of right now I believe the only people watching these stocks are people that were watching these stocks in the first place or people that are in the energy sector specifically. But I think with the market volatility people are going to start looking more 4 stocks they think are going to prosper throughout the year. Hands more publicity and attention for fuel cells. I think we are in a very good spot right now. And I think there's going to be many more investors that understand that within the next 3 to 6 months. I expect massive growth between now and of the summer of 2019. I'm still looking for $10 a share by next march ??